Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reaching My Prime

It is hard to believe I am almost 50 years old. I can do things at age 49.7 that I could never do in my younger days. Perhaps my focus and perspective has changed and that helps. I believe that maturity has made me wiser and that wisdom keeps me on the right paths. I look forward to much health and happiness in the new year. As 2010 beckons, I look forward to much success in my business as a financial consultant and also in my athletic endeavors. Of course, I also plan to become an even better husband. Must always strive to be the best I can be in whatever I do. It is funny, as I have gotten older and wiser I have come to realize that I can really accomplish whatever I put my mind to. The only thing that ever held me back in the past was myself. The motto I developed, Idea/Goal...Choice....Action, is very useful. It works. Below is a rough schedule of my 2010 running and triathlon schedule.

I am all set to train for my triathlons as I also train for Boston. Got the bike, the indoor trainer, I can swim at the fitness club and run, inside or out. I am looking forward to see how next year pans out. Some races I have in mind for 2010:


Shamrock Shuffle 8K

Boston Marathon

13.1 Race

Chicago Half Marathon

Chicago Marathon


Hot Chocolate Run 15K

NY Marathon, my goal for Boston is to qualify for NY, need 3:30


Bigfoot Triathlon, Olympic Distance, June 27

Ironman 1/2, 70.3 Racine WI. July 18

Steelhead 1/2, 70.3 Benton Harbor, MI July 31

Ford Ironman World Championships (Hopefully) Oct. 2010, Kona, HI

Ford Ironman 70.3 World Championship(Hopefully) Clearwater, FL

If I do not get a lottery spot for the Ford Ironman World Championship then I plan to run the Chicago Marathon. Then if I do well in Boston I may run the NY Marathon. So, 2010 has the potential to be a very exciting athletic year.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Long Short Run

Sunday, my wife and I went on the 10.5 mile run from hell. The temperature was about 20 degrees and it was snowing. What made the run so difficult was the powdery snow. It was like running in loose sand. You had to constantly watch your step and speed was for naught. Our average pace was approximately 9:20 or so. I will provide info from the Garmin in a bit. We had to stop at a stop light around mile 8 and I said to my wife, "this is a hard run." She said, "I know, can't wait til it's over." I have never even said that on a 20 miler. When we were done I just started laughing. We survived.

Today was a day off from running. Instead, I went road bike shopping and then swimming. The swim workout was a continuous 2000 yards or 1.13 miles in 45 minutes. After that I went home and lifted weights.

I would highly recommend the Garmin 310XT. It is very user friendly. Almost reminds me of the simplicity of the Apple I Phone. It has lots of nice features and is very easy to read. Of course, you may use it for running, swimming and biking. But, I would also recommend it for just it's running functions. I think the calories burned is a bit generous.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Calories
1 0:09:58 1 373 246 9:58 7:33 130
2 0:09:10 1 233 200 9:10 6:44 132
3 0:09:01 1 258 214 9:01 7:13 133
4 0:09:19 1 772 795 9:19 5:23 138
5 0:08:48 1 102 121 8:48 7:57 132
6 0:08:42 1 86 107 8:42 7:38 131
7 0:09:30 1 474 420 9:31 4:40 132
8 0:09:49 1 365 411 9:49 6:25 133
9 0:09:35 1 237 212 9:36 6:25 135
10 0:09:34 1 91 99 9:34 8:03 130
11 0:05:47 0.62 35 47 9:19 8:34 81
Summary 1:39:18 10.62 3,024 2,871 9:20 4:40 1,407

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Morning

Good morning world. It's just my dog Barclay and me that are up early so far. The in laws, my wife and Chico are still in dreamland. I'm in my worn brown leather chair drinking strong black coffee while Barclay takes his window position waiting for the scurrying squirrels going wherever on the telephone wire. Barclay and I are an early morning team, always together. It is cloudy and still dark and cold. The temperature gage reads 20 degrees. More snow has graced us, keeping the landscape looking clean and white.

My moderate long run yesterday was along the lake and in a snowy winter wonderland. The snow was falling. It was quiet. I could hear the new snow crunch under each stride. My running glasses stopped the falling and blowing snow from hitting my eyes. The farther I went the more fogged up they became, making vision difficult. Beads of sweat would run down the lenses creating a small clearing to see, like a windshield wiper.

I also wore the new Garmin 310XT training watch and enjoyed its large data fields which were easy to read. The strong vibration each mile would provide positive feedback of another mile traveled. If I looked at the watch as it vibrated a small square info box would appear in the middle of the data screen showing the mile number and average pace for that mile. Very useful information. I will also use this watch when I train for my triathlons as it was also designed to wear for swimming and biking. It was meant for me.

