Sunday, January 31, 2010

No Speed Limit..Yet

Good morning. Peering out my east facing sliding glass door it Looks like a "sunny" cold Sunday. The blackness of the sky is slowly turning teal green with no clouds in site. Twenty degrees with Sun feels warm. Especially when running. Looking forward to a 10-11 miler with my wife this morning.

Yesterday was a marathon pace, MP, run. What is my MP for Boston? I don't know yet. Why set limits on myself? I know my minimum pace is 8:00. When I started this run I decided to pace myself based on perceived exertion, with a minimum pace of 8:00 minute miles.

After the first mile the games began. I easily hit 8:00 and felt terrific. I actively monitored the Garmin today. Soon I had gone well below my original pace target. I was cruising. How low should I let my body go? I said, "listen to your body." My running was smooth and almost effortless. Should it be, 7:50, 7:40, 7:30? I was hitting paces that have, all of a sudden, become very comfortable. A few days ago during my LT tempo run this 7:30 pace was hard. Not today. In fact, my legs wanted to go even faster. I also felt like my lungs were taking in much more oxygen. Deep, deep breaths fed them. My heart rate seemed low. This is only the first official Boston training week. I may surprise myself. I truely believe I've entered another new dimension, again.

The data below is from my last LT tempo run on Thursday and yesterday's MP run. Aside from the pace info take a look at the average and max heart rate data. Very interesting. What has me really excited is not running these paces. But, running these paces with less effort and with a low heart rate.

Thursday LT Run

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:07 1 230 210 9:07 7:09 145 175 0 29
2 0:07:49 1 98 95 7:49 5:24 135 148 0 89
3 0:07:13 1 75 52 7:13 4:51 150 155 0 89
4 0:06:57 1 112 79 6:57 5:02 155 160 0 87
5 0:07:25 1 98 121 7:25 5:27 154 159 0 93
6 0:07:33 1 79 89 7:33 6:22 155 159 0 94
7 0:07:27 1 112 128 7:27 5:56 153 160 0 93
8 0:07:40 1 20 69 7:40 6:58 157 159 0 96
9 0:00:31 0.07 0 0 7:33 7:10 157 158 0 7
Summary 1:01:45 8.07 820 846 7:39 4:51 150 175 0 677

Saturday MP Run

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:34 1 23 164 8:34 7:10 124 136 0 84
2 0:07:54 1 56 85 7:54 5:45 135 151 0 88
3 0:07:39 1 72 66 7:39 5:58 145 155 0 90
4 0:07:34 1 52 105 7:34 5:41 149 152 0 90
5 0:07:27 1 79 108 7:27 5:54 150 154 0 91
6 0:07:32 1 85 59 7:32 5:58 149 152 0 86
7 0:07:29 1 62 92 7:29 5:39 148 154 0 88
8 0:07:18 1 43 20 7:18 6:44 155 158 0 91
9 0:00:34 0.08 0 3 7:08 6:47 157 158 0 8
Summary 1:02:04 8.08 476 702 7:40 5:39 144 158 0 716

Thursday: 8.07 miles, Avg pace 7:39, avg hr 150

Saturday: 8.08 miles, Avg pace 7:40, avg hr 144

I could have really gone low yesterday. It would have been a great day to run a 1/2 marathon race. The sky's the limit.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Dream 2010..Posibilities

Good morning World. Are you ready for me today?

Amazing how fast January went. Monday is the start of a new month and also the first day to register for the Chicago Marathon. I will register even though my schedule is not quite settled yet. A few things need to iron out before I can honestly know what running races I will be running in. I say, "running in," because I may sign up for a race not knowing if I'll be able to participate. This is mainly due to scheduling conflicts with Triathlon events.

I know for sure that I will: Run Boston on April 19. If I do well in Boston with a time 3:30 or under I may sign up for NYC Marathon in November. I would run Chicago in October first and perhaps run NY a few weeks later. NY would have to be run for the experience only since I will have recently gave my all in Chicago. Now, all of this could change if I am lucky enough to get my lottery spot in the Ford Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI on October 9. This would take precedence over anything else. I would do the Ironman and then maybe NY. Whatever happens, it all sounds like fun. Another variable is that if I do not get the lottery spot for Kona I may want to sign up for a different full Ironman. Namely, Ford Ironman WI on Sept 12 or Ford Ironman Cozumel on Nov 28. You get the picture? Time will tell.

My perfect marathon running year: Boston, Chicago, NY.

My perfect marathon running and triathlon year: Boston Marathon, Bigfoot Triathlon (Olympic), Ironman Racine 70.3, Chicago Triathlon, Ironman World Championships, NY Marathon.

It should be an exciting year.

Yesterday was a day off from running. Friday's are, "Tridays." I went to the X Sport Fitness pool and had an excellent swim workout. You have not read about me having trouble with breathing lately, have you? That's because there are no more troubles. My balance is good, my breathing is much much better and the endurance and speed continue to develop.

I started the swim workout with a 500 yard warm up. But, as I swam, I felt so good that I kept going and completed 1500 yards. One thing I noticed is that I am much more relaxed as I swim. My arms and legs seem to become supple and flow with the water. After this long warm up swim I worked on drills. Namely, 6x50 working on weak side breathing and then 10x50 bi-lateral breathing. The total swim was 2300 yards and took about 55 minutes including small breaks.Everything is clicking. It's really improving and I'm excited about it.

Later in the day I got on my bike in the basement which is on the cycleops trainer and went 15 miles. This gets easier every time I get on the bike. The workout lasted one hour. I did not push it at all. Just kept a nice easy 15 mph pace. As I worked out I watched Giada and the Barefoot Contessa. Got some good ideas.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Friday, January 29, 2010

Boston Training Tempo Run

Sitting in my favorite chair, facing east, enjoying coffee and the company of my dogs, I see another colorful sunrise. The sky is multicolored as night turns to day. Clouds streak past adding their own flavor to the view. Still bone chilling temps though, around 9 degrees. It's all good though. I woke up again and get to enjoy another day.

Yesterday's Boston Bound program called for a 5 mile tempo run. I decided to make it an 8 miler. It was a good tough workout and the temperature was approx. 15 degrees. The only problem is that instead of your normal tempo run it became a LT/tempo run. That's alright though. A few hours after the run my legs were a bit tired. I was planning on getting on my treadmill later in the day and running 4 miles of hill work. I changed my mind and just did a 3 mile recovery run.

