Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Enjoy The Journey of Life

Sometimes as I slowly wake up from a good nights sleep, enjoying the start of my day, drinking coffee and watching the eastern sky brighten, I organize my thoughts. I think of what needs to be done and what I want to do. Those are conflicting responsibilities many times. What would we do without resposibilities? I really believe that people in general enjoy being busy with responsibilities.

In my 26 year career as a financial consultant I have helped and seen many clients reach a successful retirement. They planned for this ultimate destination. The funny thing is, once many of them get there, they don't stay there. They thirst for responsibilities again. They find that they enjoyed their old routines and challenges. They do not want to get stale and just sit there. They want to feel useful and important again.

Of course this does not apply to everyone. Why am I writing this? I do not know. I had no idea what I was going to say this morning. I am just letting my fingers walk on the keyboard. It's funny how thoughts get recorded by your fingers.

I think what I am saying is, "Enjoy the Journey of Life." It's one thing to reach retirement. It's another thing to enjoy the journey to that point. And, after that, another journey will take it's place. Whatever you do, try to enjoy the journey you are on. Appreciate what you see and do along the way.

Yesterday I decided to swim. I worked on my mechanics and technique. How hard can it be to breathe? I will work on this forever if I have to. I will learn all there is to learn about swimming. I will take more lessons. I will start over as if I were a kid again, if need be. I will be a spunge and soak up as much knowledge about swimming as possible. The more I read about it the more I realize how little I know. I want to "catch the water."

I swam 2000 yards in about an hour. I basically did 8 sets of 250 yards working on stuff.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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