Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Good morning.

Yawn. Coffee. More coffee. Ahhh yes, 64 ounces of coffee.

Boy, the weather is absolutely perfect this week in Chicago. Not a cloud around and temps in the 80's.

It's funny, but whenever I have an event, for example, Sunday's triathlon, a couple days later the event seems like a long time in the past. It's only been a couple days. I felt the same after the Boston Marathon. After 1 week it seemed like a month. Not sure why this is.

After Bigfoot my body feels fine except for one slight niggle in my upper left inner thigh. I does not hurt to walk. I rode 20 miles on the trainer last night, an easy spin, and it did not bother me. I tend to feel it in certain positions or if I squat. I will monitor this and be careful.

The 1/2 Ironman is fast approaching. It's only 4 weeks and 3 days away. I will continue to recover a bit more this week and resume more intense triathlon training shortly. I am also sneaking in marathon training. Good thing high mileage is not here yet.

Today is a swim day and maybe a recovery run. The swim workout will be more intense. My swim muscles are recovered and need some work.

I finally got the age group results for the Bigfoot Triathlon. I placed 13th out of 29 men age 50-54. The top four times in our age group were:

1.) 2:07:03

2.) 2:18:53

3.) 2:23:13

4: 2:24:48

My time was 2:31:02. I wanted to see how I did in each tri-discipline in my age group. In the swim, my time of 23:23 was 11th. The bike: 1:09:52 was 15th and the run: 49:52 was 4th.

So, I need some work. After analyzing the results my goal will be to come in the top 3 or 4 of an olympic distance triathlon. I don't think it's a stretch to expect a time of 2:23:00 or better. I think I am capable of that.

It is interesting that my average 100 yard pace during the swim was 1:26. I've never come close to that in the pool. Plus, I was not going all out.

With some tweaking and more training I will swim slightly faster, maybe bike a little faster and increase my run pace to under 8 pace. Also, becomming more efficient in the transitions will really help take some time off.

I can impliment this in my next olympic distance event: The Chicago Triathlon.

Now, it's time to focus on the 1/2 Ironman. I will try to do some tweaking for this event as well. I'm not sure about a time goal yet. My initial thought was somewhere between 5-51/2 hours. We will see.

Have a great day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, June 28, 2010

Bigfoot Triathlon Race Report

Good morning.

This is my Bigfoot Triathlon race report. For those of you that don't feel like reading the long detailed version the results were:

Swim: 23:23, Bike: 1:09:52, Run: 49:53. Total time including transitions: 2:31:02.

I write the longer version for those of you that enjoy reading race reports and also for those of you that may have an interest in trying a triathlon some day. I hope you enjoy it.

Bigfoot Triathlon


As many of you know, I started training for triathlons last December after I entered the lottery for a spot in the Ironman World Championships.

I figured, if I found out in April that I got a spot, I may not have had enough time to train for the Ironman. So, I bought a bike, a trainer and joined X Sport for their pool. As I trained hard I thought, "what if you don't get that lottery spot, why waste all this training?" So, that is when I decided to enter some triathlons and put that training to use.


The Bigfoot Triathlon is held every year in Lake Geneva, WI. This is about a 1 1/2 hour drive from Chicago which is very convenient. Lake Geneva is a beautiful area with lots of cute shops, etc. Also, a nice big, clean lake. Nice hills, too.

Triathlon Morning

Got up at 3 am because I wanted to be at the transition area around 5 am. I racked my bike the day before so I already had a spot. I did this early because I thought it would be one less thing to worry about on my first triathlon race day. Plus it gave me the opportunity to get familiar with the surroundings.

The alarm goes off and I go turn on "my" coffee maker. Yes, I brougt my own coffee machine. Coffee is part of my pre race routine. I like to drink enough of it because it really gets all my bodily functions moving.

As I relaxed with my coffee and thought of the race, I also had on the weather channel. The weather forcast did not look good. A huge storm was coming. Hard to tell what would happen. I did know that the swim would be cancelled if there was lightning and the tri would become a duathlon, run-bike-run. I did not want this because I wanted to utilize all my tri disciplines. Wanted to be tested on the swim-bike-run.

After a while I put on my Chicago Triathlon Club, Tri outfit. I packed the car and headed to Bigfoot Beach.

Once there, I parked and headed to transition with all of my gear. The excitement was building the closer I got. There were many terrific looking athletes with their hyped up machines.

I approached my bike, put a towel down and organized my little transition zone. One must lay out the tools you will use during the competition in the order of their use. When that was done I spoke to several other triathletes. One thing I came to realize is that triathletes are a friendly bunch. Tick tock tick tock.


Off I went with my wetsuit, goggles and swim cap in hand. I would put these on near the beach which was a couple hundred yards away.

When I got to the beach the excitement built even more. I put on my suit and walked in the water. I was going to do a little warm up but changed my mind and decided I would just warm up as I swam the triathlon. I went and found my wave 7 group of 45-54 year old men. As group after group began their wave starts we would shuffle towards the start. Soon, we were on deck with group 6 in the water. There they go. Group 7 slowly enters the arena. Where should I position myself?

The Swim

I was totally calm which surprised me. No nerves at all. I positioned myself near the back third then heard, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GOOOO!

All of a sudden, the surge. We all started moving like a school of Salmon just released in the water. We all searched for our own little spot as we bumped and flailed. As you begin swimming all you see is a sea of bodies. You see feet just in front of your face, inches separating you from a heal on the forehead.

It is a friendly battle. You see, we all really are just doing and hoping for the same thing. A good event. I think there is an un-spoken respect between triathletes.

Eventually, you get some space. I slowed down so the others in front of me could get some distance that would allow me to swim.

I remembered a quote: "you can't win the triathlon during the swim. But, you can lose it." Meaning, no need to rush it and tire yourself out. It's a long day.

