Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Decisions Decisions!

Good morning.

We returned home from Florida yesterday. A safe trip was had by all. The weather here certainly is spectacular. Yesterday, I was so tempted to go for a run but decided to rest my running muscles instead and do the elliptical for 6 miles. I have no calf pain and I hope that episode is behind me.

I may try to get a run in today. Not sure of the length yet. If I did 8 or 10 today then I could run short, 5-6 miles tomorrow and Saturday before my 20 mile attempt Sunday.

Good thing the Boston Marathon was not this week or next. Plenty of rain and flooding in that part of the country. It is getting so close to the race and I am getting more excited by the day. To think that I will be walking around Boston as one of the competitors, with all the others and the elites, is just surreal.

Have a great spring day.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Waking The Fast Twitch

Good morning.

Yesterday I woke up my fast twitch fibers. The more I run the better the legs feel, especially the calf. I started the run yesterday as a recovery run but that changed after the first mile.

I felt good running at these paces and did not tire aerobically. The legs could have kept going, but I thought 5 miles total with four at the faster paces was good enough. My heart rate seemed a little high for those paces but that may be due to the warmer temps.

I may try to complete this weeks Boston Bound program except for today. We are traveling home from Florida and I may run when we get home or just do the elliptical.

The question: If all is still going well by Saturday do I run the last 20 miler? What are your thoughts on this?

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:14 1 197 125 9:14 7:45 123 132 0 96
2 0:07:43 1 26 72 7:43 6:58 142 148 0 94
3 0:07:21 1 13 23 7:21 6:45 148 151 0 93
4 0:07:25 1 23 36 7:25 6:58 149 154 0 94
5 0:07:23 1 43 52 7:23 6:48 152 156 0 95
6 0:00:01 0 -- 0 6:39 7:16 150 150 0 0
Summary 0:39:10 5 302 308 7:49 6:45 141 156 0 472

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ocean Waves

My name is Randy and I'm a runaholic. It's been 6 days since my last run.

I now realize I am addicted to running and the great feeling it produces with the endorphin rush. I have been running for over thirty years and I truely miss it. I have accepted my layoff and realize that I have not taken a full week off from running since my bout of PF many years ago. The result hopefully will be new legs, like Kenny says.

Yesterday I walked a cumulative 6 miles. Two on the road and four barefoot on the beach. I never realized that your legs could get sore from walking on the sand. But, the back of my legs are a little sore, most likely from the push-off from the sand.

I also swam a mile in the churned up ocean. The waves were coming at a diagonal and were small to moderate. I decided to test my swimming in these conditions. I started off going into the chop and would see how it went. As I swam I wore my goggles and would look into the water. All I could see was green. Blind in a way. There had been numerous jellyfish washing up on shore so there was a possibility of running into one of these head size jell filed monsters.

I swam good and hard for 1/2 mile and swam back for a mile workout. As I swam into the waves I would rise up and down with the flow of the water. I would pick it up in speed and watch the condos on the beach go by. I also was in the area where the pelicans were bomb diving for fish. It was all so interesting. It felt good to swim and just go. You know what, it was not that hard. Great practice.

A little later as I sat on my chair on the beach some older man comes up to me and says, "what are you going to do for an encore?" I said, "what do you mean?" He said, "I was watching you swim. I have never seen anyone swim like that." He was very impressed at how I swam. He mentioned it reminded him of Navy Seals when he was in the service. I just said, yea, they are some crazy tough dudes. He said the only person he ever saw swim like that was his father. I was very appreciative of his nice comments. The last thing I ever expected when I woke up yesterday was someone giving me such a nice compliment with my swimming. I thanked him.

Today, more walkin and golf. Tomorrow I may go for a run.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, March 22, 2010

Recovery Rest and Gaining Strength

Good morning.

I have designated this week as, niggle be gone week. This will be a week of healing. A week for my body to glue itself back together. During a marathon training cycle the body puts up with a lot of stresses. You feel tired sometimes and feel a niggle here and there. It is just part of the process. We all know, I hope, that you only get stronger when you rest and recover. I want to let my body get stronger.

In a sense, this is an experiment for me. I will monitor my body and run again when I feel it has healed enough. That may be tomorrow, Wednesday or whenever.Then it will be time for a very healthy final push towards Boston. I feel it cannot hurt to rest more than normal, just once. I remember training hard for Chicago and ran most of the marathon in some sort of pain. I don't want that to happen in Boston.

Since my 22 miler on Friday I have only done the elliptical on Saturday and Sunday with 6 and 5 miles, respectively. I also had an excellent 15 mile bike training session on the indoor trainer yesterday.

I can already feel the effects of taking two days off of running. When I get out of bed there is no stiffness, been a while. The springy legs are returning. The muscles seem to be getting denser, more solid, glued back together.

This week my wife and I will be in Naples, FL visiting her mom and dad. Going to Naples is one of my favorite things to do. It is only a couple hours flight and the beach there is beautiful. It is also a great beach to run on during low tide. The sand is hard. I may do some barefoot running as well. I will stay in touch.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Long Run Friday

Good morning.

