Friday, December 11, 2009

My First Entry

Good day everyone. I have been blogging at another site and have decided to also start a blog here. This blog will cover my ramblings about running, fitness, and life in general. If you do not like a positive outlook and optimism you have come to the wrong place. Since I love to run I will post an english paper I wrote almost 30 years ago to open this thing up. Hope you enjoy this journey with me and as I , Mind Over Myself:


For some people running is a hobby. To me it's more than that: it is a compulsion. When I run, I feel the wind rush past my face, my heart pounding with rage and intensity. My adrenaline flows with every long stride. Each stride stimulates every muscle. Muscles expand and contract. My arteries widen and I sense myself as a perfect functioning machine. Blood is being pumped faster and faster. A gliding sensation makes me feel weightless-as though I'm floating through air.I started running last fall. All of my friends were away at school. I felt lonely and bored. The same daily activities of working, then going out at night to drink beer, had built up anxieties within me. I had to find a way to release these anxieties through an athletic activity. I decided on running because, I love to run.At first it was rough. I'm usually tired and hungry beforehand. I start dressing myself slowly with my running gear. As I dress I become enthused. I start stretching all muscles, making each hurt. The legs are the most important part of the stretching exercise. I have to work on my legs the longest so no muscles are torn during the run. Pain is always a part of the brief warm up. After stretching, I am ready to run.At first running was long and boring. Each step made me wonder why I was putting myself through this strenuous workout. Every time I said this, I would keep going, knowing I had made a commitment to myself never to give up. Soon my stomach would cramp, feeling as though someone was tying my insides in a knot. After a few minutes the pain would fad away, the run would end leaving me huffing and puffing. It seemed like there was not enough air to breathe. I would finally catch my breath and walk home.As the weeks passed, running became easier. Life in general became more enjoyable and relaxing. The energy my body produced surprised me. I was never tired. I was full of life. Running was no longer a painstaking activity. I really enjoyed it.I usually start running at a slow pace allowing myself time to build up steam. Soon I am running at a swift pace. My strides are long and smooth. Leg muscles ripple and flex. Muscles expand and contract with each stride. My heart pounds rapidly as if someone were beating on my chest. I can feel my arteries opening and closing with each step, allowing blood to flow to all working muscles, feeding them. Sweat pours down my beet red face into my eyes, making it hard to see. My arms and legs work like the pistons of an automobile. House after house, block after block, my body produces more energy, driving me farther to my destination.After running a few miles a sensation of weightlessness fills me. I feel as if I'm floating or gliding. Leg movement becomes unnoticed. All feeling becomes centered in my brain. This is the thinking stage when I reconstruct the day's events and analyze them. Thoughts come and go. Problems seem simple, not bothersome. My brain functions thoroughly and quickly. Problems are forgotten. It's as if they are released from me in the form of perspiration. With only miles to go I have a harmonious sense within me. I'm aware of who I am and what I expect of myself.As I pass people, they stare with envy. This sparks my pride making me push harder to go faster. My long strides get longer, faster and more powerful. As I pass the final turn, I sprint the last couple hundred yards. When I reach my destination, I stop slowly. My breathing is hard and fast. I gasp for as much air as possible. By now, my lungs have expanded and contracted hundreds of times, leaving them feeling clean and refreshed. The walk home is ecstatic. I walk slowly to keep my legs from stiffening.The clean feeling I experience afterwards is preciuos. The energetic feeling is refreshing. My mind is clear of thought. My muscles pulsate with the heart, and I experience a joyful state of mind. I feel gratitude for being able to run. Running has provided me with more self respect than I've ever had.From running, I have acquired a more positive outlook, a greater sense of responsibility and a greater desire to learn. Besides the obvious physical benefits, I find the inner peace and mental discipline running provides to be invaluable to me.

Funny how things turn out!! By the way, I was the only student to get an A

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