Total miles yesterday: LT/Tempo 8+, Recovery 3 = 11

Today's schedule is swimming and biking. I am looking forward to tomorrows marathon pace run. I want to run Boston around 7:50-8:00 pace. We will see how that feels tomorrow. I will be disciplined and monitor my pace and will keep it around 8 or less. We will see how it goes.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:07 1 230 210 9:07 7:09 145 175 0 29
2 0:07:49 1 98 95 7:49 5:24 135 148 0 89
3 0:07:13 1 75 52 7:13 4:51 150 155 0 89
4 0:06:57 1 112 79 6:57 5:02 155 160 0 87
5 0:07:25 1 98 121 7:25 5:27 154 159 0 93
6 0:07:33 1 79 89 7:33 6:22 155 159 0 94
7 0:07:27 1 112 128 7:27 5:56 153 160 0 93
8 0:07:40 1 20 69 7:40 6:58 157 159 0 96
9 0:00:31 0.07 0 0 7:33 7:10 157 158 0 7
Summary 1:01:45 8.07 820 846 7:39 4:51 150 175 0 677

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Workin It

Good morning. Wow, another bright sunny day. A bit cold though. But, I will give up a few degrees for some sunshine any day during the winter. The temperature is around 10 degrees with a bit of breeze making the wind chill temp near 0 or less. I will still run outside this morning and again later this evening on the treadmill. Hal's 12 week plan calls for a 5 mile tempo run today. I will make it 8 miles. Later today I will get on the mill and do some easy hill training for 4 miles.

Yesterday was devoted to triathlon training. I started off with swimming. I found a very useful swimming related web-site that will give you free workout ideas based on your ability. The site is: So, I signed up, put in some recent swim test results and out popped the plan. My workout ended up being about 1800 yards consisting of: 1x500 fr warmup/ even pace, 2x25 single arm, 6 left, 6 right, 6 full stroke, 2x25 fr catch up.

Core Workout: 10x100 freestyle swim. Target time 1:50/100 yd, rest 0:20, aerobic workout.

The core workout was tough. Even though most of my 100 yard segments timed in at 1:55 to 2:00 I think it is a bit aggressive at this point. I will have to input more accurate data at swimplan and see what workout that produces. During this workout I had to rest more than 20 seconds to recover. More like a minute. This is a work in progress.

Later in the day I got on my bike in the basement which is connected to the cycleops trainer and trained for 10 miles in 36 minutes. Just building my saddle time getting the butt used to the seat. It's coming along well. I will schedule an expert bike fitting at get a grip cycles to make sure I am riding in the most efficient position.

Good day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Finding Boston Marathon Pace

Good morning. It's hard to believe that January is almost ready to turn into February. Where does the time go? The days are filled with daily activities, work, training, etc., and before you know it another new month is upon us. In this fast paced world it is so important to take the time to slow down a little, enjoying the journey.

As I sit here sipping my coffee the Sun has made an appearance, rising in the eastern sky. It is still pretty bright. Even the birds outside are happy as they chirp away, celebrating the newly found warmth. The Sun does seem to bring more happiness to the day. Plus, we do need that dose of vitamin D.

I had an excellent Boston training day yesterday. I am following Hal's Boston Bound program with some tweeking. I basically will be adding more miles than the plan calls for and also adding in double running days. I keep reading from more experienced runners that to get better you need to run more miles. I notice that some of our fast V Teamers run doubles. Why not me?

Yesterday's morning run was a 6+ miler. I wore my Garmin, but the goal of this run was to find a pace that I could maintain over a longer period of time. A pace that was swift, aerobic and that, if need be, I could run indefinitely. Again, this was a feel run. I would find that pace and keep it going and see what the Garmin said afterwards. I was very pleased with the results. I found that pace after the 3rd mile and maintained it for miles 4, 5, and 6. After the run I was not even breathing hard and I was not tired at all. My legs still felt springy.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:29 1 36 141 9:29 7:29 158 184 0 20
2 0:08:28 1 108 36 8:28 4:59 127 137 0 90
3 0:08:02 1 89 115 8:02 6:16 137 144 0 87
4 0:07:49 1 43 108 7:49 6:01 141 156 0 86
5 0:07:53 1 79 30 7:53 6:29 142 150 0 89
6 0:07:50 1 10 85 7:50 7:08 143 152 0 87
7 0:00:34 0.08 0 7 7:31 6:54 149 152 0 7
Summary 0:50:08 6.08 358 522 8:15 4:59 141 184 0 466

After I saw these results I was shocked at how consistent miles 4-6 were. Only seconds difference. I may try to make 7:50 pace my marathon pace for Boston. I will have to try this on a longer MP run.

Later in the day I ran another easy 4 mile hill training program on my treadmill. I kept the pace very manageable and worked more on declines than inclines. Boston has lots of downhill running and I want my quads ready for them and I want to capitalize on the downhills.

Total: 10 miles

6.08 miles morning, 4 miles evening

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Swimming to Boston

My first day of official Boston training was a day of no running. I thought that might be the best way to prepare for the undulating Boston course. I have been training well before the start of Hal's 12 week Boston Bound program and thought to rest my legs, especially after last weekends 30+ miles. Remember, rest and recovery are just as important in training as running. I must let my body recover on designated days off. It's hard to do sometimes. In fact, this might be the hardest part of training: running days off.

Instead of running I recovered via swimming. I swam approximately 1625 yards in about an hours time. Most of this time was spent on various swimming drills. I am so happy to report that this was an excellent day of swimming for me. Pieces of the swimming puzzle are coming together. My balance is so much better. My breathing has improved markedly and breathing bi-laterally is quickly becomming the norm. When I worked on speed I could feel myself propelling my body through the water. It was all good. The workout looked like this:

Warm up

500 Free, 1x25 kick no board, 3x50 Fr build speed first 25 then swim fast second 25, 4x25 first half max second slow,

Then I did a test: This was a 100 yard test to come up with T Pace and T count. T Pace is how long it takes to swim 100 yards and T Count is the number of strokes for 25 yards. My T Pace was 1:46 and T Count was 28 strokes. I will compare future tests to this first one. I had to do this test twice because I never turned on the Garmin for the first effort. No prob just another 100.

After all these drills it was time to work on swimming.

4x25 bi-lateral breathing, 2x100 with 25 drill/25 swim, 100 Fr working on bi-lateral again, 4x50 T Pace and T Count drill, 50 fr and I said lets call it a very positive session.

Later in the day weight training working upper and lower body. I want to get the quads ready for Boston.

Today I will run.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Boston Training Begins

Monday, January 25.....BOSTON TRAINING BEGINS

Good morning everyone. This week has special meaning to me. This is the start of my 12 week Hal Higdon Boston Marathon training program. I have waited a long time to say this.

I remember early last year when I signed up for the Chicago Marathon. I was not even a V Teamer yet. Then as the year progressed it came time to start Chicago Marathon training. I chose Hal's intermediate II program. As the training picked up I learned that you really did have to qualify for the Boston Marathon. This was a serious race!! Needless to say I have learned a lot over the last year about training and racing. Much of the credit must go to Hal and the V Team. Thank you!