Spring, at time of many weather fluctuations. Yesterday was so nice out with temps in the mid 60's, sunny and a slight breeze. As I sit on my favorite chair this morning, drinking coffee, I look up and see snow and brutal winds. It does not look friendly out there.

I am happy that I decided to do my 22 mile LSD run yesterday in the beautiful weather. I have run plenty this training cycle in wintery conditions. Don't need more practice with that.

My long run yesterday went well. I decided as I went along to make it a 22 miler. The sun felt really good. I still did not use GU but had a couple sips of water along the way. I was surprised that the Chicago Park District had some water fountains working. I might of had 6 ounces total. Still felt good though. There were some tough miles where the beast showed up but I ran through him and said adios.

Today I will do a recovery workout via running or elliptical and let the pumping blood clear away the gunk.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:14 1 23 112 9:14 7:53 113 123 0 88
2 0:08:45 1 62 26 8:45 6:46 121 125 0 86
3 0:08:42 1 30 43 8:42 6:56 124 129 0 87
4 0:09:02 1 72 108 9:02 4:37 124 130 0 86
5 0:09:01 1 23 49 9:01 8:19 125 141 0 83
6 0:08:59 1 102 46 8:59 8:10 123 129 0 87
7 0:08:49 1 20 10 8:49 8:17 128 131 0 98
8 0:08:47 1 10 23 8:47 8:20 129 133 0 96
9 0:08:45 1 79 69 8:45 5:14 132 138 0 97
10 0:09:01 1 16 36 9:01 8:17 130 136 0 95
11 0:08:47 1 13 36 8:47 5:47 133 141 0 96
12 0:08:52 1 43 16 8:52 6:24 126 140 0 95
13 0:08:41 1 3 26 8:41 8:09 137 141 0 102
14 0:08:40 1 289 112 8:40 4:27 142 149 0 104
15 0:08:48 1 7 164 8:48 7:31 139 143 0 98
16 0:09:18 1 36 52 9:18 8:22 128 145 0 85
17 0:08:32 1 39 16 8:32 7:44 141 149 0 94
18 0:08:51 1 46 39 8:51 6:55 140 145 0 98
19 0:09:20 1 72 39 9:20 7:43 130 141 0 83
20 0:09:21 1 30 52 9:21 7:40 137 141 0 94
21 0:09:22 1 33 39 9:22 8:18 140 149 0 106
22 0:09:19 1 16 36 9:20 8:24 145 150 0 110
Summary 3:17:06 22 1,063 1,148 8:57 4:27 131 150 0 2,068

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, March 19, 2010

I Love Spring!!

Good Friday morning.

Yesterday I had all good intentions to celebrate the beautiful weather with outdoor activities. But, as I was working and planning I was having a struggle with my thoughts. Should I go for a really long bike ride first or go hit golf balls? I got my biking clothes on and stood there. I checked the temperature,etc. Then I decided to let it warm up a bit more before riding along the lake. I went and practiced my golf game and that went very well. The swing is still there.

But, on my way to the driving range I kept on thinking about how tired my legs were. Should I go for the bike ride or take the day off and get a massage? I did the hard but smart thing and got a deep tissue massage from the waist down. My decision was made easier after I calculated all the running and biking miles I put in since last Friday. I am glad I went this route because I want to put in quality runs.

Today I will run my 20 miler instead of running it on Sunday. I just would rather enjoy running in today's weather, 60 degrees and partly cloudy. Sunday's weather looks really crappy and I've had enough practice this winter with training in all types of tough weather.

Born To Run:

"Many of you may be suffering from chronic running related injuries, Barefoot Ken Bob begins: Shoes block pain, not impact! Pain teaches us to run comfortably! From the moment you start going barefoot, you will change the way you run.

That was my Eureka moment! Suddenly, it all made sense. So that's why those stinin Kangaroo Jumps made his back ache! All that cushioning underfoot let him run with big, sloppy strides, which twisted and tweaked his lower back. When he went barefoot, his form instantly tightened; his back straightened and his legs stayed squarely under his hips.

No wonder your feet are so sensitive. They're self correcting devices. Covering your feet with cushioned shoes is like turning off your smoke alarms.

Ted had transformed himself from an aching, fearful non-runner into a barefoot marathoner with such speed that he was able to accomplish something that 99.9% of all runners never will: he qualified for the Boston Marathon."

Have a great weekend.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Warm and Sunny

Good morning from my favorite chair.

Another, even more beautiful, sunny day in Chicago. It is so excellent to have a 68 degree day with SW winds in Chicago. That means no lake cooling effect which means warmth by the lake. That does not happen much in the spring here. Many times the temperature could be 70 away from the lake and 50 near the lake because of NE breezes. Drives me nuts because I live near the lake.

The main goal of days like this is to just enjoy them as much as possible. Get out there and soak up the sun. It makes the soul happy.

Yesterday I took it easy and ran an easy 6 aerobic miles. No running today even though Boston Bound calls for 8 miles. I may change my mind, but, the reason for not running today is because I may run my 20 miler tomorrow. I've run a lot of miles this winter in various conditions. I think I am prepared for running in crap weather. So, running 20 tomorrow in a temp of 65 might be more like conditions in Boston. Who knows?

