Friday, April 30, 2010

My Neighbor, I New It!!!!

Good morning.

Looks like another really nice warm sunny day in Chicago. Now as I sit on my favorite worn brown leather chair, coffee in hand the scene has changed dramatically. Green, green, green is what I see. Love it.

Yesterday I decided to do my 8 miler earlier in the day because of the major wind warnings. Well, the run was terrific and the winds had not really begun yet. Just a nice breeze. The run was a breeze as well. It's getting harder to "not" run under 8 minute miles. I like that.

In order to be a competitive triathlete I need to pick up the pace a bit. I am looking forward to doing brick workouts. A brick workout would be triathlon focused. For example, I would do a good bike workout and immediately go for a run to simulate tri conditions and teach the legs a new trick.

I am also so tempted to buy a tri bike. I went and visited Get a Grip Cycles and looked around. Beautiful tri bikes and very expensive. I asked one of the guys if I could trade in my Ducati for a tri bike. He was interested. I may just do the triathlons this summer on my nice road bike and see how it goes and see how much I like triathlons. Knowing me like I do, I am sure I will love tris and want the tri bike.


Here is an interesting story:

There is this guy who lives across the street from me. When I get up in the morning around 5-5:30 or so, the first thing I do is take the dogs out. We go down the block and cross the street and come back the other side of the street. When I walk in front of my neighbors house, "the guy," across the street, I see him running on his treadmill. He does not have any window treatments on any of the windows of his house si it's easy to see him. He hauls ass.

I met him a while back. I said, "I see you like to run, I am a runner also." He's like, "that's great, what do you like to run?" Well we had this conversation about marathons, etc. He said,"I do not run marathons any more, the pavement is to hard on my legs, I stick with trail running." Oh, ok. Cool. He is sort of an ecsentric and unassuming kind of guy. He hardly ever cuts his grass and like I said no window treatments. But, I really don't let that bother me at all. I just know there is something different about him. Something special!

Well, as I read, Chicago Athlete Magazine yesterday my suspisions were confirmed. This issue of Chicago Athlete focused on "Ultra Distance" events. I turned the page and BAM! There he was. Larry Hall, my neighbor. He is an ultra distance runner, and, a good one. So is his wife. Here is a quote from the magazine:

"About every month, they travel together to an ultramarathon. Beth, 51, prefers the longer 100 mile races, and is doing her 25th 100 mile race in May. She ran five 100 milers last year and will be running the same number this year. Larry remains competitive in 50K and 50 mile races, including a 5th place overall finish (3:55:06) in the Chicago 50K in March 2010.

How cool is that? I always new he was an exceptional runner. I can't wait to get to know them better. His wife still lives in Milwaukee and she moves here this summer. Can't wait to say to him," hey Larry, nice story in Chicago Athlete Mag!"


Today, I will try something new. Yoga!! I am going to a 90 minute Bikram Yoga class. Looking forward to it.

I also tried on the new Nike Free Run + shoes yesterday. More minimalist than the Nike 5.0. May try these in the future.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:09 0:08:47 1 0 7 9:09 8:47 7:48 117 130 0 82
2 0:08:24 0:08:23 1 14 0 8:24 8:23 6:02 131 140 0 96
3 0:08:01 0:08:02 1 0 0 8:01 8:02 7:07 140 144 0 96
4 0:07:57 0:07:58 1 0 15 7:58 7:58 6:49 143 146 0 96
5 0:07:43 0:07:43 1 15 0 7:43 7:43 6:18 146 153 0 96
6 0:07:44 0:07:45 1 0 0 7:44 7:45 6:46 151 153 0 98
7 0:07:47 0:07:46 1 0 4 7:47 7:46 5:58 149 158 0 95
8 0:07:44 0:07:44 1 0 8 7:44 7:44 6:48 152 157 0 99
9 0:00:34 0:00:34 0.08 0 0 7:37 7:27 7:07 156 157 0 7
Summary 1:05:08 1:04:42 8.08 29 34 8:04 8:00 5:58 140 158 0 765

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Routine Day

Good morning.

Supposed to be in the 70's today. The only problem is the winds will be 20-30 mph with gusts up to 50mph. Running south today will be a challenge.

I may want to run this morning instead. Planning on 6-8 miles of general aerobic running.

Well, I signed up for my first triathlon, Bigfoot Triathlon, June 27. This is the Olympic/International distance which is 1.5K swim, 40km bike, and 10K run. I am able to complete this now. But, my goal is to be cometitive in my age group. I will work on my speed and endurance in all disciplines.

This will be a warm up for the 1/2 Ironman July 18.

Yesterday, was a swim and bike day. I just swam 1000 yards and worked on my form. The bike was done on the indoor trainer and I pedaled 16 miles. Biking on the trainer really makes my legs feel great. It refreshes them.

Have a great day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is it Time For Some Golf?

Good morning.

Beautiful day here in Chicago. It is sunny, no wind and the temp should reach around mid 60's. It's the kind of day that makes it hard to decide which outdoor activities to embark upon. Of course, there is my career to attend to. After that, hmmm?

Aside from all the training I definitely need to start working on my golf game. I am playing in an event with my father in law in June and don't want to let him down. Usually, I have entered all kinds of various golf tournaments by this time of year. This year I have entered none so far. I should look into some events to enter like: Illinois State Am, Illinois Senior Open, United States Senior Open, etc. Not sure how much time I want to devote to golf this year.

I think part of my hesitation for golf is that I hate the traffic around here. But, it is part of who I am and I should probably tune up the game.

Yesterday was just a running day. I decided to run my six mile route and just run a little faster than normal. My legs felt ready and bouncy. The pace picked up from where I expected and it turned into a tempo run and then into a fast continous run. So much for discipline.