After I made my goal to BQ I trained for that result. Training is wonderful and I love it. As I ran the 2009 Chicago Marathon obsticals presented themselves. The pains and cramps! The quads were being stabbed with each stride after the halfway point. My hamstrigs were cramping. I'd have to stop and stretch them. This happened four times. My motivating thought that kept me going was, Boston, Boston. Must keep pushing. The last cramp occured with the finish line in site about 250 yards away. I had to stop for a hamstring stretch, damn it! Then I took off for the finish. As I went I thought to really push it because you do not want to miss BQing by a few seconds. It was an all out sprint.

I made Boston with 8 seconds left with 3:35:51!! That whole race came down to 8 seconds. All the stopping and stretching and quad pain. Eight seconds! It just made me truely realize what an all out effort is. What it means to keep pushing no matter what. It was: Mind Over Marathon.

I look forward to bringing that same training dedication and gutsy racing to Boston with my minimum goal of 3:30 or less. It could be lower. We will have to wait and see.

Yesterday I went for a nice slow 9.22 mile run with my wife. It was sort of a recovery run from Saturday's 21 miler. Our average pace was 9 minute miles and my average heart rate was approx 124 bpm.

Later in the day I got on my bike in the basement and trained for 26 miles.



Yards..........6250..Miles...3.55..Time..2:05..Calories Burned..1500






Miles: 100.83

Time: 14:21

Calories: 11,018

Edited by Silentrunner 1/25/2010 7:47 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My 21 Miler..21 Closer To Boston

OK. Is the Sun on strike? It is amazing, as I sit in my favorite chair, how the picture remains the same. Today it is very gray and rainy. But, it is in the mid 40's. This might feel good to run in. I actually really enjoy running in the rain. Almost feels balmy. Put on those rose colored glasses.

Yesterday was a 21 miler for me. I headed east towards Lake Michigan, passing Wrigley Field along the way. Once on the lakefront path I headed south. There was a flurry of activity on the path this morning. Many of my running friends were there again. You know, the friends I really don't know. I only know their faces; the faces of commitment and determination. There were various running/training groups. People are getting ready for races. Perhaps Boston. I know I saw several, if not many Boston runners. It's getting exciting out here.

I know one runner I passed was 100% a Boston runner. It was Jim Lentz. He was heading north and I was on mile 4 heading south. We said hello as we passed. I continued on passing the Drake Hotel and other Chicago landmarks. I meandered the streets, under bridges, up and down and all around. I ran south until the Shedd Aquarium. This was about 11 miles into the run. I utilized a few hills along the way as well.

My goal for this run was for a negative split. I achieved that. The first half I tried to stay close to 8:40 pace and the second half under 8:20. You can see the results below. All in all it was a great run. I went a little farther than I wanted so when I hit 20 miles I stopped my Garmin. I knew I had about 1 mile left to get home and I ran a very slow cool down mile. I was tired, of course. But, today I feel great with no soreness. I find it amazing and am so grateful that I can run this far without feeling sore the next day. What a gift.

Yesterday, I also joined USA Triathlon and signed up for my first trathlon event. It is:

Now I may get dressed and run 8-10 miles in the rain.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:26 1 33 69 9:26 7:38 113 125 0 82
2 0:08:39 1 33 62 8:39 7:11 124 133 0 88
3 0:08:39 1 59 49 8:39 7:10 125 130 0 82
4 0:08:41 1 184 115 8:41 5:05 128 134 0 87
5 0:08:40 1 13 112 8:40 7:34 130 136 0 86
6 0:08:38 1 33 30 8:38 7:48 131 134 0 84
7 0:08:41 1 10 16 8:41 8:19 130 134 0 80
8 0:08:40 1 20 20 8:40 8:07 130 135 0 76
9 0:08:40 1 66 59 8:40 7:14 134 138 0 84
10 0:08:38 1 52 39 8:38 4:46 135 141 0 82
11 0:08:32 1 20 33 8:32 5:38 133 136 0 74
12 0:08:34 1 62 16 8:34 6:53 136 141 0 79
13 0:08:41 1 121 49 8:41 2:12 137 140 0 85
14 0:08:04 1 121 167 8:04 3:18 137 141 0 72
15 0:08:17 1 10 52 8:17 4:05 141 143 0 86
16 0:08:21 1 26 13 8:22 7:21 143 148 0 90
17 0:07:49 1 13 39 7:49 7:12 149 153 0 91
18 0:08:40 1 66 43 8:40 5:55 147 153 0 96
19 0:08:12 1 39 59 8:12 7:04 146 151 0 78
20 0:07:59 1 72 46 7:59 6:06 149 154 0 88
21 0:00:06 0.01 -- 0 8:43 7:25 153 153 0 1
Summary 2:50:46 20.01 1,053 1,093 8:32 2:12 134 154 0 1,671

Edited by Silentrunner 1/24/2010 7:04 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Be A Kid Again

Good Saturday morning. Another week has flown by, and a successful week it was. Success at work, home and at play. And, that reminds me. I am almost 50 years old. Fifty years old.

I remember when I was younger, I would look at someone who was 50 and think they were really old. I would wonder how decrepit their bodies must be. I even asked a guy I knew well, he was 20 years older than I, what his sex life was like. Did all the plumming still work? I was worried. He assured me it still worked.

I remember playing golf a couple years ago at Winnetka Golf Club. Our foresome was walking down the fairway talking about whatever, life. I looked at the "older man" I was conversing with, he looked beat up and tired. Then, in a flash my mind shook me and brought me back to reality and reminded me that he was only 2 years older than me. I thought, wow. Why is he so much more serious than I? He seemed so much more mature. Not in a good way. Perhaps way to serious and mature.

Then I wondered how people perceived me. Do I look and act like I am 50? Do I seem "old?" The answer was easy. Hell no! I honestly feel like I am 30 years old. My mind and body are not stale. I'm in the best shape of my life, physically and mentally. I am like a kid in the candy store of life. Learning and evolving. Becomming better each day. I am in my prime right now.

One must have fun along this journey of life. Stay young. Stay goofy and playful. Get fit. Enjoy your family and friends. Don't be so serious all the time. It's ok!

Yesterday I went for my swim workout as Friday's are Tri Days. I started out with some basic swimming, working on breathing from both sides and kicking. This lasted for about 1000 yards. During this process I was getting frustrated with my breathing again. But, my balance is much better. I took a short break and watched some of the other swimmers and noticed their form and breathing patterns. I decided that I had had enough of working on my breathing and just decided to swim. I would breath every stroke if I needed to and then go for several strokes without coming up for air. Balance was good. I found a way to exhale that seemed to allow me to inhale better. Before, I would exhale mostly underwater and then turn my head to inhale. Now, I save part of my exhale for above the water and this seemed to be more like normal breathing. A quick forceful exhale/inhale. I was getting more air this way. Yeah!!

