Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Evolution Continues

Good morning.

Triathlon training continues to go well. Yesterday was a biking and running day. Not a brick day but two workout separated by a few hours. I biked 20 miles on the trainer at a good hard effort. My legs felt that workout and were comfortably tired afterwards. That tired feeling that you notice later in the day when walking around. You can feel the quads flex and think hmm must have been a good workout.

I enjoy the fact that I do have an indoor trainer because it allows me to ride whenever I want. Much less of a hassle than fighting car traffic. It is a very intense focus on pedaling. No coasting. Just pedal, pedal, pedal. Doing intervals is fun also. Getting the cadence up over 100rpm's and maintaining that for a length of time will get your heart rate up there and the sweat will pour off of you.

Later in the day I went for a 6 mile run on tired legs. At the start of this run my legs almost felt like they did with my brick workout. It took a little while for them to find the running muscles. But, once they did I was off to the races. Cariovascular wise I am in pretty good shape. I feel like I can push and push and push. I hold back some to be prudent. My heart rate got pretty high in the last few miles with readings of 169/170 average. My highs were up there as well. Jim Lentz and I have been wondering what my max heart rate is. Well, this gives me more of an idea. I was actually happy to see these numbers.

I guess this was my speed run for the week:

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:44 0:08:40 1 0 7 8:44 8:40 5:06 119 131 0 88
2 0:07:42 0:07:43 1 13 0 7:42 7:43 5:20 138 147 0 92
3 0:07:11 0:07:11 1 0 0 7:11 7:11 5:39 148 158 0 89
4 0:06:50 0:06:47 1 0 0 6:50 6:47 5:33 157 179 0 87
5 0:07:25 0:07:19 1 0 5 7:25 7:19 6:24 169 214 0 81
6 0:07:08 0:07:05 1 0 9 7:08 7:05 6:24 169 191 0 80
7 0:01:10 0:01:09 0.16 0 0 7:11 7:03 6:44 172 176 0 15
Summary 0:46:13 0:45:54 6.16 13 21 7:30 7:26 5:06 149 214 0 532

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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