Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3 Day Training Bash

Good morning.

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend.

I've been busy. Aside from enjoying the great weather with outdoor activities I also enjoyed lots of training and workouts. The three triathlon disciplines are slowly melding together.

Saturday: Brick 20 Bike & 10 Run

Saturday was a "Brick Day." It was so beautiful out that I had to run. The only way to do that was to "brick it." I got on my bike which was on the trainer and pedaled 20 hard miles. Immediately after the bike I changed my shirt and shorts which I placed nest to the bike, put on my running shoes and went out the door.

The sun was hot but humidity low. It felt great. I decided to really enjoy the run and do 10 miles. This would allow me to run along the lake.

My legs felt very spunky for just riding the bike. I picked up my pace and was cruising. I think the fast cadence on the bike carries over to a faster running cadence. I really felt great the whole way.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:06 0:08:55 1 0 7 9:06 8:55 6:48 123 138 0 94
2 0:07:51 0:07:46 1 14 0 7:51 7:46 6:01 140 145 0 92
3 0:07:43 0:07:43 1 0 0 7:43 7:43 6:09 141 147 0 94
4 0:07:35 0:07:34 1 0 19 7:35 7:34 3:45 145 150 0 92
5 0:07:16 0:07:15 1 7 0 7:16 7:15 6:30 153 155 0 94
6 0:07:31 0:07:31 1 0 7 7:31 7:31 6:55 152 156 0 95
7 0:08:02 0:08:00 1 20 10 8:02 8:00 4:13 147 153 0 98
8 0:07:58 0:07:58 1 9 0 7:58 7:58 5:53 144 151 0 91
9 0:07:55 0:07:52 1 0 3 7:55 7:52 5:43 146 152 0 90
10 0:07:56 0:07:57 1 0 5 7:56 7:57 6:21 152 157 0 101
11 0:04:29 0:04:27 0.47 0 7 9:31 9:25 6:51 143 155 0 47
Summary 1:23:26 1:22:58 10.47 50 57 7:57 7:55 3:45 143 157 0 988

Sunday: 52 Mile Bike & 1 Mile Run, Mini Brick

Sunday was long bike ride day. I decided to go north again and follow last weeks trek. I rode by myself and decided to work harder on pace while maintaining a proper cadence. I worked hard and hit some great speeds while maintaining a 90-110 cadence. Hitting 20-25mph on a flat surface is definitely doable. I just need to increase endurance.

Monday: 1.3 Mile Open Water Swim & 6 Mile Run

Ddecided to go to the lake again and practice open water swims with the wetsuit. As I drove south on Lakeshore Drive the sunlight was shimmering off the glass like lake. The water was still and looked so enticing.

When I walked towards Ohio Street Beach along the lake I could see that there were many triathletes in the water. It was a peaceful and serene scene. The water was still and the sounds of the swimmers broke the silence. I must have seen 20 heads bobbing up and down as they swam. I was happy to see this and could not wait to join them.

I finally got to see the benefits of the wetsuit. I could feel the suit helping me stay more balanced and also bouyant. In these calm conditions I felt much faster. I also realized that I could swim a long time in this wetsuit. Once you loosen up and get in a groove I feel I could have swum for miles. My form was good and efficient.

On a funny note, one way to add some warmth to your body with the wetsuit on is to urinate in it while swimming. Really works. I am looking forward to many more lake open water swims.

Later in the day I went for my six mile run. The humity was high and I liked it. I like to run in the warmest part of the day.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:22 0:09:16 1 0 7 9:22 9:16 5:10 117 127 0 92
2 0:08:26 0:08:26 1 14 0 8:26 8:26 6:42 126 134 0 90
3 0:08:04 0:08:05 1 0 0 8:04 8:05 6:48 131 135 0 91
4 0:07:47 0:07:45 1 0 0 7:47 7:45 6:25 135 151 0 87
5 0:07:56 0:07:56 1 0 6 7:56 7:56 6:25 138 149 0 91
6 0:07:23 0:07:24 1 0 9 7:23 7:24 6:43 142 148 0 88
7 0:00:06 0:00:06 0.02 0 0 6:08 5:38 6:36 148 148 0 1
Summary 0:49:08 0:48:58 6.02 14 22 8:09 8:08 5:10 130 151 0 540

So, all in all it was a terrific holiday weekend.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

1 comment:

  1. pee in your wetsuit.
    pee on your bike.
    The dirty little secrets of being a triathlete.

    When you gotta go you gotta go. It's not like there are porta potties in the water!