My heart rate data continues to look very low.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:00 1 52 56 9:00 7:15 124 164 0 85
2 0:08:28 1 98 82 8:28 6:44 123 129 0 85
3 0:02:06 0.22 52 26 9:33 7:23 113 128 0 13
4 0:00:02 0 -- 0 12:09 8:56 117 117 0 1
5 0:08:42 1 190 121 8:42 4:11 116 126 0 88
6 0:08:52 1 128 69 8:52 7:07 119 124 0 86
7 0:08:38 1 39 79 8:38 7:00 122 130 0 88
8 0:07:00 0.81 10 56 8:38 7:36 125 133 0 68
Summary 0:52:52 6.03 571 489 8:45 4:11 121 164 0 514

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Breakthrough Run

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Another beautiful day in Chicago today. Around 60 degrees and sunny. Must take advantage and get outdoors today and tomorrow. The weather this weekend is looking really crappy and I was thinkng about moving my 20 mile long run up to tomorrow or Friday. I am tempted to enjoy 20 miles in the warm sun instead of 43 degrees on Sunday with rain, snow, sleet, wind, etc. But, part of me welcomes the challenge of running 20 in the tougher elements. What should I do?

Yesterday's Boston Bound called for Yasso 800's and a cumulative 8 miles. I skipped the Yasso's and decided to just run. I did not really have any intentions when the run started. As a matter of fact, my legs felt sluggish for some reason. Maybe it was because I wore lose shorts vs tights. Sometimes when you wear tights they help snap your legs back. Maybe not having that is what made my legs feel sluggish.

After the first warm up mile things started to change. The legs started waking up. I had to come up with a plan at that point. I decided to run comfortably hard. I wanted to reach a pace that I could maintain for a while. Perhaps four to five miles. Well, what a run it turned out to be.

I had my fastest and best 8 mile run ever. I reached cruising speeds that surprised me. I was having fun. Even my average heart rate never got too high. At these paces I expected a higher heart rate reading. But, the lower reading makes sense for how good I felt while running.

This run was a new breakthrough for me. My only regret is not pushing a little harder in miles 3 & 8. I would have liked to seen 6 miles in the 6's.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:03 1 121 125 9:04 6:54 120 136 0 84
2 0:07:55 1 115 82 7:55 6:00 128 137 0 85
3 0:07:05 1 128 30 7:05 5:04 142 147 0 86
4 0:06:52 1 30 75 6:52 5:20 148 151 0 87
5 0:06:50 1 154 46 6:50 5:00 149 154 0 86
6 0:06:50 1 52 108 6:50 5:19 150 156 0 84
7 0:06:37 1 46 85 6:37 4:56 152 162 0 85
8 0:07:03 1 46 43 7:03 6:10 153 157 0 91
9 0:00:45 0.11 0 13 7:00 6:06 156 157 0 10
Summary 0:59:05 8.11 689 607 7:17 4:56 141 162 0 698

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Recovery Monday

Good morning.

Another sunny, warmer day in the big city. Must run today in shorts. Boston Bound calls for an 8 miler with Yasso 800's thrown in. I may skip the Yasso's and just do some intervals along the way. Who knows. I will figure it out as I go along. I am being a little careful to not blow a gasket before Boston with speed work. Not overly careful though.

Yesterday was a recovery day. I started the morning with 4 miles of slow elliptical. Later in the day I ran 6 slow miles. Body feels good. I am particularly happy with the low heart rate data in the effort zone.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:31 1 174 121 9:31 5:35 118 126 0 93
2 0:09:00 1 66 79 9:00 6:54 122 128 0 90
3 0:09:05 1 82 102 9:05 7:42 116 124 0 77
4 0:08:58 1 33 43 8:58 7:45 118 126 0 78
5 0:09:05 1 115 62 9:05 6:55 119 130 0 67
6 0:09:05 1 43 49 9:05 7:39 120 135 0 72
7 0:00:32 0.06 3 3 9:07 8:41 118 118 0 3
Summary 0:55:20 6.06 512 456 9:07 5:35 118 135 0 480

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Fever Week

Good morning.


The weather this week in Chicago looks terrific. It may cause periods of spring fever. What happens when you get spring fever? Well, you enjoy more outdoor activities. You run outside in shorts and feel the Sun's warmth. You grab your golf clubs and start working on your game. You ride you bike outside and feel the wind in your face. You may even take the cover off your motorcycle and rev that baby up and take a ride along Lakeshore Drive. It's time to celebrate surviving winter. Enjoy!!

Yesterday's Boston Bound program called for a run lasting 1:50:00. I decided to focus more on mileage than time though. I wore a new pair of Nike Luna Racers for my 16 miler and the shoes were perfect. I believe these will be the shoes in which I run Boston. The goal of this run was to run it approx 45 seconds per mile slower than Boston pace. Most of the miles were run in the 8:30's zone and this was a very easy pace, effort wise. My heart rate was in the low to mid 120's at this pace.

Traveling south along the lakefront path was downwind. Coming back was another story. A tough 20-25 mile per hour, in your face wind welcomed me. After a while I decided to detour the path and take my Fullerton Ave exit and run along parts of the Chicago Marathon course.

