Saturday, March 20, 2010

Long Run Friday

Good morning.

Spring, at time of many weather fluctuations. Yesterday was so nice out with temps in the mid 60's, sunny and a slight breeze. As I sit on my favorite chair this morning, drinking coffee, I look up and see snow and brutal winds. It does not look friendly out there.

I am happy that I decided to do my 22 mile LSD run yesterday in the beautiful weather. I have run plenty this training cycle in wintery conditions. Don't need more practice with that.

My long run yesterday went well. I decided as I went along to make it a 22 miler. The sun felt really good. I still did not use GU but had a couple sips of water along the way. I was surprised that the Chicago Park District had some water fountains working. I might of had 6 ounces total. Still felt good though. There were some tough miles where the beast showed up but I ran through him and said adios.

Today I will do a recovery workout via running or elliptical and let the pumping blood clear away the gunk.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:14 1 23 112 9:14 7:53 113 123 0 88
2 0:08:45 1 62 26 8:45 6:46 121 125 0 86
3 0:08:42 1 30 43 8:42 6:56 124 129 0 87
4 0:09:02 1 72 108 9:02 4:37 124 130 0 86
5 0:09:01 1 23 49 9:01 8:19 125 141 0 83
6 0:08:59 1 102 46 8:59 8:10 123 129 0 87
7 0:08:49 1 20 10 8:49 8:17 128 131 0 98
8 0:08:47 1 10 23 8:47 8:20 129 133 0 96
9 0:08:45 1 79 69 8:45 5:14 132 138 0 97
10 0:09:01 1 16 36 9:01 8:17 130 136 0 95
11 0:08:47 1 13 36 8:47 5:47 133 141 0 96
12 0:08:52 1 43 16 8:52 6:24 126 140 0 95
13 0:08:41 1 3 26 8:41 8:09 137 141 0 102
14 0:08:40 1 289 112 8:40 4:27 142 149 0 104
15 0:08:48 1 7 164 8:48 7:31 139 143 0 98
16 0:09:18 1 36 52 9:18 8:22 128 145 0 85
17 0:08:32 1 39 16 8:32 7:44 141 149 0 94
18 0:08:51 1 46 39 8:51 6:55 140 145 0 98
19 0:09:20 1 72 39 9:20 7:43 130 141 0 83
20 0:09:21 1 30 52 9:21 7:40 137 141 0 94
21 0:09:22 1 33 39 9:22 8:18 140 149 0 106
22 0:09:19 1 16 36 9:20 8:24 145 150 0 110
Summary 3:17:06 22 1,063 1,148 8:57 4:27 131 150 0 2,068

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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