So, I ended up swimming 3000 yards in 1:20:00. I have to admit, I was tired after this swim workout. As I swam I really appreciated how my muscles were working. It truely is an all body workout. Even my legs felt wobbly.

Now, I "get" to run 20 miles this morning in my preparation for Boston.

Edited by Silentrunner 1/23/2010 6:58 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Friday, January 22, 2010

Doubles For Boston

Up early this morning. One of my beloved dogs was not feeling well and had to go outside at 4:30. No big deal. He's worth it. So, outside we went for him to eat grass and do his business. The things we do for love. I stayed up and decided to enjoy the quiet of the early morning. I have my place in the worn brown leather chair. Not much to see outside since it is very dark. The black coffee is terrific and Chico the Chihuahua is curled on my lap with his forehead against the lap top.

The last couple days my running workouts have ramped up. I've decided to add double runs to my routine. This will increase my weekly mileage or allow me to fit in an easy day without sacrificing mileage. Plus, in effect, this changes things up again which is always good for the mental and physical well being.

I continue to read and learn more about swimming. The more I read the more I believe that swimming is an art. Did you know that really good swimmers perceive that they are pulling themselves over/across the water, not moving the water. Kind of like climbing a hanging rope. The rope does not move as you climb it. Interesting!

Yesterday was another double run day. My morning workout was 8 miles on my treadmill. I worked on inclines and declines again. The 8 miles took about 1:08 and the inclines got up to 6% @ 6 miles an hour and declines were as low as 5% @ 8.5 mph.

For my lunch break I went to X Sport Fitness to work on swimming. I swam 1250 yards and worked on my technique and breathing from both sides. I am feeling much better balance and breathing is less labored. One other area that really needs work is my kicking. Moving your arms and kicking is like tapping your head with one hand and moving the other hand around in circles on your stomach at the same time. You have to coordinate this movement and let it get ingrained. I found a web-site, which has some good video and drills. I love watching these people swim. That's me in a couple years.

In the early evening I ran 4 more mile at an easy 9:30 mile pace.

All in all a very nice full exercise day. Today, no running. More swimming and maybe bike training. Saturday I may finally do a 20 miler.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Helping Others, A Snowball Effect

Good morning. It is really amazing watching the fund raising efforts for Haiti. It's happening in Chicago and I am sure, all over the country and the World. It feels good to donate and help in my small way. As only one person, a donation can seem insignificant. But, as a coming together of thousand or millions of people across the globe, small donations can snowball and become a true changing force to really help those who need it most. Some companies will even match, dollar for dollar in the fund raising effort.

I hope these efforts by all of us will greatly help those in Haiti. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we work together, "as one." Human compassion really does not have boundaries. We enjoy generosity. We feel good when we help others. In a way, it can seem selfish because we feel so good. As good as it makes us feel, just imagine how good it makes the recipients feel that the World cares about them.

Yesterday, I decided to run two times. A double session. I am training for those Boston hills. I actually made an adjustment to my treadmill so I can use it to run declines as well as inclines. I found a straight 2x4 and cut it in half, nailed it together, lifted the back of the treadmill up and placed the 2x4 lift underneath. Now the treadmill was slanted forward and need leveling. So, I got my level and place it on the running belt and pushed the incline button until the treadmill was level again. At a 5% incline the treadmill was level.

Now I can run inclines and declines at home. The declines can go as low as 5%. My morning run was 7.3 miles focusing on flat to declines. My evening run was 5.7 miles and focused on flat to incline running. All in all 13 miles of up and down running at various speeds. I really like the change to the treadmill. It is very solid.

I have a good foundation. Upon this foundation I will place brick after brick after brick. Today will be very full day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Appreciating Winter Sun

A miricle happened yesterday. The Sun came out in Chicago and stayed out all day. Thirty five degrees never felt sooo good. The days are getting longer. After my afternoon run I went down to the basement to train on the bike. At five o'clock I could see the sunset out west. Just the opposite of my early morning east facing worn leather chair view.

Even though winter is not my favorite season, there are some things I like about it. I enjoy all the new TV shows that come on. I enjoy those snowfalls where there is no wind and the snow falls so slowly straight down. I enjoy when the ice melts on the roof and water trickle's down the gutter. Sort of peaceful. I enjoy when the snow melts and the grass is still green underneath. I enjoy how warm the Sun feels as winter is approaching spring. It is almost February and winter is running it's course.

I decided last year that I would embrace winter and make the most out of it. I feel like I am doing just that as I've been running a lot of miles outside. It is a different challenge. But, a challenge it is. We need challenge in our lives to build character and better self awareness. We can pretty much do what ever we want, within reason, if we truely want something. Like the Nike commercial says, "Just Do It."

Yesterday I went for a short 6.06 mile run outside in the sun and warmth. It felt so good to feel the sun on my face. In the beginning of the run I thought it would just be a slower recovery type effort. But, as I went along and the legs felt good I changed my mind. Instead, I decided to play a little game and make my goal to run each successive mile faster than the previous mile. So, this was a continuously faster run, (CFR). Split info is below.

After the run I headed to the basement and trained on the bike for 10 miles. My first, BRICK. It will take many, "bricks," to build this triathlon house.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:24 1 36 49 9:24 8:13 131 168 0 73
2 0:08:45 1 92 49 8:45 6:51 124 131 0 88
3 0:08:35 1 33 39 8:35 7:39 126 142 0 76
4 0:08:09 1 30 89 8:09 7:01 135 149 0 73
5 0:07:51 1 23 33 7:51 6:55 137 144 0 82
6 0:07:11 1 23 16 7:11 6:27 146 157 0 82
7 0:00:35 0.06 3 0 9:03 6:50 153 157 0 7
Summary 0:50:32 6.06 236 279 8:19 6:27 132 168 0 481

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Enjoy The Journey of Life

Sometimes as I slowly wake up from a good nights sleep, enjoying the start of my day, drinking coffee and watching the eastern sky brighten, I organize my thoughts. I think of what needs to be done and what I want to do. Those are conflicting responsibilities many times. What would we do without resposibilities? I really believe that people in general enjoy being busy with responsibilities.

In my 26 year career as a financial consultant I have helped and seen many clients reach a successful retirement. They planned for this ultimate destination. The funny thing is, once many of them get there, they don't stay there. They thirst for responsibilities again. They find that they enjoyed their old routines and challenges. They do not want to get stale and just sit there. They want to feel useful and important again.

Of course this does not apply to everyone. Why am I writing this? I do not know. I had no idea what I was going to say this morning. I am just letting my fingers walk on the keyboard. It's funny how thoughts get recorded by your fingers.

