Thursday, March 4, 2010

In The Groove

Good morning.

What a beautiful day. The sun is out in full force and I may just have to extend my 8 miler today to 10 as I run along Lake Michigan. All of the snow is melting and may be completely gone after this weekend. It won't be long til the grass gets green. I saw my first signs of spring life as I walked the dogs yesterday. It was some kind of tiny white flower. Put a smile on my face. I have come to really appreciate the small things in life.

Yesterday's run was an easy 6 miles. Just wanted to get in a groove and keep it easy. As I run, I am always paying attention to form. I work on foot plant, cadence, breathing and arm position. I am also enjoying switching from Lunar Racers and Mizuno Precisions based on the days mileage. I love both shoes. I may stick with Precisions for Boston because I have more miles and confidence in them for long runs. Maybe I will try Lunar Racers for some 10+ mile runs and see how they feel.

My stats from yesterday:

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:17 1 364 108 9:17 7:02 128 155 0 66
2 0:08:26 1 36 141 8:27 6:58 126 130 0 87
3 0:08:32 1 30 118 8:32 7:30 126 130 0 81
4 0:08:33 1 75 52 8:33 7:14 128 133 0 85
5 0:08:35 1 30 20 8:35 7:41 131 135 0 86
6 0:08:25 1 26 39 8:25 7:25 134 139 0 87
7 0:00:27 0.05 -- 3 8:37 8:26 135 135 0 4
Summary 0:52:19 6.05 558 482 8:38 6:58 128 155 0 496

Born To Run:

"But there had to be transferable skills, right? Basic Tarahumara principles that could survive and take root in American soil.

Because my God, imagine the payoff. What if you could run for decades and never get injured...and log hundreds of weekly miles and enjoy every one of them...and see your heart rate drop and your stress and anger fade while your energy soared? Imagine crime, cholestrol, and greed melting away as a nation of Running People finally rediscovered its stride. More than his Olympic runners, more than his triumphs and records, this could be Loe Vigil's Legacy.

He didn't have all the answers yet-but watching the Tarahumara whisk past in their wizard capes, he knew where he would find them."

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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