Friday, January 22, 2010

Doubles For Boston

Up early this morning. One of my beloved dogs was not feeling well and had to go outside at 4:30. No big deal. He's worth it. So, outside we went for him to eat grass and do his business. The things we do for love. I stayed up and decided to enjoy the quiet of the early morning. I have my place in the worn brown leather chair. Not much to see outside since it is very dark. The black coffee is terrific and Chico the Chihuahua is curled on my lap with his forehead against the lap top.

The last couple days my running workouts have ramped up. I've decided to add double runs to my routine. This will increase my weekly mileage or allow me to fit in an easy day without sacrificing mileage. Plus, in effect, this changes things up again which is always good for the mental and physical well being.

I continue to read and learn more about swimming. The more I read the more I believe that swimming is an art. Did you know that really good swimmers perceive that they are pulling themselves over/across the water, not moving the water. Kind of like climbing a hanging rope. The rope does not move as you climb it. Interesting!

Yesterday was another double run day. My morning workout was 8 miles on my treadmill. I worked on inclines and declines again. The 8 miles took about 1:08 and the inclines got up to 6% @ 6 miles an hour and declines were as low as 5% @ 8.5 mph.

For my lunch break I went to X Sport Fitness to work on swimming. I swam 1250 yards and worked on my technique and breathing from both sides. I am feeling much better balance and breathing is less labored. One other area that really needs work is my kicking. Moving your arms and kicking is like tapping your head with one hand and moving the other hand around in circles on your stomach at the same time. You have to coordinate this movement and let it get ingrained. I found a web-site, which has some good video and drills. I love watching these people swim. That's me in a couple years.

In the early evening I ran 4 more mile at an easy 9:30 mile pace.

All in all a very nice full exercise day. Today, no running. More swimming and maybe bike training. Saturday I may finally do a 20 miler.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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