Today will most likely be another swimming and bike day. But, I am still thinking about this. I may just bike later.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:44 0:08:40 1 0 7 8:45 8:40 7:31 120 133 0 88
2 0:07:35 0:07:34 1 13 0 7:35 7:34 5:47 143 153 0 93
3 0:07:20 0:07:20 1 0 0 7:20 7:20 6:09 152 156 0 94
4 0:07:01 0:06:53 1 0 0 7:01 6:53 5:06 157 162 0 94
5 0:07:51 0:07:52 1 0 6 7:51 7:52 5:38 154 163 0 103
6 0:07:30 0:07:30 1 0 7 7:30 7:30 6:14 153 160 0 96
7 0:00:17 0:00:17 0.04 0 0 6:45 6:30 6:04 161 161 0 4
Summary 0:46:21 0:46:06 6.04 13 20 7:40 7:37 5:06 145 163 0 572

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Day Of The Rest of my Tri Life

Good morning.

Yesterday was the official start of my triathlon training. Even though I am swimming and biking , I am still paying much attention to my first love, running. I have such a large running base that I might as well make it one of my specialties for triathlon.

I started my day yesterday with a 2000 yard swim workout. The warm up was an easy 500 yards. I timed the warm up just to see how long it took, 11 minutes. Not too bad for an easy effort. Then I decided to do 5X100 speed drills to see where I stand compared to December/January results. My fastest 100 was 1:39 and the slowest was 1:44. My average would have been approx 1:42. So, I need to get this down to 1:30 or better. Plenty of time for that. In Dec/Jan my 100 time test was 1:58 so there has been good improvement.

After the speed test I just swam and did some catch up drill and speed intervals to simulate a race start and then getting into race pace.

Later in the day I hopped on the bike on the cycleops trainer and pedaled 15 miles. My rear end has adapted nicely to the new shorts with less padding. I did have to make one adjustment and was grateful to have shorts on vs a full tri suit. I rode much of the time in the aero position which takes some getting used to. After a while it becomes second nature.

All in all a good start.

Today I am looking forward to running, my first love.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, April 26, 2010

12 Weeks Til Half Ironman 70.3

Good morning.

I can't believe it's the last week of April already. Man, time goes way to fast.

My Boston Marathon recovery has gone very well. Zero week is now over and it's time to gradually get back at it. Getting back at it will be a bit different this time because I will be adding a few other activities to my plate. Namely, swimming and biking along with the running.

I went to Running Away Multi Sport yesterday and tried on some tri suits. These are the suits you wear all day during your triathlon. They are on under your wetsuit while swimming and you leave them on during the bike and run. I selected a Sugoi two piece tri suit. I tried on a one piece and did not like it. Too confining. Can't make any adjustments, if you know what I mean. The padding in the tri shorts is much less than I am currently used to for biking. I will have to get used to this.

For my 50th birthday my in laws gave me enough $$ so I could get a nice wetsuit. I am looking at Blue Seventy, 2XU and some others. I will get fit and make the purchase soon.

One other goal I had in mind this year to assess my swimming condition is swim across Big Glen Lake in Glen Arbor, MI. This is the lake my in laws live on. My wife and I visit frequently during the summer. It's about 3 miles across.

So, moving forward I will be doing many two a day workouts. Today will be a morning swim and later a bike training session on the indoor trainer. Other days will be a bike session followed immediately with a run to simulate triathlon.

I continue to read and learn about triathlon training, etc. I need to come up with a more concrete training plan.

Yesterday I finally hit the road again with a run with my wife. We went 8 miles and it felt great. My wife had lots of energy and was pushing the pace. I was impressed. I was also very happy with my heart rate data. Really, very low at these paces.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:43 0:09:37 1 0 8 9:43 9:37 8:07 113 125 0 89
2 0:09:01 0:09:00 1 13 0 9:01 9:00 6:09 123 127 0 93
3 0:08:32 0:08:22 1 0 0 8:32 8:22 7:12 123 130 0 82
4 0:08:39 0:08:36 1 0 14 8:39 8:36 7:15 124 129 0 84
5 0:08:28 0:08:25 1 8 0 8:28 8:25 5:50 125 133 0 82
6 0:08:20 0:08:18 1 7 0 8:20 8:18 7:20 130 135 0 86
7 0:08:38 0:08:39 1 0 5 8:38 8:39 6:33 127 131 0 75
8 0:08:31 0:08:25 1 0 8 8:31 8:25 6:36 126 137 0 74
9 0:00:18 0:00:18 0.04 0 0 7:25 7:20 7:22 138 139 0 3
Summary 1:10:13 1:09:40 8.04 28 34 8:44 8:39 5:50 123 139 0 668

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Project Triathlon

Good morning.

Well Zero week is just about over. I have not run since the Boston Marathon last Monday. I have been busy doing other activities:

Tuesday: 4 miles elliptical

Wednesday: 15 bike on trainer

Thursday: 2000 yard swim in 39 minutes and 4 mile elliptical

Friday: 21.8 mile bike ride along Lake Michigan. Weights.

Saturday: I talked myself into an off day.

It's time to really focus on triathlon training and blend it with running. I will be swimming and biking more. I have been looking up race results for various Half Ironman events to get an idea of what's a good time in these events for my age group, 50-55.

I realize that if I ever want to give myself a chance to qualify for the Foster Grant 70.3 World Championships in Florida I need to come in somewhere around 5 hours for the, 1.5K swim, 56 mile bike and half marathon run.

What does this mean? It means I need to come up with goals for each triathlon discipline. The goals have to be specific.

I would like to get my time for the 1.2 mile swim down to 30 minutes. I will do this by improving my threshold pace in 100 meters from where ever it is today, to a 100 meter pace of 1:30 and be able to hold this pace for a 2K time trial.

So, some preliminary Half Ironman goals are:

Swim, 1.2 miles: 30 minutes. I just did a 2000 yard swim in 39 minutes. So, I need to take off about 10 minutes.

Bike, 56 miles: 2:00-2:30 or so.

Run, 1/2 Marathon: 1:40

So, that's what I will be working on.

Today, I finally will run again. I am thinking a slow 8 miler.