Once I was able to swim my swim I saw many of my wave ahead of me. I thought, jeez, am I slow or something? I thought maybe they went out too fast. I just started focusing on my swim technique, stroke, reach, pull, breathe. Over and over again. As I swam I would look at the bottom of the lake at the green weeds and wonder if it was a good Bass fishing spot.

Every now and then you would pull along someone and as I turned to breathe so would they. We would look at each other for that split second and continue our quest.

I was passing people. This is a race. But, it's in water. Sometimes you have to pass by finding an open lane. I did not monitor how many swimmers I passed. I did notice that I started passing swimmers from the waves that went off before us. You could tell because each wave had it's own colored swim cap. Our wave swim cap color was lilac. I was passing the grey's. Cool.

I made the turn and was heading home. My breathing was good. just going along, efficient. Ow!!! Some woman from a previous wave just hit me in the side of the head. My left goggle got a little dislodged. I fixed it as best I could and kept going. Almost there. Where is that red bouy. There it is. I round it and emerge from the water and take off.

The transition is a couple hundred yards away. I am running barefoot on the pavement as I remove my wetsuit from neck to waist. Once in transition I quickly change to my biking socks, shoes and helmet and run to the transition exit.

SWIM TIME: 23:23

The Bike

After running with my biking shoes, which is like running with heeled shoes put on backwards, I mount my machine. Lets go.

I take off for the 23+ mile bike ride/race. Lake Geneva has some nice hills. We hit one pretty quickly. No problem. I must start my nutrition plan. When competing in a triathlon, the bike is the time that you hydrate, eat, etc., so you have energy for your bike and run. If you do not do this you may really pay for it later.

I just kept pedaling and keeping my focus forward. I was passing people from the beginning. That storm I was concerned about never materialized. But, a rain storm was coming. I was pumping those legs, working on my cadence. As I went along I realized I was doing well. I was hitting speeds and cadence never hit before. My racing mode was really kicking in. I was passing, passing and passing other triathletes. Some were also passing me.

One interesting note: Each triathlete has their age marked on their calf with a black marker. So, as you pass or are passed you look to see the age of the person.

The rain started and it felt good. Very cooling. Water was dripping from my head and glasses. My shoes also felt like they were filling up with rain water. I just kept on going. I rode in my big gear on the downhills and hit speeds of 35 mph. I flew past many riders. I kept wondering why they were not taking advantage of the downhill. Soon I came to the last turn and the bike finish was there....already!

Dismount....OW! My God were my upper hammy's in pain. Right near where the hammy attaches to you butt. No injury, just a soreness. No way was I going to be able to run the bike to my transition spot. I would take my time and walk. I was a little concerned if I could even run.

BIKE TIME: 1:09:52

The Run

I slowly changed socks and shoes and put on my running bib belt. I tried to stretch a bit. Ouch. I put on my V Team hat and slowly jogged to the run exit. Once I started moving the hammy's felt better.

I have not experienced this pain on any of my brick workouts. Interestingly, the typical bowling ball leg feeling after the bike is not really there any more. I am sure my upper hammy pain was from my kick ass bike ride. It's ok.

I started my 6.2 mile "TRAIL" run. We started on grass. Soon the grass would turn into slippery, ice-like mud. Honestly, I had to really slow down, as did everyone else otherwise you would wipe out. There were several sections like this. Also, it was hilly through the trails. This was like a cross country event. The heat and humidity were high in the forrest. There was no breeze. No problemo for me since I thrive in those conditions. The run course was a double loop. After the first 3 miles I knew what to expect. I just kept running as hard as I could without burning myself out.

Again, I would always look at the calf of the person I was passing. Ahh another 50-54 age grouper. I was not passed much at all. I thought I was really cruising up and down the hills and around the curves. I could hear the finish line coming up as the crown was screaming. As I turned the final corner there was another runner there, 52 years old, I've got to beat him. I floored it and passed him. The funny thing is, just a yard from the finish he somehow found the juice to pass me. As he did he looked back at me and said something. We both had a good friendly laugh and patted each other on the back.

An exhausting job well done.

RUN TIME: 49:53

TOTAL TIME: 2:31:02


Am I please with my results? Yes! I never thought I would swim in 23:23. I thought maybe 27 minutes would be good. My 23:23 time considering the congestion was really very acceptable.

The bike was much better than expected. This was the first ride that I have averaged over 20 mph for the entire ride. I expect to even get better with more training.

The run was OK. I really thought I was going faster than around 8 minute per mile pace. But, those slippery mud areas and the up hill sections must have really slowed me down. My effort felt much harder tha 8 pace.

The part that really hurt my results were in transition. I spent 4+ minutes in T1 and 3+ in T2. I need to work on my transitions. I may get some shoes that do not require socks. Just biking and running shoes you can just slip on and take off.

All in all this was a great experience. I am so happy that I began the tri-venture because I really enjoy it. I love the training that goes into it and the race is just the culmination of all your hard work.

My next triathlon is the Steelhead 1/2 Ironman on July 31. The distance for this race are basically double what I just did:

Swim: 1.2 miles, Bike 56 miles, Run 13.1 miles.

I better get busy!!! Tri Tri again.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tri Rehearsal

Yesterday I did a small practice tri. Did a 1.3 mile open water swim in Lake Michigan. Swam farther than I planned, mainly because I don't yet know how the Chicago Park District measured it's 1/4 and 1/2 mile bouys starting point. Regardless, the semi relaxing swim took 38 minutes.

Later in the day I did a small bike to run brick workout. I biked 10 miles around my neighborhood and quickly put on my running shoes and took off.

My legs are really feeling much better coming off the bike. Yesterday I did not have bowling ball legs. I only ran about 1.36 miles. The first mile was my fastest coming off the bike at 8:05 and it did not take long to hit a 7:20 pace for the remaining .36 mile.

I think I'm as ready as I can be for tomorrow. I hope I can bring it all together. I guess all I can do is my best.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fine Tuning

Good morning.

Hard to believe it's almost July. My how time fly's.

