Saturday, January 23, 2010

Be A Kid Again

Good Saturday morning. Another week has flown by, and a successful week it was. Success at work, home and at play. And, that reminds me. I am almost 50 years old. Fifty years old.

I remember when I was younger, I would look at someone who was 50 and think they were really old. I would wonder how decrepit their bodies must be. I even asked a guy I knew well, he was 20 years older than I, what his sex life was like. Did all the plumming still work? I was worried. He assured me it still worked.

I remember playing golf a couple years ago at Winnetka Golf Club. Our foresome was walking down the fairway talking about whatever, life. I looked at the "older man" I was conversing with, he looked beat up and tired. Then, in a flash my mind shook me and brought me back to reality and reminded me that he was only 2 years older than me. I thought, wow. Why is he so much more serious than I? He seemed so much more mature. Not in a good way. Perhaps way to serious and mature.

Then I wondered how people perceived me. Do I look and act like I am 50? Do I seem "old?" The answer was easy. Hell no! I honestly feel like I am 30 years old. My mind and body are not stale. I'm in the best shape of my life, physically and mentally. I am like a kid in the candy store of life. Learning and evolving. Becomming better each day. I am in my prime right now.

One must have fun along this journey of life. Stay young. Stay goofy and playful. Get fit. Enjoy your family and friends. Don't be so serious all the time. It's ok!

Yesterday I went for my swim workout as Friday's are Tri Days. I started out with some basic swimming, working on breathing from both sides and kicking. This lasted for about 1000 yards. During this process I was getting frustrated with my breathing again. But, my balance is much better. I took a short break and watched some of the other swimmers and noticed their form and breathing patterns. I decided that I had had enough of working on my breathing and just decided to swim. I would breath every stroke if I needed to and then go for several strokes without coming up for air. Balance was good. I found a way to exhale that seemed to allow me to inhale better. Before, I would exhale mostly underwater and then turn my head to inhale. Now, I save part of my exhale for above the water and this seemed to be more like normal breathing. A quick forceful exhale/inhale. I was getting more air this way. Yeah!!

So, I ended up swimming 3000 yards in 1:20:00. I have to admit, I was tired after this swim workout. As I swam I really appreciated how my muscles were working. It truely is an all body workout. Even my legs felt wobbly.

Now, I "get" to run 20 miles this morning in my preparation for Boston.

Edited by Silentrunner 1/23/2010 6:58 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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