Thursday, January 21, 2010

Helping Others, A Snowball Effect

Good morning. It is really amazing watching the fund raising efforts for Haiti. It's happening in Chicago and I am sure, all over the country and the World. It feels good to donate and help in my small way. As only one person, a donation can seem insignificant. But, as a coming together of thousand or millions of people across the globe, small donations can snowball and become a true changing force to really help those who need it most. Some companies will even match, dollar for dollar in the fund raising effort.

I hope these efforts by all of us will greatly help those in Haiti. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we work together, "as one." Human compassion really does not have boundaries. We enjoy generosity. We feel good when we help others. In a way, it can seem selfish because we feel so good. As good as it makes us feel, just imagine how good it makes the recipients feel that the World cares about them.

Yesterday, I decided to run two times. A double session. I am training for those Boston hills. I actually made an adjustment to my treadmill so I can use it to run declines as well as inclines. I found a straight 2x4 and cut it in half, nailed it together, lifted the back of the treadmill up and placed the 2x4 lift underneath. Now the treadmill was slanted forward and need leveling. So, I got my level and place it on the running belt and pushed the incline button until the treadmill was level again. At a 5% incline the treadmill was level.

Now I can run inclines and declines at home. The declines can go as low as 5%. My morning run was 7.3 miles focusing on flat to declines. My evening run was 5.7 miles and focused on flat to incline running. All in all 13 miles of up and down running at various speeds. I really like the change to the treadmill. It is very solid.

I have a good foundation. Upon this foundation I will place brick after brick after brick. Today will be very full day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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