Another terrific weather day in the big city. The temps will be in the mid 80's with lower humidity.

I will continue to fine tune my training for Sunday's Bigfoot Triathlon. On my schedule is an open water swim in Lake Michigan today, maybe tomorrow too. I may do a very short brick workout tomorrow of bike to run transition just to keep those muscles aware of what is expected of them. My taper for the 1/2 Ironman in July will be more substantial.

Yesterday I did my 6 mile speed session late in the afternoon. I know some of you think I'm crazy, but, I like to wait until the hottest part of the day to run. I figure if I can handle that, it can only get easier. Plus, I enjoy the heat.

The run went well. My main goal was to run 2 miles under 7 mi pace and that goal was met. Interestingly when I slowed down my body, legs, etc., were very comfortable with the 7:25 pace. That speed or less may become my new cruising speed, kind of like the my last 1/2 marathon race.

Sometime this summer I want to run a sub 6 minute mile. It's just another barrier that needs to be pierced.

I got my supply of bike tubes and will change the current tubes today. Also, today is triathlon packet pickup day.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:53 0:08:45 1 0 7 8:53 8:45 6:13 119 134 0 90
2 0:07:12 0:07:08 1 14 0 7:12 7:08 5:31 139 150 0 85
3 0:06:55 0:06:49 1 0 0 6:55 6:49 5:24 150 157 0 89
4 0:06:50 0:06:50 1 0 0 6:50 6:50 5:43 153 158 0 88
5 0:07:15 0:07:16 1 0 6 7:15 7:16 6:01 155 161 0 96
6 0:07:20 0:07:20 1 0 8 7:20 7:20 6:29 158 162 0 99
7 0:00:02 0:00:01 0.01 0 0 5:51 2:52 7:03 160 160 0 0
Summary 0:44:29 0:44:09 6.01 14 21 7:24 7:21 5:24 144 162 0 547

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Three More Days = No More Tri-Virgin

Good morning.

Big big day today. The Apple I Phone 4 gets released. I have a $200 gift card to Apple that needs to be used. I got this for my 50th in April and have been hangin on to it until something caught my eye. Why not the new phone. I have had the I Phone for a while now and would highly recommend it.

Training, training, training, continues.

Tuesday was a swim day. I kept it short and sweet by doing 2X500. The first 500 was a warmup that builds as I swim. This first set took 9:30. I rested 20 seconds and started the second 500. The second 500 I pushed the effort level and finished in 9:10. This was my fastest 500 to date. The question in my mind: Is the extra effort which was very tiring worth a 20 second gain. My guess is no. But, the only way to get faster is to practice faster.

Later in the day I got in my weekly weight workout. I think the straight legged dead lift has really made my upper hamstring feel better.

Yesterday was a "Brick" day. We had some awesome storms so the workout took place in my basement. I got on the bike and had an excellent 20 mile bike workout. My cadence and endurance continues to improve. At one point of really pedaling as fast as I could my cadence reached 123 rpms. That's hard to do. My legs even felt great coming off the bike.

I immediately changed shoes and got on my treadmill. I started at 6 mph for a couple minutes and quickly increased the pace. I only wanted to do 2 miles because today is my run day and I wanted to save some for today's fartlek speed work.

I have been surprised lately when I get on the treadmill. I do most of my running outside and have picked up a lot of speed and endurance over the last year. The outdoor training has really enhance my treadmill paces. During the brick workout the highest speed reached was 8 mph and it seemed so easy. I was just cruising along and my heart rate was very low. My breathing was not even labored. I kind of liked that.

So, the day resulted in a 20 mile bike with a 2 mile brick run. The bike to run transition is becomming easier.

Today is a 6 mile fartlek run. I say fartlek because I do not yet know how the run will progress. My hopeful goal is to have a nice fast speed session. I would like to get a couple miles in under 7 pace.

I continue to prepare for this weekends olympic/international Bigfoot Triathlon. I need to get some extra bike tire tubes and change both the front and back tubes. I don't like how the valve stems look on either tire and I don't want to have to make these changes on race day. This will also be excellent practice on changing a flat tire, something one must be proficient in during Tri's.

Until tomorrow, whatever you do, enjoy it.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Humidity = Fluidity

Good morning.

What a nice warm summer so far. This really is making up for last years very cool summer. Enjoyable! Might as well embrace the heat and humidity because soon, before you know it, the colder months will arrive.

Yesterday the humidity was around 95% with temps in the low 80'S. Anytime you add the humidity and temp together and the total is above 150 you need to be more careful in your activities.

This made for an interestin 11 mile run. I have to admit it was tougher than normal. It became a battle to just finish. But, I did and I was glad that I extended the run the extra 1/4 mile to hit 11 miles. This was my long run for the week. The remaining runs will focus on fast twitch.

Today is a swim and maybe a bike on trainer day.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:50 0:08:49 1 0 7 8:50 8:49 7:08 113 127 0 80
2 0:08:23 0:08:23 1 13 0 8:24 8:23 6:16 131 136 0 96
3 0:08:11 0:08:04 1 0 0 8:11 8:04 5:06 132 137 0 91
4 0:08:23 0:08:15 1 0 17 8:23 8:15 3:45 136 139 0 96
5 0:08:22 0:08:22 1 0 0 8:22 8:22 7:25 141 146 0 98
6 0:08:18 0:08:08 1 8 0 8:18 8:08 6:57 141 146 0 95
7 0:08:26 0:08:25 1 9 0 8:26 8:25 6:44 143 150 0 96
8 0:08:32 0:08:33 1 0 0 8:32 8:33 6:44 146 151 0 104
9 0:08:44 0:08:44 1 0 0 8:44 8:44 6:19 146 152 0 101
10 0:08:54 0:08:54 1 0 5 8:54 8:54 6:53 150 155 0 112
11 0:08:55 0:08:56 1 9 8 8:55 8:56 7:31 155 157 0 116
12 0:00:01 0:00:01 0 0 0 7:49 5:19 8:09 -- -- 0 0
Summary 1:34:05 1:33:34 11 39 37 8:33 8:30 3:45 139 157 0 1,085

Looking at the data and considering the heat and humidity which added fluidity my heart rate was pretty good.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, June 21, 2010

Triathlon Week Prep

Good morning.