I picked up the pace for miles 13-15 and was happy with the fast twitch muscle response. Mile 16 was a cool down.

A unique and funny thing happened today. Almost twice. I have not fallen down in a very long time. I can't even remember the last time I hit the ground. As I started my run yesterday, about 1/2 mile into my run my right foot hit a raised part of the sidewalk as I looked at my Garmin and I really had a most excellent trip. I almost bit the dust, but, I saved it. If anyone was watching they had to have a good laugh. I still can't believe I did not go down.

Later in the run on the lakefront path I was lookin at my pace again and all of a sudden my right foot hit a raised box of some sort and there would be no saving this one. I knew I was going down. I broke the fall with my hands, rolled so I could land on my right shoulder and hip, did a 360 roll and was back on my feet. I looked at the guy approaching from behind and the expression on his face was funny. I just gave him the baseball safe sign and took off again. I wish I had this on film. I am still laughing about it. My martial arts instructor taught me how to fall a while back and that came in handy yesterday. I am fine.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:31 1 128 49 9:32 7:00 154 188 0 67
2 0:08:37 1 102 151 8:37 5:30 120 128 0 90
3 0:08:28 1 98 89 8:28 6:33 123 132 0 84
4 0:08:36 1 187 102 8:36 6:10 125 143 0 84
5 0:08:31 1 52 95 8:31 7:22 126 134 0 81
6 0:08:34 1 13 82 8:34 7:22 126 136 0 74
7 0:08:30 1 23 16 8:30 7:57 137 174 0 56
8 0:08:31 1 30 10 8:31 7:30 127 148 0 89
9 0:08:40 1 39 26 8:40 8:06 128 135 0 93
10 0:08:57 1 72 98 8:57 8:12 129 133 0 98
11 0:08:42 1 72 26 8:42 7:41 128 139 0 86
12 0:08:30 1 92 43 8:30 7:21 128 143 0 74
13 0:08:09 1 20 102 8:09 6:45 138 144 0 93
14 0:07:54 1 72 36 7:54 6:34 134 146 0 81
15 0:07:25 1 39 62 7:25 6:43 148 154 0 92
16 0:08:41 1 20 33 8:42 6:45 139 153 0 93
17 0:00:03 0.01 -- -- 9:25 8:53 135 135 0 1
Summary 2:16:26 16.01 1,063 1,020 8:31 5:30 131 188 0 1,336

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Long Run Sunday

Good morning.

I am preparing for a long run this morning by having oatmeal, 64 ounces of coffee and blogging. Boston Bound calls for running 1:50:00 or approx 12 miles. I may run a little more than this. I want to wear my new pair of Luna Racers and see how they feel for 15 or 16 miles. But, I will play it by ear as I go along. The goal of today's run is LSD, Long Slow Distance, along LSD, Lake Shore Drive, on LSP, Lake Shore Path. In other words, LSD along LSD on LSP.

LSD~LSD+LSP=Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

I will see other Boston Bound runners along the way. Many are wearing Boston gear and are easy to notice.

Yesterday's Boston Bound program called for a 10K race type run with a mile warm up and cool down and an approx total distance of 9 miles. I did not want to run that hard. I want to save my best for Boston. But, I did run hard enough and more miles. I ran 11 miles and my goal was to find a comfortably hard pace that I could maintain for a while without bonking. I just monitored how I felt. I think it went well. After yesterday's run I am pretty sure that my next 1/2 marathon will be well under 1:40:00. I could have definitely pushed it harder. Knock on wood.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:59 1 213 135 8:59 7:20 118 127 0 80
2 0:08:09 1 49 95 8:09 5:56 125 137 0 84
3 0:07:18 1 82 59 7:18 6:01 141 148 0 84
4 0:07:25 1 36 66 7:25 3:57 142 147 0 87
5 0:06:58 1 16 23 6:58 6:04 151 157 0 86
6 0:07:15 1 43 26 7:15 6:30 152 155 0 89
7 0:07:19 1 98 89 7:19 5:58 151 154 0 87
8 0:07:27 1 72 105 7:27 5:41 147 152 0 88
9 0:07:52 1 115 151 7:52 6:10 142 149 0 76
10 0:07:19 1 72 66 7:19 6:08 149 154 0 87
11 0:07:50 1 52 43 7:50 6:51 146 154 0 86
12 0:00:02 0 -- -- 7:55 7:18 147 147 0 0
Summary 1:23:59 11 846 853 7:37 3:57 141 157 0 934

Edited by Silentrunner 3/14/2010 7:38 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thoughts of Lance Armstrong

Good morning.

Gonna be a wet one in Chicago today. I think I will still run outside though. I would rather do 10 miles in the rain than the treadmill. Plus, I have always enjoyed running in the rain. If the 20 below winter wind chill does not stop me why would rain. Must be prepared for anything.

Yesterday I had an excellent 40 mile, 2:37:23, bike ride along the lake on the same lakefront path that I run on. This is one long path. The first 20 miles were easy while the comeback was tougher because I was going into the wind. Great training though.

