Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rose Colored Glasses

Looking out east from my perch I see gray. It is like I am looking through heavily tinted gray polarized lenses. But, the wind is still. Barclay sits at attention looking outside as if he is awaiting something, patiently. Chico is on my lap along with my laptop. The coffee is great and the lighting dim. I enjoy soft lighting. I believe in setting my own atmosphere, ambiance. That's why my favorite sunglass lense color is rose. Seeing life through rose colored glasses helps one deal with the elements of life. Whenever I put on those rose colored lenses every cloudy day has a little bit of sunshine. A tint of hope, of good things to come.

Yesterday was an off day from running. I have dubbed Mondays as Tri Monday. This applies to Fridays as well. What do I do on Tri Monday? I swim and bike.

Yesterday was a different pool workout for me. I am reading and learning new workouts. It was a time trial of sorts. Basically, it was swimming repeats.

5 X 300 yds. Five sets of 300 yards each for a total of 1500 yds. Each set or time trial averaged approximately 6 minutes 30 seconds or 00:06:30, this will be my benchmark to test against later.

I also biked for 50 minutes and peddled 13.1 miles. I want to slowly increase my time in the saddle.

I have signed up for a swimming lesson on Friday, Jan 8 with the Blue Dolphins. I figure since I am going to be putting in substantial swim time I might as well make sure I am using proper technique and also maximize my improvement.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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