Back to reality for just a little while before we return to Glen Lake for our summer vacation.

The weather was great, as was the training and golf.

Golf was better than expected: 71, 80, 76. Not bad for not playing. To date, I have played 4 times this season.

I said that Friday was an off day. After 27 holes of golf at Crystal Downs we came home and there was still plenty of time for a longer bike ride so I decided to scrap the day off idea.

This ride would be around both Big and Little Glen Lakes. This route has some awesome hills and was really a big test. These are the kind of hills that you are in your easiest gear and pedaling as hard as you can and only going 8 mph for an extended period of time. Sometimes you wonder if you will make it all the way to the top as your heart is beating through your chest. Then comes the downhill sections where you go to your big gear and reach 35 mph.

Well, this ride was 20.6 miles and my one thought was, "can you imagine if you had to do that three more times in a 1/2 Ironman?" You'de be fried. But, I am sure there are many tri courses that tough and it will be good to have this training under my belt.

Saturday ended up being the day off from training.

Sunday I was able to get in another open water swim before we drove home. Basically the same 1.2 miles that I swam a couple days ago. This swim took 34 minutes which was 3 1/2 minutes slower than my previous Glen Lake swim. Not sure why. I thought the effort was definitely there as my lats were sore after. Whatever. Thirty four minutes is still a decent time.

When we got home yesterday I decided to get back on the bike on the trainer and spin 20 miles while watching the US Open.

Interestingly, I have not run since Wednesday's 8 miles. So, my running legs should be nice and recovered from the 1/2 marathon race 8 days ago.

Today I will run and I am looking forward to it.

This is the week leading up to my first Olympic triathlon, Bigfoot. The race is next Sunday and I will be preparing and getting organized. I will get my tri bag organized with all sorts of tri thingy's that one may need on tri day.

I need to buy more bike wheel tubes and change each tire. The valves on each bike tire are in need of repair and I don't want the valves to break on race day. Changing these tubes will also be excellent practice for changing a flat tire, if that should ever happen during the race.

So, in a way, this week will be a tiny taper week. I am still going to be swimming, biking and running to stay fresh but will focus more on quality and not quantity.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, June 18, 2010

Moving Ahead

Good morning.


1000 yard swim.


8 mile aerobic run at 8:20 pace.


1.2 mile open water swim in Glen Lake. Time was 30:35. After the swim hurried up and then got on the bike for a good ride around Glen Lake. The ride was only 13 miles but it has some very tough hills to climb. At times I was only going 8-9mph up a long hill. Coming down was 35mph.

After that it was golf at Crystal Downs. Shot 71.

Today is a day off from workouts and more golf at Crystal.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Same Fun Different Day

Good morning.

What a clear, clean air day in Chicago. We call those, "Green Days." Should be a great day to run under the sun. Temps will be around 80 with low humidity. Can't get any better than that. These are the days I dream about during the cold, grey winter.

After Sunday's 1/2 marathon I did do a recovery bike ride. I only pedaled 5 miles on the trainer to get the blood moving around. I do workouts like this after significant races. Even after the Chicago and Boston Marathons I do not hesitate to hop on the elliptical on race day to circulate the blood.

Monday was supposed to be a swimming day but the pool at XSport was closed due to a chemical imbalance.

Instead of swimming I did a bike training session on the indoor trainer. Man, my legs and aerobic capacity felt the strongest ever. This may have been my strongest bike session on the trainer. My cadence was high on most gears. I usually do 20 miles on the trainer. But, when I hit that mark I just kept going and ended up with 25 solid miles. There is a rule of thumb that the distance done on the trainer is equivelent to 1.5 times outside.

Tuesday was a complete lower body rest day, meaning no biking or running. Instead, I went and did a 1000 yard recovery swim. Easy stuff. Later in the day I did my weekly all body weight workout of mainly high reps. I love the straight legged dead lifts with dumbells. They stretch out the entire back of the leg and also strengthen your backside.

Today I am looking forward to a nice long run.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tri-Umphant Weekend

Good morning.

I hope a great weekend was had by all.

Me? I had a terrific weekend. Of course, part of the time was spent triathlon training and racing. It is an interesting merging of training plans. While I am triathlon training I am also training for the Chicago Marathon in October.

On Saturday I headed to Ohio Street Beach for my open water swim. The water was wavy, choppy, unsettled. Kind of like my first OWS. But, I must practice in various different conditions. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

I headed north into the teeth of the current. Up and down and bobbing all around. I was timing this swim with my Garmin under my swim cap. I wanted to see how far that one bouy is, the bouy that I swim around to simulate sighting and turning in a race.

Staying horizontal in the water makes you cut through the chop much easier. Relaxing also helps. Just stay relaxed and make purposeful stokes. As I swam, looking down into the green I let my mind wonder. Kind of how you can become lost in thought while running. You can do the same with swimming. The swimming groove.

I could not sight like I usually do because the waves were too high. I had to slow down and breast stroke until a view of the bouy became available. Hey, there it is. I swam around it and headed back.

Going back was easier but I had to fight more to stay on track because the waves and current might push me into the concrete wall. No problem. I also had to sight more and make sure not to run into other swimmers. At one point I had two other tri-swimmers coming at me. They were not sighting. They were more concerned with fighting the churn as they swam north. Who could blame them.

I felt good the whole way. My effort was a 6-7 on a scale of 1-10. The distance swum was 1.5 miles in 46:12. I averaged 2 MPH. No bad for the effort level.


This was my 13.1 Half Marathon race day. I felt good. I had not run since Wednesday so my legs were fresh. I had a tiny hip issue but decided to run with it. I also was not sure if I was going to run this 13.1 or race it. I would take a wait and see approach.