After my ride I returned the Karhu shoes and decided to add another pair of Luna Racers that I will alternate with my other Luna's. I also purchased the Saucony Fast Twitch 4 shoes. They feel pretty good in the store. These are a bit more minimalist than the Luna's. They have nice cushioning and are very flexible. I may fall in love with these. I will report about them next week.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Calories
1 0:04:52 1 3 102 12.3 17.6 83 99 18
2 0:04:20 1 10 20 13.8 20.5 92 110 23
3 0:04:35 1 16 7 13 17 92 107 22
4 0:04:11 1 3 13 14.3 18.4 93 108 19
5 0:03:32 1 16 16 17 20.1 101 111 20
6 0:03:13 1 20 3 18.6 22.4 105 119 19
7 0:03:02 1 0 13 19.7 24.5 111 122 21
8 0:03:18 1 3 7 18.2 25.2 108 126 20
9 0:03:31 1 0 7 17 19.6 109 117 22
10 0:03:27 1 7 3 17.4 22.2 108 126 19
11 0:04:24 1 39 36 13.6 22.7 94 102 14
12 0:02:51 1 0 13 21 23.4 120 128 23
13 0:03:42 1 26 16 16.2 22.1 110 127 22
14 0:03:00 1 0 16 20 22.3 112 123 17
15 0:02:50 1 3 16 21.1 22.9 119 126 22
16 0:03:02 1 46 13 19.8 22.7 112 119 17
17 0:03:05 1 3 30 19.4 25.4 111 118 17
18 0:03:04 1 3 7 19.5 23.8 110 115 16
19 0:03:00 1 3 3 20 23.2 108 114 13
20 0:03:34 1 7 10 16.8 22 103 113 14
21 0:04:42 1 26 20 12.8 18 94 108 12
22 0:04:04 1 7 10 14.7 18.4 104 111 18
23 0:04:07 1 7 7 14.5 16.3 108 112 20
24 0:04:04 1 7 10 14.7 18.7 106 114 18
25 0:03:50 1 7 3 15.6 17.5 106 115 17
26 0:03:50 1 7 7 15.6 19.2 107 114 18
27 0:04:25 1 10 3 13.6 15.1 106 111 19
28 0:04:29 1 16 10 13.4 15.5 105 111 20
29 0:04:10 1 10 10 14.4 17.4 102 114 16
30 0:04:33 1 7 7 13.2 15.9 106 113 20
31 0:04:47 1 46 49 12.5 15.1 98 109 17
32 0:03:55 1 7 7 15.3 17.2 107 119 18
33 0:04:09 1 7 3 14.4 15.8 108 115 21
34 0:04:13 1 7 7 14.2 15.8 108 114 20
35 0:03:52 1 10 3 15.5 16.6 114 120 24
36 0:04:05 1 7 7 14.6 17.2 110 119 20
37 0:04:57 1 33 3 12.1 18.4 97 107 13
38 0:04:24 1 13 10 13.6 18.1 97 107 12
39 0:04:32 1 0 23 13.2 21.4 95 115 13
40 0:03:57 1 7 10 15.2 18.2 96 106 11
41 0:01:25 0.2 3 0 8.6 16.4 88 96 3
Summary 2:37:23 40.2 453 541 15.3 25.4 103 128 728

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, March 12, 2010

Feeling Springy

Good morning.

I always look forward to springing ahead with our clocks. I love the additional daylight as it allows us to absorb more vitamin D. It just brings more hope and happiness knowing warmer weather is just around the corner. More light, more sun, more fun.

I have seen many forms of life emerging from winter. The tulips and other flowers have awakened and have broken through their thin, crusty dirt roofs. I really love watching the foilage come alive again. Also, new species of birds are arriving from their winter spas. You may not see them, but, you can certainly hear them as you walk around the neighborhood. The familiar sound of the Robin or Cardinal is in the air.

I had an excellent, slow, aerobic 8 miler yesterday. I did make sure to keep this run slower because I have some other types of runs this weekend. You can't run them all fast and just use fast twitch muscle fibers. Sometimes you have to slow it down and give your slow twitch muscle fibers some work. I wore the new Karhu shoes for this run. They are already back in the box to be returned to the store. They were not what I am looking for. So far, Nike Luna Racers are my favs.

There is an excellent article in the April 2010 issue of Runners World about, "minimalist running." Later in the issue is a minimalist shoe guide. Exactly what I was looking for. In a way I feel validated with the way I have felt about running shoes. I will be shoe shopping again. I am in agreement with the minimalist movement. I do think, for the most part, that natural running makes sense, at least for me. I believe that the body and foot know how to deal with the stresses of running. I don't expect to start running barefoot, except on the beach. It seems that if ones stays on the minimalist, racing flat side of things, it will make shoe selection so much easier. Of course, this will not apply to everyone so tread at your own risk.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:18 1 39 75 9:18 7:48 119 133 0 87
2 0:08:51 1 108 46 8:51 6:59 122 131 0 82
3 0:08:42 1 75 52 8:42 7:01 128 133 0 86
4 0:08:46 1 89 92 8:46 6:33 128 131 0 81
5 0:08:42 1 36 59 8:42 7:45 127 131 0 78
6 0:08:43 1 98 49 8:43 7:29 129 133 0 79
7 0:08:48 1 79 85 8:48 6:49 130 133 0 77
8 0:08:34 1 33 62 8:34 7:40 133 139 0 81
9 0:00:21 0.04 3 0 8:13 7:41 133 134 0 3
Summary 1:10:48 8.04 561 525 8:48 6:33 126 139 0 654

