Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Dream 2010..Posibilities

Good morning World. Are you ready for me today?

Amazing how fast January went. Monday is the start of a new month and also the first day to register for the Chicago Marathon. I will register even though my schedule is not quite settled yet. A few things need to iron out before I can honestly know what running races I will be running in. I say, "running in," because I may sign up for a race not knowing if I'll be able to participate. This is mainly due to scheduling conflicts with Triathlon events.

I know for sure that I will: Run Boston on April 19. If I do well in Boston with a time 3:30 or under I may sign up for NYC Marathon in November. I would run Chicago in October first and perhaps run NY a few weeks later. NY would have to be run for the experience only since I will have recently gave my all in Chicago. Now, all of this could change if I am lucky enough to get my lottery spot in the Ford Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI on October 9. This would take precedence over anything else. I would do the Ironman and then maybe NY. Whatever happens, it all sounds like fun. Another variable is that if I do not get the lottery spot for Kona I may want to sign up for a different full Ironman. Namely, Ford Ironman WI on Sept 12 or Ford Ironman Cozumel on Nov 28. You get the picture? Time will tell.

My perfect marathon running year: Boston, Chicago, NY.

My perfect marathon running and triathlon year: Boston Marathon, Bigfoot Triathlon (Olympic), Ironman Racine 70.3, Chicago Triathlon, Ironman World Championships, NY Marathon.

It should be an exciting year.

Yesterday was a day off from running. Friday's are, "Tridays." I went to the X Sport Fitness pool and had an excellent swim workout. You have not read about me having trouble with breathing lately, have you? That's because there are no more troubles. My balance is good, my breathing is much much better and the endurance and speed continue to develop.

I started the swim workout with a 500 yard warm up. But, as I swam, I felt so good that I kept going and completed 1500 yards. One thing I noticed is that I am much more relaxed as I swim. My arms and legs seem to become supple and flow with the water. After this long warm up swim I worked on drills. Namely, 6x50 working on weak side breathing and then 10x50 bi-lateral breathing. The total swim was 2300 yards and took about 55 minutes including small breaks.Everything is clicking. It's really improving and I'm excited about it.

Later in the day I got on my bike in the basement which is on the cycleops trainer and went 15 miles. This gets easier every time I get on the bike. The workout lasted one hour. I did not push it at all. Just kept a nice easy 15 mph pace. As I worked out I watched Giada and the Barefoot Contessa. Got some good ideas.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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