I think what I am saying is, "Enjoy the Journey of Life." It's one thing to reach retirement. It's another thing to enjoy the journey to that point. And, after that, another journey will take it's place. Whatever you do, try to enjoy the journey you are on. Appreciate what you see and do along the way.

Yesterday I decided to swim. I worked on my mechanics and technique. How hard can it be to breathe? I will work on this forever if I have to. I will learn all there is to learn about swimming. I will take more lessons. I will start over as if I were a kid again, if need be. I will be a spunge and soak up as much knowledge about swimming as possible. The more I read about it the more I realize how little I know. I want to "catch the water."

I swam 2000 yards in about an hour. I basically did 8 sets of 250 yards working on stuff.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Monday, January 18, 2010

A New Week

The Sun paid Chicago a visit yesterday. It felt soooo good. It was visions of spring bouncing around in my head. The Sun does not want to spoil us so it's hiding behind the fog and clouds again. I'll have to don my rose colored glasses again. At least it's getting warmer this week.

I had a very active weekend. Saturday's run was a 16 miler. The lakefront running path is getting a little more crowded. The runners I pass by look to be more serious runners. Almost like they would be training for an up-coming race. Could it be Boston?? I ran the 16 miles in 2:15:00 at an average pace of 8:26 mi. My heart rate was nice and low at 129 bpm. So, this ended up not being an LSD run. I had too many people on the path that teased me to pass them. I set targets along the way. I would look down the way and select the next passing victim. Per my pace info I was not running crazy fast to pass people. There were a couple faster miles near the middle of my run. After those I brought the pace back down. Results are at the bottom of this post.

After my run I hopped on the bike in my basement and put in 10 miles.

Sunday, I did not run. Instead, the elliptical was the exercise of choice. I knocked off 8 miles in 64 minutes. Later in the day I wanted to train on the bike again and pedaled 20 miles. Good stuff!!

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Calories
1 0:09:09 1 475 539 9:09 4:14 114 124 77
2 0:08:47 1 272 313 8:47 6:57 121 126 83
3 0:08:43 1 348 346 8:43 7:09 121 135 67
4 0:09:00 1 953 972 9:00 4:37 120 131 70
5 0:08:15 1 114 135 8:15 7:09 129 135 80
6 0:07:31 1 70 45 7:31 6:22 143 152 87
7 0:07:52 1 23 57 7:52 7:16 140 145 87
8 0:08:17 1 73 41 8:17 7:41 134 138 81
9 0:08:28 1 152 106 8:28 7:43 131 133 73
10 0:08:31 1 75 99 8:31 7:52 130 137 69
11 0:08:17 1 98 73 8:17 7:41 129 134 61
12 0:08:06 1 174 121 8:06 7:16 134 142 74
13 0:08:18 1 290 354 8:18 6:33 136 143 79
14 0:08:35 1 367 400 8:35 6:13 132 143 63
15 0:08:33 1 274 301 8:33 7:05 134 138 71
16 0:08:28 1 376 330 8:28 6:59 136 141 74
17 0:00:03 0.01 0 0 8:33 8:19 133 134 0
Summary 2:15:00 16.01 4,135 4,232 8:26 4:14 129 152 1,196

1/11 - 1/17: WEEK IN REVIEW:

Activity Mileage Calories Burned

Swimming 2.05 mi. 850

Bike 45 mi. 2251

Run 37.4 mi. 4323

Elliptical 8 900

TOTALS: 92.45 mi 8324 calories burned

Total Training Time: 11:43

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Enjoy The Day You Have

As I look out east this morning past my snow covered deck and shingled garage roof, I see gray. Snow is slowly melting and receeding from roofs in the houserizon. Winds are very still. It is amazing how little sun we get to see during Chicago winters. Many days may start with the bright happy Sun, but, before you know it the clouds take over. What is one to do?? Well, I am not sure where I ever heard this quote but you may apply it to many situations.

It goes like this: "You have to enjoy the day you have, not the day you want."

You only have today. Nobody really knows what tomorrow will bring. Just watch the news on Haiti. The day before the earthquake life was good. The next day all that changed.

Enjoy your day today. Be grateful that you have today. Be glad that you, "get to do things," not, "have to do things." Today I get to clean the house. Today, I get to run. Today, I get to enjoy my wife and dogs. Today, I get to enjoy my life. Today, I get to make someone else's life better, in some small way. I get to do these things because I am lucky enough to: Have a home, be able to run, have a wonderful wife and loving dogs, have a good life.

Yesterday, I "got to run." I wanted to swim as well so I decided to go to X Sport Fitness and use one of their declining treadmills and then swim. I am getting ready for Boston and need to hill train. I can train on inclines at home anytime on my treadmill. But, my mill does not have the decline feature. Trying the decline treadmill at the club was a great idea. I ran 5 miles and varied the inclines and declines. I would say that I ran 3 miles in total at a 3% decline. I was surprised how spent my quads felt. This was a really good workout and I will do this many more times in my prep for Boston.

After the run I swam only 1000 yards and worked on my new technique, especially kicking and breathing. My balance in the water is much much better. I actually feel like I am floating on the surface like a bobber. I wanted to work on becomming more coordinated with continuous kicking. It's coming along. I have hope. I stopped after 1000 yards because my quads were tired after the downhill running and excessive kicking. Then "got to have," a 1 hour massage.

Now, "I get to have another cup of coffee," then "I get to do some chores," then, "I get to go for a long run." How lucky am I?

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stop Complaining Count Your Blessings!

As I sit in my favorite chair, sipping my hot fresh coffee, staying comfortable and warm, I am haunted by how truely blessed I am as I watch coverage on Haiti. Those poor people. The faces of the hurt, the scared and those that are brave. The total devestation. The hugeness of it all is enough to shake one's soul. I hope that the Haitians can stay calm and strong and recover, eventually.

When something like this happens it really puts your life in perspective. Why do we need these wake up calls to remind us how fortunate we really are. Why do we complain about petty, petty things? All the Haitians want right know is food and water, to survive. I have plenty of it and wish I could share it. I am so lucky. I can get in my car, go to the grocery store and load up. How fortunate am I? It is sad to have so much yet see others with so little. Who cares about Jay Leno and Conan when you see the suffering, the needing, the crying, the faces of, "how will I survive." You know, life is simple. All we really need is, food, water, a way to pay the bills and love. Stop complaining, you've got it made.

My run yesterday was supposed to be an 8+ mile slower recovery type run. As I meandered the streets of Chicago it became clear that I am running faster with less effort. I monitored my pace using the Garmin. It was hard to run, my "old" slow. My previous Chicago Marathon pace is becomming my new easy aerobic pace with my heart rate staying low. I think I have entered another new running dimension. I remember when I first broke into the 7:59 mi pace. It was an achievement. Now I have a hard time staying out of that time zone.