I was in the B Wave, second off. We started and I was passed by most of the B runners. No problem, I was sure I would be passing many of them later. It did not take long for me to decide to race. Something just kicks on in my head and I start slowly picking up the pace. I felt good both physically and aerobically. My breathing felt great.

After the second mile I started to pick up the pace. Soon I was running mile splits under 7:20 and still felt good. i just kept going. Running, breathing, form. Cadence, cadence cadence. Passing the runners who previously passed me at the start was enjoyable.

As the run progressed I was maintaining a pace for a longer amount of time that I had never done before. How long can I keep this up? Another mile would go by, another fast one. Getting under 1:40:00 was important to me so I could possibly get a guaranteed spot in the 2011 New York City Marathon. My previous personal best in a 1/2 marathon was 1:43 something.

I just kept up the pace and felt relaxed with my breathing which helped. I thought, one more mile like that and you can coast in and get under 1:40:00. But, the other side of me said, why? Just keep going. It just so happened that my last mile was my fastest. Talk about competitive juices kicking in.

Well, I did it. A new PR for me of 1:36:59 and hopefully a guaranteed entry to New York in 2011. I placed 8th in my 50-54 age group. I need to get down to 1:33:00 or less to really be more competitive in my age group. I think my mile splits are really good, for me.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Steps Calories
1 0:08:15 0:08:09 1 10 0 8:15 8:09 7:21 0 130
2 0:07:46 0:07:46 1 9 15 7:46 7:46 6:29 0 134
3 0:07:37 0:07:38 1 0 2 7:37 7:38 6:34 0 133
4 0:07:27 0:07:27 1 0 6 7:27 7:27 6:26 0 134
5 0:07:17 0:07:18 1 0 0 7:18 7:18 6:52 0 133
6 0:07:15 0:07:16 1 12 0 7:15 7:16 6:52 0 132
7 0:07:17 0:07:17 1 17 25 7:17 7:17 6:35 0 133
8 0:07:06 0:07:06 1 0 0 7:06 7:06 6:32 0 132
9 0:07:10 0:07:11 1 10 7 7:10 7:11 6:13 0 133
10 0:07:11 0:07:11 1 0 6 7:11 7:11 6:23 0 132
11 0:07:07 0:07:08 1 0 0 7:07 7:08 6:37 0 132
12 0:07:11 0:07:11 1 8 11 7:11 7:11 6:34 0 132
13 0:07:03 0:07:03 1 20 15 7:03 7:03 6:07 0 132
14 0:01:12 0:01:13 0.17 0 0 7:01 7:04 6:26 0 23
Summary 1:37:00 1:36:54 13.17 86 87 7:21 7:21 6:07 0 1,745

Edited by Silentrunner 6/14/2010 6:28 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Swimingly Wonderful....Fore

Good Morning.

Hey, what's up? Not much how bout you. It's been such a long time and I really do miss your smile.

Just felt like writing that. I've got that song in my mind. Do you have any idea what song those lyrics are from?

Let's see. Thursday was a day off from biking and running. I did a quick 1000 yard swim instead. Then it was time to play my first round of golf this summer with a good friend, my wife's uncle. My golf has taken a backseat to tri training lately.

We went to the Glen Club in Glenview, IL. I actually played pretty darn good for the first time out shooting a 77. I bogeyed two of the par 5's which is a major no no. I could have easily shot 75. Not complaining though.

Yesterday was another swim day. I wanted to get in a real workout in the pool. I decided to simulate an "olympic distance swim." That is approx 1600 yards. I swam very comfortably-semi hard. I easily could have pushed it more. My 1600 yard simulation took 32:30. Not bad. Then I did 400 yards 4X100 of speed.

Later in the day I got on the bike in the basement on the trainer and knocked out 20 miles. I continue to work on a high cadence with an occassional push of slower - bigger gears for hill work.

Today is another swim day. Hey, that's three swim days in a row. This swim will be in Lake Michigan. I will gather my gear, get in the car and head south down Lakeshore Drive. I will look to my left and the shimmering lake will be there with all kinds of runners, walkers and bikers exercising on the lakefront path, you know, my friends. The one's I do not know. I know their faces. The faces of commitment and dedication. It is a pretty sight.

As I continue south, the Drake Hotel will slowly come into view. Then I will curve left around Oak Street Beach and find my parking spot. I will begin my trek to Ohio St Beach and meet up with members of the Chicago Tri Club and other triathletes practicing their open water swim.

No running or biking today. I am letting my legs rest for tomorrows 13.1, half marathon. I have not decided if I am really racing this or just running it. My guess is, my racing juices will kick in.

Edited by Silentrunner 6/12/2010 6:50 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Brick By Brick

Good morning.

How do you build a really solid house? One brick at a time. In between each brick is morter that adheres to the bricks providing added solidarity to the home.

This is the same type of approach to triathlon training. You build your triathlon home with solid training of swimming, biking and running. Combining two workouts back to back is called a, "BRICK."

Brick workouts can be fun. They can also be very tough, both mentally and physically. But, these are the worlouts that prepare you for triathlon day. Afterall, an actual triathlon is basically a two brick adventure. Swimming to biking and biking to running. You must be prepared.

Yesterday, I was not able to swim. I had some scheduling conflicts. That's ok. I just focused on a bike to run brick in the late afternoon.

I got on the bike on the trainer and pedaled my butt off with high cadence spinning. I went 20 miles. This took about 1:15:00 and then I immediately changed into my running shoes and headed out the door for a 6 mile run.

Legs....heavy as usual after biking. This goes away, for the most part after the first mile. The thought did cross my mind that I have to run 6 miles as I went. This was my "mental" exercise. "Yes, you do have to run 6 miles and you will do it well. You can do this."