Edited by Silentrunner 4/25/2010 7:18 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, April 23, 2010

Moving Forward in 2010

Picking the name of a new blog is an interesting process. I like to have a title that sort of says or encompasses what is going on in my life. My old blog, Mind Over Marathon, was so much fun to write. It helped me focus on my marathon goals.

I selected, Mind Over Myself, because if you can't manage "yourself" and all that you do, how can you ever be successful and achieve your goals. How can you be happy without Minding or managing who you really are? In my opinion, Mind Over Myself means discipline, dedication and commitment to do what it takes to be your best.

I am striving to be the best I can be. That means more than just reaching goals in sports. It also encompasses life in general. Be the best husband, do the best I can for my clients, etc. This is a process.

It's a way of life!!

I hope you enjoy!!


My goals/events that I will cover with this blog are:

Chicago Spring Half Marathon: May 16

13.1 Half Marathon: June 13

Bigfoot, (Olympic Distance) Triathlon: June 27

Ironman Racine 70.3 Half Ironman: July 18

Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon: Aug. 1

Chicago Triathlon (Olympic Distance): Aug. 27-29

Chicago 1/2 Marathon: Sept. 12

Chicago Marathon: Oct. 10

Hot Chocolate 15K: Nov. 7

These are the events I have selected. As of now I am planning to do them all. I may change my mind on just a couple.


I will be writing about swimming, biking and running.

*My goals for the 1/2 marathons is to break 1:40 and secure a spot in New York for 2011.

* My goal for Bigfoot is to learn something about competing in a triathlon. This is a warm up for the Ironman 70.3.

* My goal for the Half Ironman is to do the best I can. I want to be competitive so I will train hard for this. I'd love to get a qualifying spot for the Ford Ironman 70.3 World Championships. I would have to do very well in my age group, 50-55, to do this. I will try.

* My goal for the Chicago Marathon is maybe 3:20:00.

So, there will be plenty to write about. I hope you enjoy watching.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bosto Marathon Race Report

Is it really over?

My special Boston weekend was on my mind as I ran Chicago last October. As I struggled with cramps and pain during the Chicago Marathon I would repeat, Boston, Boston, to spur me on. Well, it got me there, with 8 seconds to spare, 3:35:51. It was my 50th birthday present to myself.

We arrived on Thursday and stayed at the Lenox Hotel which is on Boylston, just yards from the finish line. The excitement in the air was awesome. We were able to watch the whole scene come together day by day.

We went to the expo on Friday and made the traditional purchases of Boston jacket and other stuff. I really enjoyed seeing the other runners who have been to Boston before and their previous years Boston jackets. Lots of different designs. The expo was great. You could see the wonder on runners faces as they entered the expo center. Their eyes would light up with pride. "I'm really here."

My wife and I spent a lot of time walking around the area. We visited the North End and really enjoyed the food in that part of town, Italian. We also were amazed at the desserts at Mikes Pastry. A sweet tooth's heaven. Since it rained a lot of the time we also walked the shops that connect the Prudential, Marriot and Weston hotels together. You can actually get to all these places without going outside.

It's hard to put into words what a special weekend this was for me. This was my 50th birthday weekend. I had my wife, mother and father in law, my two brothers in law and their wives and kids there with me. What more could I ask for? We spent time walking the streets and shared great dinners together.

I decided to not listen to the advice of staying off your feet. How can you? You are in Boston for the Boston marathon. I'm not there to win the race. I'm there to have a great time and do the best I can. Soak it all in. After all the training miles I figured some walking will not do me any harm. It didn't.

Saturday evening I really enjoyed seeing some of the V Team at dinner. I just could not figure out what Hal was eating. It looked like a giant piece of pie. Not sure though.

My 50th birthday was Sunday, April 18 the day before the big race. It was a special day with Beth and other family members. As I walked into the restaurant, Stella's, for my B Day dinner, Beth had balloons tied to my chair. One had a big 50 on it. The table was covered with little 50 sparkly things. I noticed that if you turned them over the 50 would become 20. I liked that. Dinner was fantastic and surreal. It was for me and I was 50 years old. What an honor to be able to live this long and enjoy life. I am so lucky.


This whole thing is amazing. I woke up early Monday morning and had my coffee and breakfast. Then it was time to head to the bus pick up area. This was really crowded. I met new friends along the way.

The bus ride took a while. We climbed and climbed. The State Police had all exits on the freeway closed for us. People who had not relieved themselves before the ride jumped out of the buses as we neared athletes village to relieve themselves in the woods. The bus drivers could not allow them back on the bus so they had to walk the rest of the way to athletes village.

Once there it was so nice and sunny. A perfect day for a marathon. People were stretching and preparing for their big day. Me, I just hung out with the people I met in the bus line. I was already prepared. I had my fluids and shot blocks.



The race started and I was still walking to my corral. I tore of my warm clothes and entered at corral 15. No big deal. This made me start slow, just like I wanted. The first several miles are downhill. As I decended my quads started feeling funny. Kind of like they were waking up from being asleep. I was concerned. But eventually they were fine.

The crowd support is fantastic. I did lots of high fives with kids along the way. Many people were handing out water, oranges, sponges, etc. Just wonderful. I love these people. They really have a great time cheering you on.

After the initial downhill start I realized that I needed to pick it up. So I did. I ran some great splits. I almost had a PR for a 1/2 marathon and felt fine. It's funny, but as I was cruising along I was impressed at how good I felt. I said to myself, this is a great day. This is my day.

I had one cramp that hit my upper right hammy that I had to stop and stretch. I think this happened around mile 15. Not 100% sure though. I did change my stride by shortening it a bit so it would not happen again.

The up hills were no problem. As the race went on I would look forward to the up hills so I could give the downhill quad muscles a break. This whole time only my right quad would hurt. This was shocking because that was my good side. This whole training cycle my left side gave me problems. They were gone for this race. Amazing.

