Monday, January 4, 2010

Have a Great Week

Another day in Chicago where you have to create your own warmth and your own sunshine. At least the days are getting longer again. Before you know it spring will be here. I look forward to breaking winter up a few times with warm weather vacations sprinkled in. Also, it is nice to focus on Boston training and also looking forward to other races and triathlons. It gives winter a purpose. Today is a running off day. Monday's are devoted to tri training with swimming and biking.

Yesterday I decided to stay inside and do the elliptical in the morning for 7 miles in 55 minutes. Later in the day I hopped on the treadmill for a short run dedicated to hill work. I ran 4.2 miles at various speeds and inclines. Got to be able to climb those hills in Boston.

Week in Review:

Running: 45 miles

Elliptical: 7 miles

Biking: 17 miles

Swimming: 1.4 miles

Total weekly miles: 70.4

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction


  1. Nice week!

    I am counting down the days until warm weather. :)

    So, what's the deal with Eric from the Biggest Loser? Did he gain and lose the weight again?

  2. Hi Tea, if Eric is the one I'm thinking of, yes. I could not believe that he let himself go like that again. He also competed in the 2009 IM World Championships in Kona. I am not sure how he got in. But, he never made the final finishing standard. I am disappointed in him. I know it's common to gain some weight back but not all of it. He must have some issues to resolve.