So, I kept my focus and just took what my body wanted to give me. It's interesting, my legs, heart and body seems to like the 7:30-7:40 mile pace. Even when I think I slow down, I do not slow down much. Even if my legs feel heavy, they do not seem to slow down much. That's a good thing.

So, I chugged along and when the run was over I was, well, I felt like I just had one hell of a workout. I breathed hard and deep. Whew!!

My tri-house is coming together, one brick at a time.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:06 0:08:54 1 0 7 9:06 8:54 7:32 124 137 0 95
2 0:08:11 0:08:01 1 14 0 8:11 8:01 6:09 136 146 0 92
3 0:07:43 0:07:43 1 0 0 7:43 7:43 6:27 146 150 0 96
4 0:07:35 0:07:35 1 0 0 7:35 7:35 6:21 151 154 0 96
5 0:07:47 0:07:47 1 0 5 7:47 7:47 6:07 152 156 0 100
6 0:07:36 0:07:35 1 0 7 7:36 7:35 6:39 155 161 0 98
7 0:00:02 0:00:02 0.01 0 0 6:15 5:56 6:59 160 160 0 0
Summary 0:48:02 0:47:37 6.01 14 19 7:59 7:55 6:07 143 161 0 577

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fast Twitch Running

Good morning.

Went for a nice rainy 6 mile run yesterday. I decided to wake up my fast twitch muscle fibers. The run started with my typical 1 mile warm up and then it was time to start the steady speed increase.

The more I ran the better the legs felt. The rain also felt good.

Sometimes I wonder what the people who are driving by me think of me. Do they think, "that guy is nuts?" I could care less. I just try to watch out for those huge water puddles on the road so a passing car can't throw a road wave at me. Kind of fun.

Today is a swim and bike day. I may just do all three tri disciplines today. Since I already will be swimming and biking my legs feel good enough today to practice a bike to run or brick workout.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:59 0:08:50 1 0 8 8:59 8:50 6:37 128 138 0 98
2 0:07:50 0:07:50 1 13 0 7:50 7:50 3:47 137 148 0 93
3 0:07:11 0:07:12 1 0 0 7:11 7:12 5:45 150 154 0 92
4 0:06:56 0:06:56 1 0 0 6:56 6:56 5:45 154 156 0 90
5 0:07:05 0:07:04 1 0 6 7:05 7:04 5:39 154 159 0 91
6 0:07:23 0:07:24 1 0 7 7:23 7:24 6:03 154 157 0 97
7 0:00:01 -- 0 0 0 --:-- 7:27 --:-- -- -- 0 0
Summary 0:45:28 0:45:16 6 13 20 7:34 7:32 3:47 145 159 0 561

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Working Hard & Liking It!

Good morning.

As I look back on it, yesterday was a busy day. It's funny. I work, I workout, I work some more, workout again, work ends, I have one more workout. I love it though.

It is good to love whatever work you do. It makes life much more enjoyable. Granted, the market has been tough recently with all kinds of worries. But, we will prevail. We always do.

Yesterday's first workout was a little swim. i was contemplating a recovery swim. I warmed up with 500 yards freestyle and ended with 5X100 sprints with20 seconds rest between 100's. My first 100 took 1:44. They got faster from there. I was tired on the last one and decided to take it easy and focus on smooth technique. Surprise, 1:44, taking it easy while a little tired. That got me thinking....only a few seconds difference between hard and sort of easy.

Later in the day I went into my weight room and pounded out a good upper and some lower body exercises. I also started using one of my cables to simulate the pull phase of swimming. This will make my lats stronger for the swim.

After the weights I felt like doing a short 10 mile spin on the trainer. I just worked on a smooth cadence between 90-100 rpms.

My first triathlon is fast approaching on June 27. This is my test tri, a warm up for the 1/2 Ironman July 31. But, I still want to do well in my age group, 50-54. Have I done enough to prepare?

I really am looking forward to this triathlon journey and lifestyle. What better way to stay fit and healthy.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekend Review

Good morning.

Another busy and fun weekend of workouts has transpired. I guess the workouts become more fun and enjoyable as you see signs of progress with your efforts.

A good weekend was all set up by a restful Friday. I took Friday off from all physical activities. As we know, the only time your body becomes stronger is when you recover and rest. You get stronger from the rest. I wanted to get a weight workout in on Friday but after doing one set of pushups I said, "lets rest." Good choice.

Saturday, June 5

I want to do at least one open water swim (OWS) each week. If I can fit in more, I will. Saturday was, OWS, day. I got up early, and enjoyed some coffee as the day began. There was a little rain in the area but so what. I am not even sure I would notice the rain while swimming.

It is such a peaceful scene driving south on Lakeshore Drive in the morning. With the calm lake on your left and the Sun coming up, it is just up-lifting. The lake has that glimmer on it. There always seems to be a lot of activity on the lakefront path. Many runners and bikers were already persuing their morning fitness.

I parked in my usual spot, grabbed my gear and headed for Ohio Street Beech. Once again, quite a few triathletes were already in the water, swimming quietly. Once in a while you would hear an...exhale, like a dolphin.

I was excited to meet some members of the Chicago Tri Club this morning. They provide free gear watch on Saturday mornings. Once dressed in my wetsuit I walked over to gear check and introduced myself. Then it was time to swim.

Water conditions were calm. The water was cool. You really do not notice the cool lake temperature on your legs as you enter the water because of the wetsuit. You just feel a slight pressure from the water. You notice how cool the water is when you put your head down and start swimming. It feels like a cold head ache for just a minute. After that, you are off with the pod.

My goal for the swim was to work on technique, efficiency, sighting, speed and endurance. No stopping. This was my little practice race. So, off I went, heading north. My sights were set way out there on a bouy about .65 miles away. I never see other tri-swimmers go this far. Not sure why.

I would swim, sight, continue. I tried to sight without lifting my head up out of the water. It was working. I was cruising after a while. Just going along. The bouy was getting closer. I decide to swim around it just like what I will do in a triathlon. Around I went and headed back.

