Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Workin It

Good morning. Wow, another bright sunny day. A bit cold though. But, I will give up a few degrees for some sunshine any day during the winter. The temperature is around 10 degrees with a bit of breeze making the wind chill temp near 0 or less. I will still run outside this morning and again later this evening on the treadmill. Hal's 12 week plan calls for a 5 mile tempo run today. I will make it 8 miles. Later today I will get on the mill and do some easy hill training for 4 miles.

Yesterday was devoted to triathlon training. I started off with swimming. I found a very useful swimming related web-site that will give you free workout ideas based on your ability. The site is: So, I signed up, put in some recent swim test results and out popped the plan. My workout ended up being about 1800 yards consisting of: 1x500 fr warmup/ even pace, 2x25 single arm, 6 left, 6 right, 6 full stroke, 2x25 fr catch up.

Core Workout: 10x100 freestyle swim. Target time 1:50/100 yd, rest 0:20, aerobic workout.

The core workout was tough. Even though most of my 100 yard segments timed in at 1:55 to 2:00 I think it is a bit aggressive at this point. I will have to input more accurate data at swimplan and see what workout that produces. During this workout I had to rest more than 20 seconds to recover. More like a minute. This is a work in progress.

Later in the day I got on my bike in the basement which is connected to the cycleops trainer and trained for 10 miles in 36 minutes. Just building my saddle time getting the butt used to the seat. It's coming along well. I will schedule an expert bike fitting at get a grip cycles to make sure I am riding in the most efficient position.

Good day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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