As I was running and monitoring my pace I started to think about my Boston Marathon pace. My minimum goal time for Boston is 3:30. I feel I have an excellent opportunity to achieve this goal. If I were to average 8:00 mi pace I would finish in 3:29:45. This would get me into NYC Marathon. But, for some reason I started narrowing in on 7:50 pace for Boston. Only time will tell.

After I ran, I made myself a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich and tall glass of chocolate milk. I have had one of these every day for as long as I can remember. Then, after a while, I jumped on my bike in the basement and pedaled 10 miles as I watched coverage on Haiti. I pedaled like I wanted to get there, to help.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Calories
1 0:09:09 1 279 480 9:09 7:15 114 124 81
2 0:08:17 1 541 470 8:17 5:34 122 136 77
3 0:08:13 1 362 422 8:13 4:19 132 149 76
4 0:08:14 1 122 175 8:14 5:10 131 144 78
5 0:08:00 1 541 573 8:00 3:30 134 141 84
6 0:08:33 1 271 315 8:33 6:42 134 138 85
7 0:08:36 1 309 245 8:36 7:13 131 136 77
8 0:08:32 1 194 254 8:32 6:38 137 144 87
9 0:01:50 0.21 41 9 8:43 7:55 134 137 17
Summary 1:09:28 8.21 2,660 2,945 8:27 3:30 129 149 662

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Beautiful Day & Speedy Miles

The clear east horizon is slowly brightening and the sky colors change minute to minute. Beginning from dark black to darkish blue to teal green I notice the beauty of the day beginning to unfold. As I watch this fascinating transformation from my worn brown leather chair my strong hot black coffee energizes and warms me. Little Chico is curled on my lap next to my lap top and Barclay is resting on the couch, not hunting for squirrels on the telephone lines, yet. A perfect way to slowly start the day. The next several days will be delightfully warmer and sunnier in Chicago. Great for some warmer long runs.

Yesterday I ran an 8+ miler. As I progressed in the first mile I felt fresh and fast. I decided to make this a tempo run. Then as I got in the second mile I changed my mind a little and decided that this would be a Lactate Threshold Tempo run. This really was my best LT effort to date. I am definitely getting faster and my heart rate is very good for this level of effort. Basically, I covered 8.18 miles in 1:01:59, my average pace was 7:34 mi and average heart rate 146 bpm. See below for detailed information.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Calories
1 0:08:51 1 423 465 8:51 6:51 121 137 80
2 0:07:34 1 305 275 7:34 5:03 143 157 89
3 0:07:25 1 230 263 7:25 5:19 145 153 85
4 0:07:09 1 483 396 7:09 5:02 152 158 88
5 0:07:01 1 436 494 7:01 2:45 153 160 86
6 0:07:24 1 241 219 7:25 5:45 155 159 92
7 0:07:29 1 238 281 7:29 5:26 150 158 90
8 0:07:33 1 134 138 7:33 6:44 155 159 94
9 0:01:29 0.18 20 14 8:06 7:08 154 158 17
Summary 1:01:59 8.18 2,511 2,547 7:34 2:45 146 160 721

Edited by Silentrunner 1/13/2010 6:24 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Workout Week In Review

Hello Monday,

Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping, into the future. Boy the weekends go by fast. I read a quote once that said, "If you are living for the weekends, you are not really living." I really agree with this. The weekend is only a couple days. The rest of the week makes up the majority of our time. So, count your blessings and really try to enjoy every day. Before you know it, you will have a couple days off. I know, most of us hate Monday because we got to go to work. But, just think how great it is that we have a job. Especially in this struggling economy.

Yesterday's activities included a 7 mile run at a moderately easy pace. The run lasted 1:01 and my average heart rate was 119 bpm. That is a pretty low heart rate for that effort.

I am so excited about the weather in Chicago this week. It will feel balmy mid week with temps in the mid to upper 30's. I will have to run in the heat once it arrives.

Last week was my most productive exercise week ever. I will have to build on this throughout the year.

Week In Review: Jan. 4-Jan. 10

Activity Miles Hours Calories Burned

Swimming 2.55 1:45 845

Biking 33.10 2:20 1690

Running 50.21 7:19 6387 approx

TOTALS: 85.86 10:84 8922

So, I covered almost 86 miles and devoted almost eleven hours to training this week. Calories burned were almost 9000 which is the equivelent of three days of eating. Now, it's time to do it all over again.

Edited by Silentrunner 1/11/2010 7:24 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good morning. I am just sitting here enjoying my coffee and once in a while looking up from the keyboard and watching the sky colors change with the sunrise. The sun may be out today for a change. How nice. It will make the 15 degrees feel much warmer.

It is hard to believe it's January 10 already. Pretty soon it will only be 4 weeks until vacation in Mexico's Riviera Maya area. Time really does just cruise along. Sometimes you want time to go fast and other times you want it to really slow down. It seems the older I get the more I want time to move slowly, more often. I don't want to reach 100 years old and wonder where did all the time go? What did I do with all that time? I want to look back and realize that I used the time I had very well. That I truely enjoyed my life, each and every day. I know there will be ups and downs along the way. But, you need to make the most out of your day no matter what happens. The only way I know how to do this is to stay in the moment. Live one second, one minute, one day at a time. Inhale life. Take it in. Hold it. Enjoy.

Yesterday I had a terrific 18+ miler. Another Alaskan Endurance run along Lake Michigan.
I made it interesting by taking pictures with my I Phone. I will try to add those pictures.
There were quite a few running friends today. It was good to see. I am very grateful and surprised at how well the City of Chicago maintains the lakefront path. After all the snow we just had there was hardly a trace on the path.

This is very much appreciated. The temperature was about 15 degrees and posed no problem at all. My new Sugoi mittens really worked great. My hands never got cold. Pretty amazing considering how thin the mittens are.

My run today was a negative split 18 miler. I wanted to take it easy the first nine miles, turn around, and pick up the pace on the way back. In these pictures I am approaching my turn around at the 9 mile mark.