My 13.11 mile run average pace was 8:33 mi. and the splits were extremely consistent varying 1 to 5 seconds per mile. This may have been one of my most consistently paced runs.

Todays run will be with my wife and we may be running 10 miles. We have not discussed it yet. Have a great day everyone.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

It is quiet and I am the only one up on this dark and rainy Christmas morning. The winds are gusting and the rain pelts the windows, running down them. My worn brown leather chair welcomes me with a big, cushhh as I sit with my cup of hot black coffee. Santa has come down the chimney and has scattered gifts below our glistening Christmas Tree. All those sleeping will be warmly welcomed as they desend the stairs as the tree lights glow with the hope of Christmas.

I hope you all have a great day with your friends and families.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Climb Those Hills, Boston's Just Ahead

It's early in the morning and still dark outside. I am in a familiar sitting position in my favorite comfortable chair, drinking pure coffee. No dilution for me. I like it strong and black. The outside snow is barely visable but the street light illuminates it with a yellow glow. My living room is a glow from the lights on the Christmas Tree. The only light in the room. I love this time of day with it's quiet and stillness. My westie is restless and digging through the dog toy basket and finally brings me the big yellow duck stuffed toy. I wonder, with all of the toys crammed in the basket how they decide which one to grab. It's like us going through our sock drawer looking for that perfect pair. The chihuahua jumps off my lap to join the fun. But, I have to keep them quite so they do not wake up the sleeping in-laws upstairs. They moved in yesterday. Barclay looks at me as if saying, "want to play?" Now he chews the duck trying to get the squeeker. He always does this.

So, yesterday I ran 8 miles on the treadmill. I have noticed how much my running has improved from last winters treadmill sessions. I think all of the outdoor running has made me much stronger, faster and more aerobically fit. I can run at a much faster pace on the treadmill now. After a little warm up I kept the pace for this run between 7 and 8 miles an hour. I would go in five minute increments of speed for five and then hills for five. My hills were mainly at 4 percent grade. While running the hills I kept the pace no slower than 7 mph. All in all it was a good workout.

I do think I am faster outside though.

Edited by Silentrunner 12/23/2009 5:47 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hello Winter

As I peak out my frosted window this morning I see that snow has returned. Snow continues it's slow fall to Earth in the straightest of lines because the wind is so still. It floats down to the softest of landings.

Yes, I have been working out. Sunday I was expecting to run 13 or more but changed my mind. I just did not feel like getting all bundled up and struggling on snow and ice like the previous day. Instead, I thought to do something different. Change it up a little. So, I went downstairs and hopped on my elliptical for one hour. When I use the elliptical I do not hold on to the arm thingies. That would drive me nuts. I basically run on the elliptical and it gives a smooth non-impact running motion; a solid smooth pump of your quads and gluts. The intensity was high and I completed 8 miles in 59 minutes. This was like a 5K-10K pace for an hour. I respect this machine, a lot.

Later in the day I got my running done on the treadmill downstairs. I ran 7 miles at various speeds and inclines. All in all completed 15 miles on Sunday.

Yesterday was an off day for running and elliptical. Instead it was swim and weight lifting day. I swam 25 Olympic lengths or 1250 yards at a faster pace. I did not want to go long today. just went at a faster pace and worked on my form. This took about 20 minutes. Then I went home and lifted weights with an emphasis on legs. I did lunges with two 40 pound dumbells, dead lifts withtwo 50 pound dumbells and leg extensions and hamstring curls. Nothing too heavy with the weights but concentrating on form and reps.

I hope you all have a great holiday week.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday Morning

Sunday December 20

Yesterdays 10 mile run was a wet, slushy mess. The snow was so wet that it would build on the bottom of my shoes and at time it felt like I was running with heavy high heals. Also, as I went along I wondered if the added weight on my feet could be a possible injury concern. But, I just kept going. Eventually the snow anchors would fall off. I was actually surprised that the average pace was 8:30 mi with average heart rate of 128 bpm. That is a nice low heart rate for that effort.

I watched my favorite event yesterday, the 2009 Ironman World Championship in Kona, HI. The personal stories they cover always bring a tear to my eye. People who have overcome incredible odds and who need to prove to themselves that they, "are back." One lady had a stroke two years ago and had to learn how to walk again. She finished. She swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles and ran a marathon. Very inspirational, to me. All the stories, the faces, the personalities, the commitment and determination; I hope I get the chance to prove to myself that I to can do it.