I notice when I look at my splits below that I lost a lot of time the last 5 miles. Mile 23 was 8:48. I honestly do not remember seeing that. After you are done with heartbreak hill you hear other runners say, "that was it?" It's not a big deal.

The big deal about Boston are all the hills. All the ups and downs. Up and down. And it's mainly the downs that will grind on your quads. You want to pick it up but each stride is painful and you truely don't know how long you quads will last. Especially if this is your first Boston.

I had sub 3:30 in me but I guess I was to conservative the last 5 miles. I really thought I had it. I am not sure what I was thinking because I was off by 2 minutes. I need better clock management.

As you were heading down to the finish after heartbreak hill the crowd would be yelling, "it's all downhill, you did it." But this downhill 5 miles is a true test of quad strength. I just could not muster up the speed. I wanted to make sure I was able to finish without stopping to stretch another cramp.

The closer I got to the finish the crowds were bigger and louder. Making that left hand turn onto Boylston and into the sun was awesome. This is the final 1/4 mile or so. The crowd is crazy. You hear yells and bells and whatever else you can make noise with. It was awesome. Awesome!!

I crossed the finish line and had tears in my eyes. I really just about gave it my all. My body ached. I was shaky. It was hard to walk but I slowly moved forward to get the water, banana, cover up, and the medal. I was in a daze. I found my family and still had tears in my eyes. We took some pics and gingerly worked our way to the Lenox. I had to find ways to walk that did not require stepping up. My legs were shot.

After a shower I felt a ton better and went for a walk by myself. I put on my 114th Boston Jacket along with the Boston medal. I walked around the block and then to the finish line again. The memories are in my head, forever. Thank you Boston.

Even though I did not get my 3:30 or better I finished in 3:32:00 which is a new PR for me. So I PR'ed in Boston and also qualified for another Boston in Boston. Next years 115th Boston Marathon is on April 18th, my 51st birthday.

I shall return!!

The splits:

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Steps Calories
1 0:08:23 0:08:18 1 23 134 8:23 8:18 7:26 0 131
2 0:08:06 0:08:07 1 3 58 8:06 8:07 6:42 0 134
3 0:07:46 0:07:46 1 0 52 7:47 7:46 6:52 0 134
4 0:07:50 0:07:50 1 0 61 7:50 7:50 6:40 0 135
5 0:08:09 0:08:10 1 39 30 8:09 8:10 7:00 0 132
6 0:07:57 0:07:58 1 0 8 7:57 7:58 7:11 0 134
7 0:07:42 0:07:43 1 0 13 7:42 7:43 7:14 0 134
8 0:08:02 0:08:03 1 35 26 8:02 8:03 7:21 0 133
9 0:07:50 0:07:50 1 0 35 7:50 7:50 7:22 0 133
10 0:07:33 0:07:34 1 21 0 7:33 7:34 6:56 0 133
11 0:07:49 0:07:50 1 18 0 7:49 7:50 7:16 0 134
12 0:07:38 0:07:38 1 0 51 7:38 7:38 7:03 0 134
13 0:07:28 0:07:29 1 12 10 7:28 7:29 6:38 0 132
14 0:07:34 0:07:35 1 18 19 7:35 7:35 6:10 0 134
15 0:07:58 0:07:58 1 23 0 7:58 7:58 7:24 0 134
16 0:07:50 0:07:51 1 12 105 7:50 7:51 6:55 0 134
17 0:08:01 0:08:02 1 85 30 8:01 8:02 7:00 0 133
18 0:08:04 0:08:05 1 42 26 8:05 8:05 7:08 0 134
19 0:07:53 0:07:54 1 22 34 7:54 7:54 7:15 0 134
20 0:08:06 0:08:05 1 58 21 8:06 8:05 7:16 0 134
21 0:08:25 0:08:26 1 84 18 8:25 8:26 7:24 0 133
22 0:08:01 0:08:01 1 4 84 8:01 8:01 7:21 0 134
23 0:08:48 0:08:49 1 0 52 8:48 8:49 7:43 0 132
24 0:08:26 0:08:27 1 21 52 8:26 8:27 7:46 0 132
25 0:08:17 0:08:18 1 0 42 8:17 8:18 7:48 0 132
26 0:08:23 0:08:23 1 0 6 8:23 8:23 7:15 0 133
27 0:03:40 0:03:40 0.45 0 0 8:06 8:05 6:43 0 61
Summary 3:31:56 3:31:50 26.45 520 968 8:00 8:00 6:10 0 3,527

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Boston Marathon Eve.

Good Sunday Morning.

Well, here we are Boston Marathon Eve. How exciting!

That night was the V Team dinner. It was great to see all those who came. I wish I could have stayed longer but I only had 45 minutes to visit before joining my wife and in laws for dinner. Bob K handed out cookies to everyone and said to eat them before the marathon. I wonder if they have some pinole or some performance enhancing good things in them that increases speed and endurance. Thanks Bob, I will follow your instructions.

My wife and I have walked a bunch around here. It has been a misty rain for two days. Not really enough to keep us inside. The BAA has been setting up the course and finish line for days. There is a huge jumbo-tron just outside the hotel. Many many people walking around with their Boston Marathon yellow gear check bags. Many many past and current runners walking around with their Boston Marathon jackets. It is interesting to see previous years jacket designs and colors. You just know some of these people have run this race many times.

I have not run since Wednesday. Three days off seems like forever. I had a massage on Thursday at our hotel and since then I thought I was coming down with a cold. But, as I thought about it I am sure it was the releasing of toxins in my body that needed to be flushed out. Today I feel great. Of course I feel fat from not running and eating more than normal. I have been eating basically greek yogurt and banana for breakfast, whatever for lunch and raw ahi tuna and pasta for dinner. If there is no pasta then potato.

I saw Meb's brother in our hotel yesterday. My God is he small. He must weigh around 120 or less. I bet he just flys and barely feels the ground under his feet.