Born To Run:

"I never really discussed this with anyone because it sounds pretentious, but I started running ultras to become a better person. I thought if you could run 100 miles, you'de be in this Zen state. You'd be the Buddha, bringing peace and a smile to the world. When I'm out on a long run, the only thing that matters is finishing the run. For once, my brain isn't going bleblebbleb all the time. Everything quiets down, and the only thing going on is pure flow. It's just me and the movement and the motion. That's what I love-just being a barbarian, running through the woods."

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Back At It!!

Back at it yesterday. Taking a full day off of all athletic activities is a hard thing to do. Am I happy while I am doing it? No. Am I happy I did it the day after? Yes. I know it's good for my body once in a while. So, mission accomplished.

Yesterday I decided to run 10 miles. I would start easy and just see where my legs took me. I felt good and relaxed. I ran in my Luna Racers which are very enjoyable to run in. They have awesome cushioning. I am looking for additional shoes to add to my arsenal. I picked up a pair of Karhu Fast Fulcrum Ride shoes yesterday. They felt great. Sort of like a more substantial Luna Racer. I may go look at some Zoot's today. I am starting to think, after all these years of running, that less support and structure in the shoe is better for me. There is something I really like about the Luna Racers. It's like your feet just sink into the shoe when landing, like running on a cloud, but fast. I will experiment running greater distances with the Luna's to see if they would work for a marathon. I know a 1/2 marathon is a given.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:54 1 295 512 9:54 7:14 131 155 0 51
2 0:08:31 1 59 121 8:31 6:54 120 128 0 79
3 0:08:16 1 49 46 8:16 7:04 128 134 0 83
4 0:08:19 1 75 56 8:19 6:59 130 140 0 82
5 0:08:04 1 161 171 8:04 4:33 133 150 0 75
6 0:07:56 1 66 46 7:56 4:48 134 140 0 77
7 0:07:35 1 69 49 7:35 6:00 135 146 0 70
8 0:07:58 1 16 36 7:58 6:55 139 144 0 82
9 0:07:48 1 26 33 7:48 6:42 141 151 0 79
10 0:07:46 1 16 26 7:46 6:58 146 151 0 90
11 0:00:01 0 -- -- 9:00 8:51 147 147 0 0
Summary 1:22:13 10 830 1,096 8:13 4:33 133 155 0 768

Born To Run:

"Try the meditation of the trail, just walk along looking at the trail at your feet and don't look about and just fall into a trance as the ground zips by. Trails are like that: you're floating along in a Shakespearean Arden paradise and expect to see nymphs and fluteboys, then suddenly you're struggling in a hot broiling sun of hell in dust and nettles and poison oak....just like life.

If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods / and the nights will flame with will ride life straight to / perfect laughter, it's / the only good fight there is."

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, March 8, 2010

Conquering The Beast

Good morning.

I had a tough long slow 20 miler yesterday. As I went along my legs felt heavy and I was like, "what the heck is going on?" But, I just kept on slogging along at the snails pace, absorbing each stride. I thought about how the marathon can be hard as well and that this was a physical and mental test. There was no way I was giving in. I won.

I was reminded later in the day by some V Teamers that long slow distance runs can be hard because you are using your slow twitch muscle fibers which don't get used much if all you do are faster runs. So, I was gratefully reminded of the importance of the LSD run and how they help you become a better runner. Every now and then we need to be reminded how important all our various training runs are. Thanks V Teamers.

My run stats: 20 miles, 3:03:36, Pace Avg 9:10, Avg HR 119

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:50 1 95 85 9:50 7:34 108 122 0 73
2 0:09:14 1 164 230 9:14 6:04 112 119 0 75
3 0:09:06 1 148 171 9:06 7:03 111 119 0 67
4 0:09:12 1 240 161 9:12 6:31 117 119 0 75
5 0:08:57 1 39 98 8:57 6:57 118 120 0 74
6 0:08:52 1 30 33 8:52 7:57 121 125 0 74
7 0:08:59 1 26 43 8:59 8:38 119 127 0 69
8 0:08:56 1 16 13 8:56 8:15 122 126 0 73
9 0:09:03 1 26 7 9:03 8:15 122 127 0 70
10 0:08:55 1 33 39 8:55 7:39 121 123 0 64
11 0:09:12 1 56 33 9:12 7:49 119 128 0 59
12 0:08:56 1 39 59 8:56 7:58 121 125 0 64
13 0:08:53 1 187 66 8:53 8:04 123 125 0 65
14 0:09:05 1 3 115 9:05 8:38 123 126 0 65
15 0:09:09 1 16 23 9:09 7:43 124 128 0 64
16 0:09:25 1 75 98 9:25 5:56 122 124 0 58
17 0:09:27 1 180 141 9:27 5:51 120 125 0 50
18 0:09:27 1 16 30 9:27 8:21 122 126 0 56
19 0:09:24 1 13 16 9:24 8:42 122 130 0 59
20 0:09:24 1 30 36 9:25 8:44 126 130 0 69
Summary 3:03:36 20 1,430 1,493 9:10 5:51 119 130 0 1,323