Stroke, pull, breathe, sight. Stroke, pull, breathe, sight. The action continued for a while. I would think of technique. How fast am I moving? It felt good and right. My pulls felt strong. The building I decided to aim at was getting closer. I would swim until my finger tips touch sand. I could see the bottom but it is deceiving on how close the bottom is. Ahhh, sand. I stood up and started moving towards the sand and unzipping the wetsuit.

The 1.3 mile swim took 41:40. Not bad. The funny thing was when I walked over to the gear check I started talking with other Chicago Tri Club members, my lats seemed like they wanted to cramp up. My lats were very sore and tired from the swim. I had to stretch them for a while. This was a good pain. A good swim.

When I returned home from the swim I wanted to do my weekly long run. Today was 13/14 miles. It was raining and I enjoy running in the rain. The run went well. I basically retraced my steps when I went for the swim. Instead of driving I ran along the lake. I enjoyed the tunes, the rain and the run.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:00 0:08:48 1 0 7 9:00 8:48 5:48 127 170 0 94
2 0:08:14 0:08:13 1 14 0 8:14 8:13 6:00 135 147 0 90
3 0:08:03 0:07:57 1 0 0 8:03 7:57 6:15 137 147 0 90
4 0:07:58 0:07:54 1 0 20 7:58 7:54 3:41 140 144 0 92
5 0:08:05 0:08:06 1 9 0 8:05 8:06 7:26 142 149 0 97
6 0:08:05 0:08:06 1 0 9 8:06 8:06 7:28 142 145 0 97
7 0:08:06 0:08:01 1 1 0 8:06 8:01 7:35 142 144 0 96
8 0:07:59 0:07:56 1 0 0 7:59 7:56 6:31 143 147 0 95
9 0:08:02 0:08:03 1 0 0 8:02 8:03 7:14 144 148 0 94
10 0:08:11 0:08:09 1 8 7 8:11 8:09 4:25 146 149 0 97
11 0:08:17 0:08:17 1 19 0 8:17 8:17 6:50 139 148 0 85
12 0:08:12 0:08:05 1 0 4 8:12 8:05 6:24 136 145 0 70
13 0:08:36 0:08:37 1 0 4 8:36 8:37 7:27 145 149 0 98
14 0:08:25 0:08:25 1 9 7 8:25 8:25 6:24 149 152 0 102
15 0:00:00 -- 0 0 0 --:-- 8:54 --:-- -- -- 0 0
Summary 1:55:22 1:54:37 14 60 58 8:14 8:11 3:41 140 170 0 1,297

Sunday, June 6

This was long bike ride day. I decided to join some members of the Chicago Tri Club on their Buffalo Grove Sunday 38 mile ride. Good to meet new people. The ride was a nice change for me. Much hillier than my usual routes. The one thing about hills is that they are challenging to go up and very easy coming down. Some of these were butt busters.

So we went 38 miles. The only weird thing that happened was one guy in our group wiped out when he blew a tire during a turn. He was in front and he started swerving back and forth. I avoided him and heard the crash. He was ok and needed help changing his tire so we all stayed around to help.

I enjoyed the group ride and fit in nicely. I think I am one of the stronger riders in that group. I will join them again.

That's all I did this weekend.

Edited by Silentrunner 6/7/2010 5:51 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, June 4, 2010

Call Me Flipper

Good morning.

Got a new swim workout from my coach. I tried it yesterday. The only problem was that I left my printed workout on the kitchen counter. So, I did the best I could from memory. The workout looked like this:

Warm up: 300 yards: Time = 7:06

4X300: ( 1st 100 moderate, middle 100 hard, 3rd 100 moderate). The rest interval between 100's is 30 seconds.

-Times: 5:44, 5:39, 5:42, 5:47

4X150: (1st 50 moderate, 2nd 50 hard, 3rd 50 moderate). The rest interval between 150's is 20 seconds.

-Times: 2:51, 2:54, 2:54, 2:49

Cool down, 200 yards: Time 4:10.

Total: 2,300 yards

I left out the third phase: 4X100. I will do this workout again next week. This really is a great test. The minimal rest between sets really makes you work. It's sort of similar to doing running intervals with much less rest. I felt good afterward and felt like I just had a really good swim workout.

Later in the day I got on the bike on the trainer and worked on cadence for 20 miles. The more I read about biking the more I realize the importance of maintaining an 85-110 cadence. Riding with a higher cadence helps keep your legs fresh vs pushing bigger gears using your strong quad muscles.

Today, no swimming, biking or running. Maybe weights.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Runnin In The Sun

Good morning.

I watched a TV show that I recorded called, Super Humans. There really are some incredible people in this world. I liked the guy with the amazing brain. Numbers, to him, are represented by shapes and colors in his brain. He could recite the numerical value of Pi. Amazing.

I also liked the part about Dean karnazes. Regardless of what people think about him he has done some increadible stuff. He has done running things that I will never get close to.

The part about the women who consider themselves Mermaids was also interesting. They actually make their own tail section and swim with the sea-life. One woman can hold her breath for 5 minutes.

Cool stuff. Gives me hope for my own crazy journeys.

Yesterday was National Running Day. How could I not run on that day? Come on. So, I waited until 4:30 pm, close to the warmest part of the day and went for an easy 6 mile run. I just listened to tunes and enjoyed the warm Sun. Sort of a joy run.

I really liked my low heartrate data.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:10 0:09:03 1 0 7 9:10 9:03 7:54 118 127 0 90
2 0:08:08 0:08:09 1 14 0 8:08 8:09 6:30 129 135 0 92
3 0:08:30 0:08:26 1 0 0 8:30 8:26 7:09 127 137 0 85
4 0:08:34 0:08:26 1 0 0 8:34 8:26 6:53 127 140 0 75
5 0:08:29 0:08:28 1 0 5 8:29 8:28 7:07 129 150 0 77
6 0:08:18 0:08:17 1 0 6 8:18 8:17 7:22 132 139 0 81
7 0:00:43 0:00:40 0.09 0 0 8:01 7:23 7:38 135 142 0 7
Summary 0:51:56 0:51:29 6.09 14 18 8:31 8:27 6:30 126 150 0 507

Today I will swim a new workout that my coach gave me. After that I may hop on the bike. This would be a swim to bike mini brick. I say mini because I need to drive home after the swim workout and then get on the bike so it's not immediate.