Today I am 50 years old. I want to thank my mother and father for giving me my life. Thanks mom and dad. It has been a very interesting 50 years. Lots of adventures along the way that have shaped me into who I am today. Life has a way of molding you if you let it. I hope the next 50 years are just as good or better and that I can light the world as I go along.

Have a great day everyone.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, April 16, 2010

Boston, Day One

Good morning.

Waking up in Boston this morning. Our hotel is right on the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Lots of activity and I am sure it will build and build until race day. Just down the block on Boylston they are setting up the grand stands at the finish line.

One thing I've noticed is how close many things are to us. We are very close to the Expo, various shops, hotels, etc. Very convenient. We picked up some groceries yesterday at a nice market just outside of the Prudential building, namely bananas, greek blueberry yogurt, un-salted pretzels, gatorade, bread, peanut butter and jelly and granola. Are we eating in a lot? Hell no. Just some things to munch on if need be.

Yesterday we lunched at Stephanies on Newbury and dined at Aquataine. Very good stuff. I also had an excellent massage from Houston. He is also running the marathon and his longest training runs have only been 12 miles. I told him to enjoy his marathon soreness.

Today is Expo day. The Expo opens at 2:00 and I am looking forward to picking up a few items. Namely, the Boston jacket, another top I saw, some body glide, GU or something similar, etc. My brother in law and his wife and kids also arrive at our hotel later this afternoon. We will all have dinner together.

So, that's about it for now. Have a great day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Boston Bound

Good Early Morning.

Today it's off to Boston or Beantown. I am really looking forward to enjoying the city and of course running the Boston Marathon. Today we will visit the Boston Marathon Expo and do whatever.

I had an easy 6 miler yesterday. That's just about it for me as far as running. I will do a couple more loosening up miles on Sunday. I will monitor how my body feels and go from there.

I will stay in touch from Boston.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:48 0:08:42 1 0 7 8:48 8:42 3:17 123 174 0 85
2 0:08:53 0:08:52 1 14 0 8:53 8:52 6:48 131 135 0 101
3 0:08:42 0:08:43 1 0 0 8:42 8:43 7:30 134 140 0 100
4 0:09:03 0:08:57 1 0 0 9:03 8:57 7:29 130 135 0 95
5 0:09:10 0:09:07 1 0 6 9:10 9:07 7:17 127 132 0 85
6 0:09:01 0:09:01 1 0 9 9:01 9:01 7:40 135 150 0 93
7 0:00:45 0:00:44 0.08 0 0 9:20 8:57 8:48 151 164 0 8
Summary 0:54:25 0:54:06 6.08 14 22 8:56 8:53 3:17 130 174 0 567

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Boston Eve.

Good morning.

A beautiful day here in Chicago. Another great day for a taper run.

Yesterday I did my final speed workout before Boston. It went well. From this point forward my runs will be short and sweet. I want to keep the glycogen that I have.

We leave tomorrow for Boston. The weather for race day looks great. Knock on wood.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:54 0:08:33 1 0 6 8:55 8:33 3:45 143 175 0 54
2 0:08:03 0:07:58 1 13 0 8:03 7:58 6:01 132 143 0 90
3 0:07:55 0:07:56 1 0 0 7:55 7:56 5:51 141 144 0 95
4 0:08:02 0:07:59 1 0 0 8:02 7:59 4:39 143 146 0 98
5 0:08:15 0:08:16 1 0 4 8:15 8:16 4:24 144 148 0 100
6 0:07:30 0:07:30 1 0 10 7:30 7:30 6:47 152 157 0 96
7 0:00:01 0:00:02 0.01 0 0 5:10 6:38 7:03 154 154 0 0
Summary 0:48:44 0:48:14 6.01 13 20 8:06 8:01 3:45 142 175 0 533

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

One week away from being really sore. I love marathon soreness.

Time just keeps on ticking. Taper is going well. I feel sort of fat. My body is hording H2O. That's why I say, call me the Camel. I recall after my last 13.1 this past weekend, I drank nothing during the run and when I got home and relieved myself, my urine was still pretty clear. Very interesting. I will not do this in Boston though. I will only drink enough to keep me from getting excessively thirsty.

I want this week to go really slow. Enjoy every minute.

Yesterday was a non-running day for me. I did 4 miles on the elliptical instead. Today I look forward to an easy 6 miles. I will skip the Boston Bound training speed work. I may insert some speed into my run just to keep the fast twitch muscles alive.

Each day I formalize my plan for running Boston. I would love to be able to run without concern of niggles popping up. But, if they do I know how to deal with them from training. If the beast shows up during the later miles I know how to handle him as well.

Can't wait!

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Countdown Begins

Well, here we are. One week to go til the Boston Marathon. How exciting. I will be arriving in Boston on Thursday. Can't wait to see the city and all of the runners. I will have family coming as well. My father and mother in law, my two brothers in law and their wives and kids, my wife and others will be there with me. Should be a good time. We have all of our restaurant recommendations made.

I am ready to run Boston. After yesterday's 1/2 marathon run I realized that my body is ready. I finished strongly with the last couple miles. My finishing kick was there in a good way. I could have gone even faster. I was particularly impressed with my low heart rate data. Running in the low 7's did not even get my HR to 150 bpm. As I was running I kept thinking that I was not even breathing hard.

The main part of this journey is almost over. I love the journey. I love the training. I love working towards a goal. Soon I will be standing on that starting line in Boston, tears in my eyes, reminiscing about what got me there. I will think about those I have passed on the lakefront path in good weather and bad. My running friends.

I am ready!

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:40 0:09:38 1 0 7 9:40 9:38 7:33 112 122 0 87
2 0:08:52 0:08:53 1 13 0 8:52 8:53 6:36 120 124 0 90
3 0:08:48 0:08:48 1 0 0 8:48 8:48 6:18 120 124 0 86
4 0:08:52 0:08:52 1 0 14 8:52 8:52 3:45 118 123 0 81
5 0:08:58 0:09:00 1 4 5 8:58 9:00 8:12 117 124 0 74
6 0:08:32 0:08:32 1 0 5 8:33 8:32 7:49 126 131 0 85
7 0:08:44 0:08:44 1 11 0 8:44 8:44 5:07 125 131 0 83
8 0:08:29 0:08:30 1 2 0 8:29 8:30 7:24 127 131 0 79
9 0:08:24 0:08:16 1 5 0 8:24 8:16 6:54 128 132 0 77
10 0:08:29 0:08:19 1 0 0 8:29 8:19 7:09 127 133 0 76
11 0:08:16 0:08:08 1 0 0 8:16 8:08 6:34 129 133 0 75
12 0:07:36 0:07:37 1 0 6 7:37 7:37 6:34 141 147 0 89
13 0:07:27 0:07:28 1 8 7 7:27 7:28 6:44 145 148 0 90
14 0:00:47 0:00:47 0.1 0 0 7:42 7:39 7:15 144 146 0 10
Summary 1:52:03 1:51:32 13.1 43 43 8:33 8:30 3:45 125 148 0 1,082

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Seven Days Til 50 Then Boston

Just sitting here this morning thinkin about stuff. Already read the newspapers. I'm thinkin about how close the Boston Marathon is. This should be a very fun and exciting couple weeks. The week before and the week after Boston. A time to get syched and a time to celebrate. A time to be 49 and a time to be 50. This is my last week to be 49 years old. Turning 50 does not bother me at all. Not turning 50 would bother me.

When I look back at my training I feel like I have made some major strides with my running since the Chicago Marathon. I feel like I have learned a lot, about running and about myself.

I am a little excited to start full triathlon training after Boston. It will be time to put some bricks together. A bike ride then a run. A swim and then a bike. A swim then bike then run. Fun stuff. I look forward to getting that wetsuit and swimming in frigid Lake Michigan.

Yesterday I had a really good 6 mile marathon pace run. Of course, I ran it faster than my marathon pace goal but I've been doing that this whole training cycle. My objective in running them faster is that it may make my true MP seem easy.

Today is 1/2 marathon easy run. I may run the final few miles at MP.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:36 0:09:14 1 0 7 9:37 9:14 5:41 117 133 0 93
2 0:07:35 0:07:31 1 9 0 7:35 7:31 4:36 138 149 0 91
3 0:07:44 0:07:39 1 4 0 7:44 7:39 5:49 144 150 0 94
4 0:07:28 0:07:18 1 0 0 7:28 7:18 5:32 147 152 0 89
5 0:07:31 0:07:25 1 0 6 7:31 7:25 6:12 151 154 0 97
6 0:07:26 0:07:27 1 0 7 7:26 7:27 6:52 153 156 0 96
Summary 0:47:22 0:46:34 6 13 20 7:53 7:45 4:36 140 156 0 560

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Good Saturday Morning.

Looks like a beautiful spring day in Chicago. Temps are around 60 now and it is sunny. Perfect for a 6 mile marathon pace run. I have been thinking about my game plan for Boston. It is coming together in my mind.

Since I am in wave two, corral 14, I may try to stay near the front of that corral if the pace is not too fast. If it is fast I will stick to my pacing game plan. But, this still should be less crowded than being in the back of wave one. It would be cool to stay near the front and feel like I am leading the race. I will be smart out there.

During my training for Boston I have probably done less hill training than most. But, the hills I did run in Ixtapa were great training and better than anything I could have done here in Chicago. Also, I think of my hill runs in Michigan. I am ready for Boston's bumps. My legs, I'm sure, have seen harder hills than Boston.

Yesterday I went and purchased my Boston Marathon outfit. I started my search at Fleet Feet, my main running store. No orange. So, I decided to head to Running Away Multi Sport. Since I am a member of the Chicago Tri Club I get discounts here. They had my orange. I managed to get an orange Craft singlet top and black shorts.

The outfit will be: V Team hat? Sunglasses, orange singlet, orange rubber Iron Ambition bracelet, Garmin 310XT with hints of orange, black shorts, socks and Nike Lunaracers. I am not sure how all this orange has come into my life but I'm liking it.

Have a great day all!! Time to go for a run.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sing A Song

Good morning.

My favorite radio station on my XM Satalite radio is the 70's channel. I love so many songs from the 70's. As I drove this morning I heard a song that really hit home. It was a song by the Carpenters named, Sing. I loved the words:

"Sing, sing a song, make it simple to last the whole day long. Don't worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song."

What a nice way to go through the day and life itself. Sing your own song, make it last the whole day long. "Sing of good things, not bad." "Sing of happy not sad."

Put a smile on your face. No, I am not Mr. Rogers. It's taper madness.

Yesterday's 8 miler went without a hitch. I just enjoyed running slowly and smoothly. A real pleasure. Today is an off day from running. I am tempted to go for a bike ride along the Lake but not sure if I should. Tomorrow will be 6 at marathon pace and Sunday 12. But, I may just make Sunday a 1/2 marathon. What's one more mile?

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:29 0:09:08 1 0 7 9:29 9:08 5:54 173 194 0 14
2 0:08:51 0:08:51 1 14 0 8:51 8:51 6:13 128 174 0 93
3 0:08:41 0:08:37 1 0 0 8:41 8:37 6:40 124 133 0 89
4 0:08:45 0:08:45 1 0 15 8:45 8:45 5:15 128 132 0 92
5 0:08:39 0:08:36 1 16 0 8:39 8:36 7:32 129 152 0 83
6 0:08:49 0:08:45 1 0 4 8:49 8:45 7:03 131 138 0 85
7 0:09:01 0:09:01 1 0 4 9:01 9:01 7:28 128 140 0 78
8 0:08:42 0:08:42 1 0 7 8:42 8:42 7:41 130 147 0 74
9 0:00:19 0:00:19 0.04 0 0 8:57 8:51 8:21 130 135 0 2
Summary 1:11:18 1:10:44 8.04 30 37 8:52 8:48 5:15 134 194 0 610

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Masters Golf Masters Running

Good morning.

This is one of my favorite weeks. It's Masters week. One of my cherished golf tournaments. I was lucky enough to spend the week at the Masters in 1995. What a delight that was. It is a very peaceful place. Serene.

Taper madness is not a problem at this time. I am actually enjoying the freshening of my legs. Yesterday I ran 6 miles and just went with the flow. I wanted to run fast but also keep the effort on the lower end via heart rate data. My average pace is just about what my last marathon pace was at Chicago. But, I am sure, the effort is much lower.

Today's Boston Bound program calls for an easy 8 miles which I most likely will do. But, what is easy now? Perhaps I will keep this in the 8:30 pace zone or instead of lookin at pace I will watch the heart rate all the way and then see what the corresponding pace was. It's all part of TAPER MADNESS.

Remember yesterday I was talking about wearing orange? I also chew a lot of gum. My favorite is, Trident Tropical Twist which is ORANGE. My I Pod Shuffle ear piece cords are orange. I better start eating more oranges.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:02 0:08:54 1 0 7 9:02 8:54 4:08 116 128 0 85
2 0:08:05 0:07:53 1 14 0 8:05 7:53 3:40 132 137 0 93
3 0:08:15 0:08:05 1 0 0 8:15 8:05 6:56 132 139 0 92
4 0:08:01 0:07:59 1 0 0 8:01 7:59 6:24 137 142 0 92
5 0:07:58 0:07:53 1 0 5 7:58 7:53 6:27 141 151 0 92
6 0:08:02 0:08:00 1 0 7 8:02 8:00 6:47 141 156 0 88
7 0:01:01 0:01:02 0.12 0 0 8:34 8:37 7:34 147 154 0 12
Summary 0:50:27 0:49:46 6.12 14 19 8:14 8:07 3:40 133 156 0 554

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Good morning.

As I sit in my favorite chair enjoying my morning jolt of coffee I am reminded of the view during the winter months. Things certainly have changed since then. The snow has been replaced with greenery. The birds have returned and are enjoying flights of fancy. The trees are blossoming all over the place. Spring is one of my favorite times of year. I have been thinking to myself, why? I think it's because nature happily comes back to life. It's a joyful return as the first flowers break the earth's crust, the bushes and trees bud with their bright colors and all forms of life start showing up. I love it and truely appreciate being able to celebrate being alive with nature.

I have noticed a trend in my life lately with the color, orange. Clothes I've selected recently are orange. My Nike Frees are orange. My Garmin 310XT is orange. A friend, John Callos, who is doing MdS marathon in the Sahara right now sent me his book, Iron Ambition along with a rubber, "Orange" bracelet with the words, Iron Ambition, Anything is Possible, on it. I have also been seeing orange all over the place.

So, I think I will wear an orange top for the Boston Marathon as well as my orange Garmin and orange Iron Ambition bracelet. Orange it is. I will get the hint.

Yesterday I decided to get a massage and then got the blood pumping a bit via the elliptical again. I am not sweating as much as normal so I am retaining water for some reason. My weight is up a little because of this. I want to be 168 in time for Boston.

Today I will most likely run 6 miles.

Taper is wonderful.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Playing It Smart

Good afternoon.

I am feeling pretty good. It is surprising how little if any soreness exists after a 20 mile run which was run 11 seconds per mile slower than my recent Chicago Marathon pace. Run 6.2 more miles, add in a little extra effort and it is a different world. The next couple days after a marathon it is difficult to go down stairs. After a 20 mile run, no problem. Ah the mysteries of the marathon.

Yesterday I just decided to do 7 miles on the elliptical. My legs felt surprisingly great afterward. Today I may take the day off or get on the bike. I am in no hurry to run. After taking the week off of running while in Florida, I realized that it did not hurt my running ability or endurance. It is taper time and I will respect that. The training is done.

Tomorrow will probably be 6 and Thursday 8. Friday is an off day. Saturday is another 6 and Sunday 12/13. So, there really is plenty of running to do. Just don't want to push it. I broke my addiction in Florida.

Fresh body and mind are my number one goals for Boston.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, April 5, 2010

Final Long Run For Boston

Good morning.

This is an exciting week if you are a golfer. It's Masters Week!! One of my favorite golf watching weeks. I have been a competitive golfer for many years and I really enjoy watching and learning how the best players in the world meander their way around Augusta National.

It will be very interesting to see how Tiger Woods does with all this attention on him. He may blow up or he may thrive.

Over the past several months, one week after the Chicago Marathon I've had something on my mind. Boston. I looked forward to starting the training process. I love training. I have said this many times, but to me, training is the entree and the race is the dessert. I may change that thinking for the Boston Marathon. The training may still be the entree but Boston will be an award, an achievement, a thank you to the sport of running. Respect for those who have come before me.

To think that I have come so far in just a few years of running Marathons is rather sobering.

Now it is basically taper time. This should not be so difficult. Afterall I took a week off from running just two weeks ago. It did my body well. The final 20 miler went well. No physical or mental obsticles presented themselves. The beast never showed up. I scared him away last time. I ran the 20 a little faster than I probably should have but I wanted to, "just run." I wanted to practice going a little faster.

