Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunshine In My Eyes.....

Good morning.

Another beautiful day in Chicagoland. With temps in the upper 70's and sunshine one must get outdoors as much as possible. Many things to do outside.

Yesterday was a swimming and running day. At the pool I swam 2050 yards and was not concerned with time. I just worked on swimming technique. I am working on some of the technique discussed in the swimming book, Total Immersion. I am concentrating on staying balance and especially, Long" in the water. It has been proven that a longer vessel ggoes faster in the water. I am doing this with front quadrant swimming in which one arm always is extended infront of me. This is practiced with catch up drills. The front arm does not begin it's power move until the other arm comes up to the front. I did get in the groove after a while. That's why I swam the extra 50 yards. i liked it.

Later in the day I went for a slow enjoyable 6 mile run. Just turned on the tunes, soaked up the sun and ran to my own beat. All in all a great day.

I also signe up for my second triathlon which is the main triathlon event this summer. It is the Steelman Half Ironman on July 31. The half Ironman consists of a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run 1/2 marathon.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:16 0:09:09 1 0 7 9:16 9:09 7:45 124 135 0 97
2 0:08:37 0:08:38 1 14 0 8:37 8:38 7:04 132 136 0 99
3 0:08:56 0:08:57 1 0 0 8:56 8:57 6:55 127 134 0 91
4 0:08:52 0:08:49 1 0 0 8:52 8:49 7:03 129 135 0 92
5 0:08:35 0:08:36 1 0 4 8:35 8:36 6:44 133 145 0 94
6 0:07:44 0:07:46 1 0 7 7:44 7:46 6:22 145 150 0 96
7 0:00:13 0:00:12 0.03 0 0 7:03 6:24 6:46 150 150 0 2
Summary 0:52:16 0:52:07 6.03 14 19 8:39 8:38 6:22 131 150 0 571

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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