Edited by Silentrunner 6/3/2010 7:29 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not for Faint of Heart

Good morning.

These long weekends always seem to throw my day schedule off. For example, I keep forgetting that it is Wednesday and not Tuesday.

Yesterday was a swimming and biking day. This would be my first back to back swim workout. Maybe I will make it three days in a row.

The swim yesterday was just a 500 yard warm up in 9:45. No problem. Then I decided to once again do 5X100 speed drills. I would start a little slower and try to pick up the pace with each successive 100 yard set.

The first set was 1:50, too slow. The second, 1:40, that's better. The third, 1:39, wooo, cool. Heartrate way up there. The fourth, 1:37, a new PR for a 100. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I though I would lose it. The fifth, 1:44, more of a cool down.

Swimming this hard really gets your heart rate way up there. I think my heart rate was much higher than when I run a 5K. I never feel like that when I run. Totally spent laying on the edge of the pool. Big huge heart beats.

Perhaps that means I can run much harder.

Later in the day I hoped on the bike on the trainer and knocked out another 20 miles. This session was just a bit slower than usual. More of a easy bike ride. Got to do those once in a while.

Today???? No biking. Running, maybe. Swimming, perhaps.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3 Day Training Bash

Good morning.

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend.

I've been busy. Aside from enjoying the great weather with outdoor activities I also enjoyed lots of training and workouts. The three triathlon disciplines are slowly melding together.

Saturday: Brick 20 Bike & 10 Run

Saturday was a "Brick Day." It was so beautiful out that I had to run. The only way to do that was to "brick it." I got on my bike which was on the trainer and pedaled 20 hard miles. Immediately after the bike I changed my shirt and shorts which I placed nest to the bike, put on my running shoes and went out the door.

The sun was hot but humidity low. It felt great. I decided to really enjoy the run and do 10 miles. This would allow me to run along the lake.

My legs felt very spunky for just riding the bike. I picked up my pace and was cruising. I think the fast cadence on the bike carries over to a faster running cadence. I really felt great the whole way.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:06 0:08:55 1 0 7 9:06 8:55 6:48 123 138 0 94
2 0:07:51 0:07:46 1 14 0 7:51 7:46 6:01 140 145 0 92
3 0:07:43 0:07:43 1 0 0 7:43 7:43 6:09 141 147 0 94
4 0:07:35 0:07:34 1 0 19 7:35 7:34 3:45 145 150 0 92
5 0:07:16 0:07:15 1 7 0 7:16 7:15 6:30 153 155 0 94
6 0:07:31 0:07:31 1 0 7 7:31 7:31 6:55 152 156 0 95
7 0:08:02 0:08:00 1 20 10 8:02 8:00 4:13 147 153 0 98
8 0:07:58 0:07:58 1 9 0 7:58 7:58 5:53 144 151 0 91
9 0:07:55 0:07:52 1 0 3 7:55 7:52 5:43 146 152 0 90
10 0:07:56 0:07:57 1 0 5 7:56 7:57 6:21 152 157 0 101
11 0:04:29 0:04:27 0.47 0 7 9:31 9:25 6:51 143 155 0 47
Summary 1:23:26 1:22:58 10.47 50 57 7:57 7:55 3:45 143 157 0 988

Sunday: 52 Mile Bike & 1 Mile Run, Mini Brick

Sunday was long bike ride day. I decided to go north again and follow last weeks trek. I rode by myself and decided to work harder on pace while maintaining a proper cadence. I worked hard and hit some great speeds while maintaining a 90-110 cadence. Hitting 20-25mph on a flat surface is definitely doable. I just need to increase endurance.

Monday: 1.3 Mile Open Water Swim & 6 Mile Run

Ddecided to go to the lake again and practice open water swims with the wetsuit. As I drove south on Lakeshore Drive the sunlight was shimmering off the glass like lake. The water was still and looked so enticing.

When I walked towards Ohio Street Beach along the lake I could see that there were many triathletes in the water. It was a peaceful and serene scene. The water was still and the sounds of the swimmers broke the silence. I must have seen 20 heads bobbing up and down as they swam. I was happy to see this and could not wait to join them.

I finally got to see the benefits of the wetsuit. I could feel the suit helping me stay more balanced and also bouyant. In these calm conditions I felt much faster. I also realized that I could swim a long time in this wetsuit. Once you loosen up and get in a groove I feel I could have swum for miles. My form was good and efficient.

On a funny note, one way to add some warmth to your body with the wetsuit on is to urinate in it while swimming. Really works. I am looking forward to many more lake open water swims.

Later in the day I went for my six mile run. The humity was high and I liked it. I like to run in the warmest part of the day.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:22 0:09:16 1 0 7 9:22 9:16 5:10 117 127 0 92
2 0:08:26 0:08:26 1 14 0 8:26 8:26 6:42 126 134 0 90
3 0:08:04 0:08:05 1 0 0 8:04 8:05 6:48 131 135 0 91
4 0:07:47 0:07:45 1 0 0 7:47 7:45 6:25 135 151 0 87
5 0:07:56 0:07:56 1 0 6 7:56 7:56 6:25 138 149 0 91
6 0:07:23 0:07:24 1 0 9 7:23 7:24 6:43 142 148 0 88
7 0:00:06 0:00:06 0.02 0 0 6:08 5:38 6:36 148 148 0 1
Summary 0:49:08 0:48:58 6.02 14 22 8:09 8:08 5:10 130 151 0 540

So, all in all it was a terrific holiday weekend.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin