Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Morning

Good morning world. It's just my dog Barclay and me that are up early so far. The in laws, my wife and Chico are still in dreamland. I'm in my worn brown leather chair drinking strong black coffee while Barclay takes his window position waiting for the scurrying squirrels going wherever on the telephone wire. Barclay and I are an early morning team, always together. It is cloudy and still dark and cold. The temperature gage reads 20 degrees. More snow has graced us, keeping the landscape looking clean and white.

My moderate long run yesterday was along the lake and in a snowy winter wonderland. The snow was falling. It was quiet. I could hear the new snow crunch under each stride. My running glasses stopped the falling and blowing snow from hitting my eyes. The farther I went the more fogged up they became, making vision difficult. Beads of sweat would run down the lenses creating a small clearing to see, like a windshield wiper.

I also wore the new Garmin 310XT training watch and enjoyed its large data fields which were easy to read. The strong vibration each mile would provide positive feedback of another mile traveled. If I looked at the watch as it vibrated a small square info box would appear in the middle of the data screen showing the mile number and average pace for that mile. Very useful information. I will also use this watch when I train for my triathlons as it was also designed to wear for swimming and biking. It was meant for me.

My 13.11 mile run average pace was 8:33 mi. and the splits were extremely consistent varying 1 to 5 seconds per mile. This may have been one of my most consistently paced runs.

Todays run will be with my wife and we may be running 10 miles. We have not discussed it yet. Have a great day everyone.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."


  1. Does your wife not know she is running 10 miles today, or have you just not discussed the route? ;)

  2. I'm with Natalie on this one

    Great job on the run!

  3. We usually do a longish run on Sunday. When I wrote this she was still sleeping. After she came downstairs and had coffee, etc., I asked her how far she wanted to go and she said, "we could do ten." How about that!!