It's funny, have you ever wondered during one of your 20 milers, how the heck you are going to run the marathon much faster for 6.2 miles farther? Well somehow it happens. My run stats:

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:29 0:09:14 1 0 7 9:29 9:14 7:45 117 132 0 85
2 0:08:58 0:08:46 1 14 0 8:58 8:46 6:04 120 125 0 90
3 0:08:32 0:08:32 1 0 0 8:32 8:32 6:00 124 128 0 87
4 0:09:19 0:09:17 1 0 7 9:19 9:17 5:28 124 127 0 92
5 0:08:35 0:08:35 1 0 11 8:35 8:35 7:37 127 132 0 87
6 0:08:27 0:08:28 1 3 0 8:27 8:28 7:35 131 137 0 91
7 0:08:26 0:08:26 1 0 4 8:26 8:26 7:52 130 134 0 85
8 0:08:36 0:08:37 1 0 0 8:36 8:37 8:04 130 134 0 85
9 0:08:30 0:08:25 1 0 0 8:30 8:25 7:36 130 138 0 80
10 0:08:31 0:08:32 1 0 0 8:31 8:32 7:53 133 136 0 87
11 0:08:46 0:08:41 1 6 8 8:46 8:41 6:27 127 136 0 92
12 0:08:02 0:08:02 1 0 0 8:02 8:02 7:16 139 142 0 97
13 0:07:59 0:08:00 1 8 8 7:59 8:00 7:29 141 146 0 96
14 0:07:52 0:07:46 1 4 0 7:52 7:46 7:19 143 148 0 93
15 0:08:15 0:08:15 1 9 0 8:15 8:15 4:13 144 147 0 101
16 0:08:31 0:08:32 1 7 0 8:31 8:32 6:39 141 147 0 100
17 0:08:25 0:08:26 1 0 5 8:25 8:26 7:05 141 144 0 99
18 0:08:27 0:08:27 1 0 7 8:27 8:27 6:35 142 146 0 98
19 0:08:44 0:08:42 1 0 0 8:44 8:42 7:51 137 143 0 88
20 0:08:26 0:08:26 1 5 0 8:27 8:26 2:35 140 144 0 89
Summary 2:50:59 2:50:09 20 56 57 8:33 8:30 2:35 132 148 0 1,822

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Thoughts

Good morning and Happy Easter.

Well, I had a very good marathon pace run yesterday. It was raining and windy but I loved it. Just kept cruising along with Boston on my mind. I enjoyed the squish, squish, squish as my Nike Lunaracers made contact with the wet pavement. I got wet, but so what. As Tiger Woods father used to say, "you only get wet once." Meaning if you are wet, you are wet. I have always enjoyed running in the rain. Maybe it's the little kid in me coming out.

Today will be my final 20 mile training run and then it's time to taper. I will get to see how my running friends along the lakefront path are doing. I guarantee you that I will see several runners wearing Boston gear. There will also be training groups preparring for their upcoming event. Lots of good people out there.

Hard to believe that I will be leaving for Boston one week from this Thursday. Wow. I am going to enjoy getting to the expo early on Friday. I will probably go a couple times. Why not?

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:55 0:08:37 1 0 8 8:55 8:37 5:56 120 133 0 87
2 0:08:00 0:08:00 1 14 0 8:00 8:00 4:57 135 141 0 94
3 0:07:42 0:07:41 1 0 0 7:42 7:41 5:05 137 144 0 90
4 0:07:35 0:07:23 1 0 18 7:35 7:23 4:48 141 151 0 91
5 0:07:39 0:07:41 1 18 0 7:39 7:41 6:34 145 154 0 93
6 0:07:51 0:07:51 1 0 0 7:51 7:51 6:01 145 150 0 95
7 0:07:35 0:07:26 1 0 4 7:35 7:26 6:13 144 150 0 90
8 0:07:40 0:07:40 1 0 6 7:40 7:40 6:44 148 156 0 95
9 0:00:01 -- 0 0 0 --:-- 6:39 --:-- -- -- 0 0
Summary 1:03:01 1:02:19 8 32 35 7:52 7:47 4:48 138 156 0 735

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sentimental Journey's

Good morning.

This is the last big Boston training weekend. Six to 8 mile marathon pace run today and 20 miles tomorrow. The last weekend of your final 20 miler is sometimes an emotional experience. As you run along you see the sights and sounds of the many things you have become a part of over the last several months.

I will head east to the lakefront path and thoughts of my very cold winter miles may creap in my mind. I may recall the snow formations and frozen waves. I will be in the zone. As I view Lake Michigan my mind may wonder and remind me of how I qualified for Boston. Of how I pushed myself through the pain as I ran Chicago and kept repeating, Boston, Boston to spur a harder effort.

As I approach the Drake Hotel by Oak Street beach there will actually be people out there enjoying the spring weather. People playing with their dogs in the sand. Lots of eye candy too!! There will be more runners, walkers and bike riders. It will be a sentimantal journey.

One thing I will see and cherish for sure are my running friends. The ones I have seen training all winter. I don't know their names. I only know their faces. The faces of dedication and commitment.

My last two workouts have been good. Thursday was a 6 mile easy run and yesterday a 20 mile bike ride.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Returning to Normal

I did run 10 yesterday. What a great day to get out there.It feels great to run in the heat again. I ran 10 miles at moderate GA pace with the last three at hopefully Marathon Pace. No pain at all. The stats are below. So, it's looking good.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:53 0:08:45 1 0 7 8:53 8:45 0:29 125 136 0 91
2 0:08:18 0:08:17 1 14 0 8:18 8:17 6:05 135 141 0 95
3 0:08:12 0:08:03 1 0 0 8:12 8:03 6:02 134 140 0 90
4 0:08:12 0:08:07 1 0 9 8:12 8:07 6:21 134 143 0 92
5 0:08:13 0:08:14 1 0 10 8:13 8:14 6:48 142 145 0 98
6 0:08:13 0:08:14 1 15 0 8:13 8:14 3:18 142 145 0 96
7 0:08:14 0:08:07 1 2 0 8:14 8:07 5:25 142 147 0 96
8 0:08:01 0:07:55 1 0 0 8:01 7:55 6:41 146 150 0 97
9 0:07:56 0:07:56 1 0 5 7:56 7:56 5:55 147 153 0 91
10 0:07:25 0:07:26 1 7 6 7:26 7:26 5:44 154 159 0 97
11 0:00:00 -- 0 0 0 --:-- 7:00 --:-- -- -- 0 0
Summary 1:21:42 1:21:04 10 39 38 8:10 8:06 0:29 139 159 0 943

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin