Friday, May 21, 2010

Take A Deep Breath...Exhale

Good morning.

Lately I have been fixated on the happenings of the stock market and all of the various headwinds effecting it. It is amazing how fast the market can change in value and sentiment. It's in difficult and volitile times like this that I truely serve my clients best. I like to manage emotions and expectations and try to keep the big picture in mind.

It seems everybody is so fixated on daily market fluctuations. I understand that. But, I remember when I started my journey in this career way back in 1984 we actually spoke of, "investing." We would look down the road and plan for an outcome, whether that be retirement, college planning, etc.

It's times like this that make dollar cost averaging so useful. I know the market may scare you and make you wonder what to do. It's times like this that you really need a good financial consultant to help you stay focused and make appropriate financial decisions.

My workouts continue to go well. Wednesday I had an excellent swim speed session. I am getting faster. My coach gave me some drill ideas and I implimented them. One big change was reducing rest time between sets. For example, I would swim a hard 100 yards and then rest only 20 seconds and do another 100 yds, over and over again. It is a great workout. Maintaining that speed your last set is tough.

Yesterday I decided to run 11 miles and that went well. My stats will only show 10.38 miles and that's because I did not turn the Garmin on after a traffic light. The heart rate data looked good at the effort and the humidity.

My wet suit arrived yesterday and I am so surprised and how soft the rubber is. It feels like very high quality leather. Soft and supple. I will try it on later today.

Back to work.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:58 0:08:56 1 9 8 8:58 8:56 5:44 120 132 0 91
2 0:08:04 0:07:50 1 0 0 8:04 7:50 5:28 135 139 0 95
3 0:07:49 0:07:44 1 6 7 7:49 7:44 6:14 135 142 0 87
4 0:07:48 0:07:49 1 0 12 7:48 7:49 3:15 141 147 0 92
5 0:07:31 0:07:31 1 10 10 7:31 7:31 6:38 144 153 0 92
6 0:07:33 0:07:33 1 16 0 7:33 7:33 6:23 149 153 0 95
7 0:07:27 0:07:27 1 0 0 7:27 7:27 5:46 150 156 0 92
8 0:07:50 0:07:51 1 4 0 7:50 7:51 6:09 148 153 0 97
9 0:07:41 0:07:42 1 0 3 7:41 7:42 5:21 146 154 0 92
10 0:07:40 0:07:40 1 0 10 7:40 7:40 7:02 151 155 0 97
11 0:03:15 0:03:16 0.38 0 0 8:33 8:33 7:27 144 151 0 36
Summary 1:21:41 1:21:19 10.38 45 51 7:52 7:49 3:15 141 156 0 966

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure your suit came with instructions on how to put it on. Just remember to inch it up because that supple material can tear very easily.
    Did I already tell you about plastic bags? I think so. Anyway, good luck! Wait 'til you see how fast you are in the suit!
