Friday, January 8, 2010

What I "Get To Do."

Ahhhh. Stretchhhh. Good morning Friday. I walk downstairs with the dogs to start our day. I walk in the dark living room, find the waiting thermostat. Turn the dial to 70 degrees to get this place feeling comfortable again. Walk in the kitchen, turn on the Jura Capressa coffee machine and let that baby warm up. Turn on the TV and hit pause. I don't want to miss the 6:00 am news. Open the family room blinds and curtains. Time to take the dogs out. This whole daily routine takes less than 5 minutes. I get my warm winter coat on and get Barclay leashed. I open the wooden front door and.....Oh my God. It's Snow Globe again. Someone must have picked up the snow globe again and gave it a good shake. My front porch and Christmas greenery are gracefully covered with mounds of new snow. All the shoveling yesterday was for naught. A new 6 inch blanket of fine light snow had fallen during the quiet night. It's a winter wonderland again. You hear the sounds, shovel against sidewalk. Shovel, shovel, shovel. The air is fresh and clear. It would be a great day to run outside if not for the deep snow. This is what life is like in the Snow Globe, busy.

After my morning snow shovel workout I get to have my cup of hot black coffee. Then I start thinking about what I, "Get To Do Today." Not what I, "have to do." I am grateful for all the things I get to do. Today I get to enjoy the day. Today I get to enjoy my career. Today I get to enjoy my wife and dogs. Today I get to take a swim lesson. Today I get to maybe run on the treadmill. How lucky are we to have things that we, "get to do?" Later I get to have pizza.

Yesterday was an off day from running. Instead I worked on triathlon training. I went to X Sport Fitness and swam a continuous 3000 yards or 1.7 miles in 1:13:00. I felt pretty strong at the end. I am really looking forward to my swim lesson this afternoon. I figure since I am going to be putting in lots of time in the pool I may as well learn to be as efficient as possible. I also rode my bike on the cycleops trainer for about 40 minutes and covered 10 miles. All in all, training is coming along nicely.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction

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