Born To Run:

"Lisa Smith Batchen, the amazingly sunny and pixie-tailed ultrarunner from Idaho who trained through blizzards to win a six day race in the Sahara, talks about exhaustion as if it's a playful pet. "I love the beast," she says. "I actually look forward to the beast showing up, because every time he does, I handle him better. I get him more under control." Once the beast arrives, Lisa knows what she has to deal with and can get down to work. And isn't that the reason she's running through the desert in the first place--to put her training to work? To have a friendly little tussle with the beast and show it who's boss?

You can't hate the beast and expect to beat it; the only way to truely conquer something, as every great philosopher and geneticist will tell you, is to love it."


Yesterday's run will help me conquer the beast.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weather Facts

Good Sunday morning.

Had an excellent run yesterday along my favorite training route, the lakefront path. Many happy faces out there putting on the miles. I am watching the weather as I blog and the last time Chicago had 4 sunny days in a row was Sept 2009. To get five sunny days in a row you have to go back to March 2009. So, as you can see, us Chicagoans get excited for some sunshine. The streak ends today with some rain although the sunrise right now is blinding me.

I am following in Peg's and Mike's footprints and giving the hundred pushups program a try. Yesterday was my first day. Since I know I can do 40 continuous pushups the program instructed me to start in week three. So, that's what I did.

Pushups: 14, 18, 14, 14, max set but at least 20. Between sets you get to rest 60 seconds. At first glance you would think this looks easy. It's really not. My max set was only 21 and that was with maximum effort. If you are interested,

Yesterday's marathon pace run went well. Ended up running 10.5.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:57 1 138 171 8:57 6:39 144 179 0 26
2 0:07:52 1 23 30 7:52 6:18 129 138 0 86
3 0:07:39 1 30 30 7:39 6:22 133 138 0 81
4 0:07:40 1 75 89 7:40 3:45 136 143 0 86
5 0:07:38 1 23 16 7:38 7:10 139 143 0 85
6 0:07:27 1 33 23 7:27 6:38 142 146 0 85
7 0:07:31 1 36 62 7:32 4:15 142 145 0 86
8 0:07:41 1 82 59 7:41 6:27 140 143 0 83
9 0:07:42 1 102 207 7:42 5:37 138 144 0 76
10 0:07:32 1 157 66 7:32 6:44 141 146 0 78
11 0:03:47 0.5 20 30 7:31 6:53 144 145 0 43
Summary 1:21:31 10.5 719 784 7:45 3:45 138 179 0 815

Today is a long run. I am shooting for 20 minimum but may do more.

Edited by Silentrunner 3/7/2010 5:46 AM

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wind In My Face

Good morning.

Looks like a beautiful spring weekend in Chicago. The sun will be abundant and the winds light. I will be able to dress down a bit while running which will be nice. I expect the lakefront path will be filled with many happy faces today. I does not take much to make us Chicagoan's happy in the spring. Just give us some sun and warmer temps, 40's, and we will delight in it. I am really looking forward to my 10 mile marathon pace run along the lake today and tomorrow's 20. Instead of pushing the pace today I may really try to practice marathon pace. My guess is that pace will be around 7:45-7:55 per mile. My Boston goal is to run 3:30 or less and 8:00 pace will get me there and guarantee me a spot in the New York City Marathon. Those are my aspirations.

Yesterday I tried my new triathlon/road bike outside for the first time. My ride took me on the route I run along the lake, except much further. The bike is fast and smooth. I can notice the new ergonomic riding position after the three hour fitting session on Thursday. It was just a pleasure to pedal away yesterday. I had tons of strength in my quads from all of the winter training on the indoor trainer. Riding outside seems much easier.

As I meandered along the path the snow was melting and streams of water ran across the pavement, making it wet in many spots. Sometimes there were large pools of water. I just wooshed through them and water would spray all over. When I got home the bike was very dirty and needed cleaning. My pace on the path was very good. I restrained myself some so I would be able to have quality runs this weekend. The first 3.5 miles and last 3.5 miles are the slowest due to traffic on my way to and from the path.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Calories
1 0:06:17 1 13 190 9.5 17.3 44
2 0:05:05 1 20 20 11.8 16.2 57
3 0:03:57 1 7 16 15.2 18.3 48
4 0:04:32 1 7 13 13.2 19.3 51
5 0:03:17 1 0 10 18.2 20.3 54
6 0:03:28 1 7 3 17.3 23.5 58
7 0:03:35 1 0 3 16.7 22.1 65
8 0:03:21 1 -- 10 17.9 21.1 62
9 0:04:56 1 3 10 12.2 20.8 55
10 0:03:50 1 23 20 15.6 21.2 94
11 0:03:47 1 13 3 15.8 22.6 69
12 0:03:44 1 3 13 16 22.3 59
13 0:02:44 1 13 3 21.9 23.5 75
14 0:02:51 1 3 7 21 24 68
15 0:03:20 1 3 7 17.9 22.5 57
16 0:03:46 1 13 7 15.9 20.1 59
17 0:03:47 1 7 3 15.8 19.1 55
18 0:03:53 1 7 3 15.4 17.6 52
19 0:03:57 1 7 13 15.2 17.3 53
20 0:04:07 1 16 7 14.6 17.7 55
21 0:03:52 1 3 3 15.5 17.4 55
22 0:04:41 1 36 26 12.8 17.3 87
23 0:03:58 1 10 20 15.1 17.5 59
24 0:04:03 1 0 20 14.8 19.8 44
25 0:04:01 1 23 3 14.9 16.7 58
26 0:03:46 1 3 10 15.9 17.8 49
27 0:04:36 1 56 10 13 17.2 79
28 0:05:18 1 7 33 11.3 18.4 48
29 0:04:21 1 20 20 13.8 21.1 50
30 0:04:33 1 3 16 13.1 20.7 56
31 0:00:50 0.17 -- 3 11.9 14.5 6
Summary 2:02:27 30.17 322 518 14.8 24 1,781