I am not sure how this day will unfold yet. Running is part of the plan, of course. I would like to go longer today in dedication to all those who gave it their all in the Ironman. Who am I not to?

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

My Worn Brown Leather Chair

Saturday December 19

Tis the morn. I am relaxed and in my favorite worn brown leather chair. Coffee aroma fills the dimly lit room. As I peer over my crooked bifocals the outdoor scene has changed from yesterday. A thin veneer of sticky white snow has covered the naked wooden deck and houserizon. All roofs as far as the eye can see sport the new look. Snow continues its slow decent to earth. I slowly sip my hot black coffee and ponder the days activities. The hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping is complete. With the invasion of company to arrive early next holiday week the busy chores can wait til Monday if I want our nicely decorated home to look its holiday best.

A special occasion awaits me later in the day. A dream I have will make an appearance, teasing me. It is the gut wrenching, inspiring and emotional telecast of the 2009 Ironman World Championship. I have come to love watching the personal journeys of those tri-athletes who are profiled during the telecast.

Before I ever made the "choice" to run the Chicago Marathon I would always watch it's telecast. Finally, after many years of watching I made the "decision" to participate, "action." I think the same result will happen with the triathlon. God, I would love that lottery spot.

I feel very fresh today and would like to leave lots of snowy footprints on the pavement. Perhaps a longish run is in order. I have lots of footprints to leave.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good Shopping Day

I love this quote:

"In order to do things you've never done before, you've got to do things you've never done before."

That makes sense, doesn't it? This applies to how I approach reaching my goals which start with a thought or idea.

Yesterday's run was a good 8 mile LT Tempo run:

Mile Pace Avg HR

1 8:50 123

2 7:50 139

3 7:28 143

4 7:40 149

5 7:20 151

6 7:35 150

7 7:34 153

8 8:17 153.......Cool down


2009 Ironman World Championship Telecast:

Saturday Dec 19, 4:30-6:00 pm EST, Check Local Listings

This is the event I want to get in via lottery spot and why I started swim training this week. If you love inspiration and want to shed a couple tears I recommend watching.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Yesterday I was thinking about how much my life has changed over the last several years. Some examples, bought a house, lost 60 pounds, improved my fitness, I eat much healthier, increased the miles I run considerably, ran three Chicago Marathons and other races, started my own business, qualified for Boston marathon, entered lottery for Ironman World Championships, started triathlon swim training, etc.

As I was thinking about all of these personal successes I wondered what led me to achieve them . The answer in my head was that first I had to have the thought or idea. Then I had to, "Make The Choice," to make the change. Then I, "Had To Act," once the choice was made.

That's what life basically boils down to. "What Choices Do You Make." You need more than the choice though you need to act on your choice and stick with it. We can achieve many many things if we really want to. Just make the choice and act.

For example, I want to write a book some day. I will do this. The day I pick up that pen or start typing on the computer, that will be the start of my book. The thought, the choice, the action, the result.

Monday, December 14, 2009

No Monday Blues

Good Monday morning everyone. Many people do not like Mondays. I used to be in that camp. But, then I read a quote that has always stuck with me: "If you are living for the weekend, then you are not really living." When I first read this I thought about about how true it was. We have 5 days to live through before the weekend gets here. We might as well enjoy those days as well especially since they are the majority of our week. I actually used to get "down" on Sunday because the next day was Monday and time to go to a job I did not really love. Silly isn't it?

You do not need to have lots of money to be happy. Think of all the "money rich" people who are miserable. "Wealth truely is a state of mind." If you have your health and you are happy inside you are one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

On a running note, my wife and I ran our 11 miles yeaterday. Our average pace was 8:45 and my average HR was 125 bpm. Today I need to go check out a fitness facility with a pool so I can start swimming in preparation for a possible lottery spot in the Ironman World Championships next year.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Long Run Day

As I sit in my worn brown leather chair I enjoy slowly waking up to the day. The strong black coffee helps my body and mind prepare for my 13.1 mile or longer run along Lake Michigan on the lakefront path. As the sky slowly brightens and the sun rises the thin veil of clouds add a variety of warming colors. It becomes obvious as I peer over my bi-focals at the snow covered deck and "houserizon" that today will be a sunny bright day. Even though it's cold out I notice the snow melting from my garage roof, slowly receeding.A perfect day for a long run.

My run will take me east past historical Wrigley Field and towards Lake Michigan. Once on the lakefront path I will head south for several miles. I have done this scenic route many many times in my training for marathons. I am sure to see many of my running friends. The ones I don't know. I know their faces though. The faces of commitement and determination.

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Todays Plan

Yep, I'm in that favorite chair again peering over my bi-focals out yonder at all the cold snow. The dogs are sleeping on their shared bed, together. I am drinking coffee, reading the paper, watching the Today Show and spending time here. It's a new day. A day to enjoy as much as possible. It's the only day we have at this time. What will un-fold? I am looking forward to re-allocating client portfolios and then maybe heading to downtown Chicago, 5 miles, and Christmas shop for my wife. I have finally come up with a unique idea that I think she will love. I really try to get unique gifts. I hope it turns out well.
Later on I will either run outside or put some miles on the elliptical and then have a great weight training session. I need to do a good leg workout. Squats, lunges, stair climbs, leg extensions and curls.
Of course, it's Pizza Friday, pizza for dinner.

Have a great day everyone and remember, "you have to enjoy the day you have, not the one you want."

My First Entry

Good day everyone. I have been blogging at another site and have decided to also start a blog here. This blog will cover my ramblings about running, fitness, and life in general. If you do not like a positive outlook and optimism you have come to the wrong place. Since I love to run I will post an english paper I wrote almost 30 years ago to open this thing up. Hope you enjoy this journey with me and as I , Mind Over Myself:


For some people running is a hobby. To me it's more than that: it is a compulsion. When I run, I feel the wind rush past my face, my heart pounding with rage and intensity. My adrenaline flows with every long stride. Each stride stimulates every muscle. Muscles expand and contract. My arteries widen and I sense myself as a perfect functioning machine. Blood is being pumped faster and faster. A gliding sensation makes me feel weightless-as though I'm floating through air.I started running last fall. All of my friends were away at school. I felt lonely and bored. The same daily activities of working, then going out at night to drink beer, had built up anxieties within me. I had to find a way to release these anxieties through an athletic activity. I decided on running because, I love to run.At first it was rough. I'm usually tired and hungry beforehand. I start dressing myself slowly with my running gear. As I dress I become enthused. I start stretching all muscles, making each hurt. The legs are the most important part of the stretching exercise. I have to work on my legs the longest so no muscles are torn during the run. Pain is always a part of the brief warm up. After stretching, I am ready to run.At first running was long and boring. Each step made me wonder why I was putting myself through this strenuous workout. Every time I said this, I would keep going, knowing I had made a commitment to myself never to give up. Soon my stomach would cramp, feeling as though someone was tying my insides in a knot. After a few minutes the pain would fad away, the run would end leaving me huffing and puffing. It seemed like there was not enough air to breathe. I would finally catch my breath and walk home.As the weeks passed, running became easier. Life in general became more enjoyable and relaxing. The energy my body produced surprised me. I was never tired. I was full of life. Running was no longer a painstaking activity. I really enjoyed it.I usually start running at a slow pace allowing myself time to build up steam. Soon I am running at a swift pace. My strides are long and smooth. Leg muscles ripple and flex. Muscles expand and contract with each stride. My heart pounds rapidly as if someone were beating on my chest. I can feel my arteries opening and closing with each step, allowing blood to flow to all working muscles, feeding them. Sweat pours down my beet red face into my eyes, making it hard to see. My arms and legs work like the pistons of an automobile. House after house, block after block, my body produces more energy, driving me farther to my destination.After running a few miles a sensation of weightlessness fills me. I feel as if I'm floating or gliding. Leg movement becomes unnoticed. All feeling becomes centered in my brain. This is the thinking stage when I reconstruct the day's events and analyze them. Thoughts come and go. Problems seem simple, not bothersome. My brain functions thoroughly and quickly. Problems are forgotten. It's as if they are released from me in the form of perspiration. With only miles to go I have a harmonious sense within me. I'm aware of who I am and what I expect of myself.As I pass people, they stare with envy. This sparks my pride making me push harder to go faster. My long strides get longer, faster and more powerful. As I pass the final turn, I sprint the last couple hundred yards. When I reach my destination, I stop slowly. My breathing is hard and fast. I gasp for as much air as possible. By now, my lungs have expanded and contracted hundreds of times, leaving them feeling clean and refreshed. The walk home is ecstatic. I walk slowly to keep my legs from stiffening.The clean feeling I experience afterwards is preciuos. The energetic feeling is refreshing. My mind is clear of thought. My muscles pulsate with the heart, and I experience a joyful state of mind. I feel gratitude for being able to run. Running has provided me with more self respect than I've ever had.From running, I have acquired a more positive outlook, a greater sense of responsibility and a greater desire to learn. Besides the obvious physical benefits, I find the inner peace and mental discipline running provides to be invaluable to me.

Funny how things turn out!! By the way, I was the only student to get an A