Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hello Winter

As I peak out my frosted window this morning I see that snow has returned. Snow continues it's slow fall to Earth in the straightest of lines because the wind is so still. It floats down to the softest of landings.

Yes, I have been working out. Sunday I was expecting to run 13 or more but changed my mind. I just did not feel like getting all bundled up and struggling on snow and ice like the previous day. Instead, I thought to do something different. Change it up a little. So, I went downstairs and hopped on my elliptical for one hour. When I use the elliptical I do not hold on to the arm thingies. That would drive me nuts. I basically run on the elliptical and it gives a smooth non-impact running motion; a solid smooth pump of your quads and gluts. The intensity was high and I completed 8 miles in 59 minutes. This was like a 5K-10K pace for an hour. I respect this machine, a lot.

Later in the day I got my running done on the treadmill downstairs. I ran 7 miles at various speeds and inclines. All in all completed 15 miles on Sunday.

Yesterday was an off day for running and elliptical. Instead it was swim and weight lifting day. I swam 25 Olympic lengths or 1250 yards at a faster pace. I did not want to go long today. just went at a faster pace and worked on my form. This took about 20 minutes. Then I went home and lifted weights with an emphasis on legs. I did lunges with two 40 pound dumbells, dead lifts withtwo 50 pound dumbells and leg extensions and hamstring curls. Nothing too heavy with the weights but concentrating on form and reps.

I hope you all have a great holiday week.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

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