Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cadence to T1 Brick

Good morning.

Sure is nice to be sitting on my favorite worn brown leather chair and seeing the Sunshine so often. It's a great way to start the day. I love watching the Boys, (Barclay and Chico), laying in the Suns warm rays, relaxing and soaking in the warmth. Must feel really good to them. It is the simple things in life to enjoy.

My training continues to go well. The running and biking day off on Tuesday did my legs some good after the previous strenuous several days of workouts.

Yesterday was a biking and running day. Effectively it was a double training day. In the morning I trained on the bike indoors on the cycleops trainer. My goal for this 20 miles was to work on cadence. I wanted to average a cadence of 90, which I did. Many times I got the cadence over 100 just to work on even faster cadence. This workout took approximately 1:10 and I really worked up a sweat.

After the bike I decided to do my first bike to run brick. I jumped off the bike and ran around the basement a bit to simulate running to transition area 1, (T1). After that I quickly put on my running shoes and got on the treadmill. I started the mill at 5 and steadily increased the speed to 7mph. After a little while the legs were fine. I thought I should start my brick mileage modestly and only went one mile. I will be increasing the mileage as time goes forward.

Later in the day I felt good enough to do my 6 mile speed run workout. The run went very well and the legs felt fine. I even feel good enough to do a recovery run today, after my swim of course.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:33 0:08:24 1 0 8 8:33 8:24 4:43 127 141 0 92
2 0:07:15 0:07:10 1 14 0 7:15 7:10 5:38 148 154 0 91
3 0:06:33 0:06:34 1 0 0 6:33 6:34 5:24 158 160 0 88
4 0:07:12 0:07:08 1 0 0 7:12 7:08 5:08 157 161 0 97
5 0:07:09 0:07:04 1 0 5 7:09 7:04 5:30 155 161 0 95
6 0:07:33 0:07:35 1 0 8 7:33 7:35 6:44 158 161 0 101
7 0:00:59 0:00:58 0.14 0 0 7:14 7:05 6:10 160 161 0 14
Summary 0:45:16 0:44:53 6.14 14 21 7:22 7:18 4:43 149 161 0 578

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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