Friday, March 19, 2010

I Love Spring!!

Good Friday morning.

Yesterday I had all good intentions to celebrate the beautiful weather with outdoor activities. But, as I was working and planning I was having a struggle with my thoughts. Should I go for a really long bike ride first or go hit golf balls? I got my biking clothes on and stood there. I checked the temperature,etc. Then I decided to let it warm up a bit more before riding along the lake. I went and practiced my golf game and that went very well. The swing is still there.

But, on my way to the driving range I kept on thinking about how tired my legs were. Should I go for the bike ride or take the day off and get a massage? I did the hard but smart thing and got a deep tissue massage from the waist down. My decision was made easier after I calculated all the running and biking miles I put in since last Friday. I am glad I went this route because I want to put in quality runs.

Today I will run my 20 miler instead of running it on Sunday. I just would rather enjoy running in today's weather, 60 degrees and partly cloudy. Sunday's weather looks really crappy and I've had enough practice this winter with training in all types of tough weather.

Born To Run:

"Many of you may be suffering from chronic running related injuries, Barefoot Ken Bob begins: Shoes block pain, not impact! Pain teaches us to run comfortably! From the moment you start going barefoot, you will change the way you run.

That was my Eureka moment! Suddenly, it all made sense. So that's why those stinin Kangaroo Jumps made his back ache! All that cushioning underfoot let him run with big, sloppy strides, which twisted and tweaked his lower back. When he went barefoot, his form instantly tightened; his back straightened and his legs stayed squarely under his hips.

No wonder your feet are so sensitive. They're self correcting devices. Covering your feet with cushioned shoes is like turning off your smoke alarms.

Ted had transformed himself from an aching, fearful non-runner into a barefoot marathoner with such speed that he was able to accomplish something that 99.9% of all runners never will: he qualified for the Boston Marathon."

Have a great weekend.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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