My turn around spot was a half mile further. I achieved my negative split objective. Also, my last mile was the fastest mile of the day with a 7:55 mi pace. I had some gas left in the tank.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Calories
1 0:10:02 1 1,562 1,984 10:02 8:00 129
2 0:08:47 1 406 419 8:47 6:19 132
3 0:08:35 1 395 397 8:35 6:53 133
4 0:09:05 1 896 931 9:05 5:36 130
5 0:08:40 1 192 223 8:40 6:47 132
6 0:08:43 1 210 181 8:43 7:01 130
7 0:08:44 1 60 45 8:45 7:32 128
8 0:08:34 1 38 52 8:34 7:44 132
9 0:08:38 1 54 51 8:38 7:44 130
10 0:08:12 1 117 63 8:12 7:31 132
11 0:08:10 1 62 64 8:11 7:20 132
12 0:08:12 1 84 75 8:12 7:47 132
13 0:08:25 1 139 135 8:25 7:48 131
14 0:08:14 1 162 184 8:14 7:13 132
15 0:08:23 1 428 521 8:23 5:25 134
16 0:08:27 1 304 327 8:27 7:07 132
17 0:08:13 1 359 341 8:14 6:30 131
18 0:07:55 1 156 136 7:55 6:53 132
19 0:01:52 0.21 23 51 8:52 7:00 29
Summary 2:36:02 18.21 5,646 6,182 8:34 5:25 2,393

Edited by Silentrunner 1/10/2010 8:31 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Learning About Yourself

Yesterday I got the opportunity to learn about my swimming mechanics. Even though I know how to swim I decided to take a swim lesson. My reasoning is that I will be investing substantial time in the pool training for triathlons. I might as well optimize that pool training with proper and efficient swim technique. Thank God I did this. My lesson was video recorded and I got to see myself swim. Then I got to see the instructor swim. The difference between us was a huge chasm. After an hour of refining and changing and learning my technique improved substantially. I almost looked as good as the instructor. I will work on what I learned for a few weeks and visit my instructor again for more refinement.

The moral of the story: Don't hesitate to learn about yourself. If you are passionate about running, swimming, biking, golf, tennis, etc., go get a lesson by a qualified professional and see how you are really doing. Learn about how you can improve. See yourself on video just once. It is valuable information. Even though I am a scratch golfer I still take lessons using video recorders. I always learn something new. Plus, if you see yourself move you may have an instinct on how to change for the better.

Don't be afraid to change!!!

Yesterday's workout was my first recovery run in years. I ran 6.5 miles at a 10:18 pace. It's funny because 4 years ago all I used to run were 10 minute miles. Now, running this pace seems tedious. But, it serves a purpose of healthy active recovery.

Today's schedule is an 18 miler along frigid Lake Michigan. Another Alaskan endurance run. I wonder how many of my running friends I'll see on the lakefront path, the friends I don't know. I know their faces though. The faces of commitment and dedication.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Friday, January 8, 2010

What I "Get To Do."

Ahhhh. Stretchhhh. Good morning Friday. I walk downstairs with the dogs to start our day. I walk in the dark living room, find the waiting thermostat. Turn the dial to 70 degrees to get this place feeling comfortable again. Walk in the kitchen, turn on the Jura Capressa coffee machine and let that baby warm up. Turn on the TV and hit pause. I don't want to miss the 6:00 am news. Open the family room blinds and curtains. Time to take the dogs out. This whole daily routine takes less than 5 minutes. I get my warm winter coat on and get Barclay leashed. I open the wooden front door and.....Oh my God. It's Snow Globe again. Someone must have picked up the snow globe again and gave it a good shake. My front porch and Christmas greenery are gracefully covered with mounds of new snow. All the shoveling yesterday was for naught. A new 6 inch blanket of fine light snow had fallen during the quiet night. It's a winter wonderland again. You hear the sounds, shovel against sidewalk. Shovel, shovel, shovel. The air is fresh and clear. It would be a great day to run outside if not for the deep snow. This is what life is like in the Snow Globe, busy.

After my morning snow shovel workout I get to have my cup of hot black coffee. Then I start thinking about what I, "Get To Do Today." Not what I, "have to do." I am grateful for all the things I get to do. Today I get to enjoy the day. Today I get to enjoy my career. Today I get to enjoy my wife and dogs. Today I get to take a swim lesson. Today I get to maybe run on the treadmill. How lucky are we to have things that we, "get to do?" Later I get to have pizza.

Yesterday was an off day from running. Instead I worked on triathlon training. I went to X Sport Fitness and swam a continuous 3000 yards or 1.7 miles in 1:13:00. I felt pretty strong at the end. I am really looking forward to my swim lesson this afternoon. I figure since I am going to be putting in lots of time in the pool I may as well learn to be as efficient as possible. I also rode my bike on the cycleops trainer for about 40 minutes and covered 10 miles. All in all, training is coming along nicely.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Snow Globe

I love snow globes. I always thought they were very cool and tried to imagine what the world inside the snow globe would be like. You shake it up and snow starts flying all over the place filling in the globe and landing everywhere. I will not have to imagine what it's like after today. I am living in the Chicago Snow Globe.

As I enjoy my morning brew with Chico curled on my lap I peek over my glasses to a peaceful winter scene. The sky is a bluish gray and producing the smallest of snowflakes, falling straight down. Wind is non-existent. The snow is so fine it is almost like someone is shaking salt on Chicago. As I type this, the snowfall is picking up and covering the earth around me at a faster pace, accumulating. A peaceful scene it is, calming, almost enjoyable. I am finally in my own snow globe and enjoying the scene created by the one who shook my world.

As I ran yesterday on my typical lakefront and Lincoln Park route I had a funny thought as I passed another runner. I was heading north and she was heading south. We were each on our own paths separated by about 30 yards. I watched her approach and noticed her swift pace. I also notice her cute figure, perfect posture and her brunette pony tail bobbing up and down behind her. I just watched, transfixed, as she ran by, admiring that pony tail. Then the thought occured to me that her pony tail reminded me of fishing for Large Mouth Bass. Her pony tail was the bait jigging with each stride. Except, this was a human lure. I did not take the bait!! Fun thoughts along the way though. The mind is a wonderful thing. Another strange thought I had yesterday was that I wondered what a person would be like if they were a combination of Richard Simons and Pee Wee Herman.

My run was a general aerobic 10.5 miler with an average pace of 8:38 mi. I am amazed at how consistent these mile splits are. Details are below.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Calories
1 0:09:30 1 321 278 9:30 8:02 130
2 0:08:35 1 192 193 8:35 7:01 131
3 0:08:33 1 244 221 8:34 7:06 132
4 0:08:34 1 650 644 8:34 5:23 135
5 0:08:11 1 63 136 8:11 6:28 132
6 0:08:32 1 154 102 8:32 7:40 132
7 0:08:35 1 471 410 8:35 5:55 134
8 0:08:35 1 271 311 8:35 6:41 133
9 0:08:34 1 364 400 8:34 6:44 133
10 0:08:39 1 238 362 8:39 6:52 131
11 0:04:58 0.58 253 236 8:37 7:30 76
Summary 1:31:20 10.58 3,220 3,293 8:38 5:23 1,399

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hump Day

I am watching the east sky brightening. The sun will make an appearance today. Not much wind to speak of but it's only 16 degrees. I never thought I would get excited about 16 degrees no wind and some sunshine. Us Chicagoans are not spoiled with our weather. We get excited over the small things. Today should be a great day for a run outside.

I read an interesting article in the Jan/Feb issue of Running Times. The title is, Change For The Better." The article talks about getting out of your normal routine once in a while. Change it up. Doing the same workout over and over again will only help you improve to a certain point. After I read the article I felt better about running on the treadmill and utilizing various inclines in my Boston Marathon training. I'm changing it up. Are you? Give it a shot.

Yesterday's run was on the treadmill. I decided to run 8 miles using various inclines and speeds. The inclines ranged from 0 to 5% and speeds varied from 7 mph to 8.5 mph. After all was said and done I ran 8 miles in 1:04:00. The average pace was 8 minute miles. Not bad. Today I am planning on running outside in the warmth and sunshine.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rose Colored Glasses

Looking out east from my perch I see gray. It is like I am looking through heavily tinted gray polarized lenses. But, the wind is still. Barclay sits at attention looking outside as if he is awaiting something, patiently. Chico is on my lap along with my laptop. The coffee is great and the lighting dim. I enjoy soft lighting. I believe in setting my own atmosphere, ambiance. That's why my favorite sunglass lense color is rose. Seeing life through rose colored glasses helps one deal with the elements of life. Whenever I put on those rose colored lenses every cloudy day has a little bit of sunshine. A tint of hope, of good things to come.

Yesterday was an off day from running. I have dubbed Mondays as Tri Monday. This applies to Fridays as well. What do I do on Tri Monday? I swim and bike.

Yesterday was a different pool workout for me. I am reading and learning new workouts. It was a time trial of sorts. Basically, it was swimming repeats.

5 X 300 yds. Five sets of 300 yards each for a total of 1500 yds. Each set or time trial averaged approximately 6 minutes 30 seconds or 00:06:30, this will be my benchmark to test against later.

I also biked for 50 minutes and peddled 13.1 miles. I want to slowly increase my time in the saddle.

I have signed up for a swimming lesson on Friday, Jan 8 with the Blue Dolphins. I figure since I am going to be putting in substantial swim time I might as well make sure I am using proper technique and also maximize my improvement.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Have a Great Week

Another day in Chicago where you have to create your own warmth and your own sunshine. At least the days are getting longer again. Before you know it spring will be here. I look forward to breaking winter up a few times with warm weather vacations sprinkled in. Also, it is nice to focus on Boston training and also looking forward to other races and triathlons. It gives winter a purpose. Today is a running off day. Monday's are devoted to tri training with swimming and biking.

Yesterday I decided to stay inside and do the elliptical in the morning for 7 miles in 55 minutes. Later in the day I hopped on the treadmill for a short run dedicated to hill work. I ran 4.2 miles at various speeds and inclines. Got to be able to climb those hills in Boston.

Week in Review:

Running: 45 miles

Elliptical: 7 miles

Biking: 17 miles

Swimming: 1.4 miles

Total weekly miles: 70.4

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Alaskan Run...In Chicago

Good Morning world. Who ever is in charge of the thermostat in Chicago needs to turn the dial up a lot. These cold temps sure make you wonder if you should run inside or out. Doing a long run outside is more appealing than spending 2 plus hours on the treadmill. Plus, it's a more natural way to run. All of my runs right now are run with a purpose and that purpose is to excel in the Boston Marathon. Yesterday, with the temperature at 15 degrees below zero with wind chill I decided to do a 16 mile LSD along LSD. That would be "long slow distance," not the drug. The other LSD is Lakeshore Drive in Chicago. Most of my running is done on the lakefront path as I head south towards Chicago. The closer I get, familiar landmarks come into view. I can see the Watertower Place, the Drake Hotel, etc.
The run today was cold and sort of lonely. There were not many runners out there today. In order to pass the time I just pretended that I was running an endurance race in Alaska. At times my hand would get very cold so I would take the fingers out of their respective glove recepticles and make a fist. This provided much needed thawing. Nothing else on my body got very cold at all. The new running gear technology really does a great job providing protection from the elements.
Parts of this run take me on the course for the Chicago Marathon. It's fun to re-live those marathon moments. The crowds cheering and yelling supporting words. There were times that I wished I was not running yesterday but I kept telling myself, "stop being a wimp." This is the Alaskan 16 Mile Run.

1 0:09:20
2 0:09:02
3 0:08:40
4 0:08:59
5 0:08:50
6 0:08:52
7 0:08:59
8 0:09:05
9 0:09:10
10 0:08:57
11 0:09:04
12 0:09:10
13 0:09:10
14 0:08:54
15 0:08:54
16 0:09:04
17 0:00:11
Summary 2:24:29 Avg Pace 9:01

Edited by Silentrunner 1/2/2010 1:51 PM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Embracing Winter

The sky is clear as the new day dawns. The sun will be making it's appearance soon, adding a touch of warmth for my long run. Another bitterly cold day with temperatures around 5 degrees and wind chills 10-15 degrees below zero. Thank God for hot, fresh, black coffee to get the motor running.

I started the first day of the new year with no running because Friday is an off day. Instead, it was a triathlon training day. I did purchase my Gary Fisher ARC Pro triathlon road bike and added aero bars so I can practice riding in the aero position. I also got the cycleops indoor fluid 2 bike trainer. Yesterday I rode the bike indoors on the trainer for about 40 minutes and covered 10 miles. The trainer does a very good job alternating the speed at which you can pedal as you change gears. It is a very good workout and I look forward to increasing my mileage and speed over time.

After my bike workout I had lunch, took care of a few household items and then headed to X Sport Fitness to use the pool. I am still just building my swimming capacity and tend to swim continuously. Yesterday I swam 2500 yards or about 1.4 miles in 63 minutes.

So, all in all: 10 miles biking and 1.4 miles swimming and weights later in the day. Pretty awesome way to start the new year.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year.. New Goals..New Accomplishments

Well, here I am. The New Year and New Decade starts with me right where I should be, in my worn brown leather chair with Chico on my lap, the coffee by my side and my lap top warming my quads. Looks like a sunny start to the bone chilling cold day. The temperature is a balmy 6 degrees. As I peak over my glasses the sun is just rising out of the east and the sky is slowly brightening.

What will the New Year bring? What challenges and successes lie ahead? Now one knows for sure. You have to live your life in the moment and live everyday as if it is a gift. Some things I can control and I plan to love my wife more, walk the dogs more, work harder, train more, race more, and just try to be a positive influence on as many people as possible. I hope, by example and my actions I can be an inspiration to as few as one person who really needs it. But, the more the better.

So, 2010, lets get going and start our journey and make this year the best so far.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."