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Friday, March 5, 2010

What a Day! What a Great Day!

Good morning.

My old worn brown leather chair faces east. The smell of coffee permeates the dimly lit room as the sun slowly rises. The frost covered roofs in the houserizon begin to glimmer with each passing minute. As the roofs warm, steam begins to rise. The sky brightening is inspiring as clouds are scarce or hiding for a change. I glimpse just a sliver of the rising orb and a smile fills the room.

I had an interesting day yesterday. I took my bike to Get a Grip Cycles to have it professionally fitted, to me. This was a very detailed three hour process. Measurements were taken and angles determined. Computers were used to figure out a multitude of variables. I would say that the process was very worthwhile. I was impressed by how careful and precise my fitter was. I look forward to riding in my new riding position. I may get on the lakefront path today.
My run yesterday was fantastic. Boston Bound called for 7 easy miles but I decided to tour my usual 8 mile route. When the run started I never thought it would develope into what the run became. In the first two miles I thought I was running faster than the Garmin was showing. Then I thought maybe it is just a slow day. I just ran by feel. After the first two miles things started to change as I speed east past Wrigley Field.
I am not sure why this happened, but, I let my body do what it wanted to do and that was run fast. So, I went with it and cruised along at an exceptional pace. I weaved around early evening commuters and avoided cars. Running around 5:00 pm is like running in an obsticle course. I have to say that if I could have been less obstructed during this run I would have done it in less than one hour. I just had fun running and I did not get tired, breathing was easy. This was one of those runs where I could have just kept going. Lots of fun!!
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:51 1 46 151 8:51 6:22 122 151 0 75
2 0:08:17 1 95 75 8:17 5:14 128 136 0 89
3 0:07:57 1 207 312 7:57 4:13 131 137 0 83
4 0:06:44 1 164 135 6:44 5:20 146 154 0 81
5 0:06:50 1 138 49 6:50 4:17 147 161 0 83
6 0:07:34 1 23 62 7:34 5:44 147 159 0 86
7 0:07:09 1 69 59 7:09 5:15 153 159 0 89
8 0:07:06 1 10 69 7:06 6:10 158 161 0 90
9 0:00:02 0.01 0 -- 4:49 6:41 160 160 0 0
Summary 1:00:34 8.01 751 915 7:33 4:13 140 161 0 676

Born To Run:
" Okay, man, lesson one. Get right behind me. He started to jog, more slowly this time, and I tried to copy everything he did. My arms floated until my hands were rib-high; my stride chopped down to pitty-pat steps; my back straightened so much I could almost hear the vertebrae creaking. Don't fight the trail, Caballo called back over his shoulder. Take what it gives you. If you have a choice between one step or two between rocks, take three. Caballo has spent so many years navigating the trails, he's even nicknamed the stones beneath his feet: some are ayudantes, the helpers which let you spring forward with power; others are tricksters, which look like ayudantes but roll treacherously at takeoff; and some are chingoncitos, little bastards just dying to lay you out.
Lesson two, Caballo called. Think easy, light, smooth and fast. You start with easy, because if that's all you get, that's not so bad. Then work on light. Make it effortless, like you don't give a shit how high the hill is or how far you've got to go. When you've practiced that so long that you forget you're practicing, you work on making it smooooth. You won't have to worry about the last one---you get those three, and you'll be fast."

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, March 4, 2010

In The Groove

Good morning.

What a beautiful day. The sun is out in full force and I may just have to extend my 8 miler today to 10 as I run along Lake Michigan. All of the snow is melting and may be completely gone after this weekend. It won't be long til the grass gets green. I saw my first signs of spring life as I walked the dogs yesterday. It was some kind of tiny white flower. Put a smile on my face. I have come to really appreciate the small things in life.

Yesterday's run was an easy 6 miles. Just wanted to get in a groove and keep it easy. As I run, I am always paying attention to form. I work on foot plant, cadence, breathing and arm position. I am also enjoying switching from Lunar Racers and Mizuno Precisions based on the days mileage. I love both shoes. I may stick with Precisions for Boston because I have more miles and confidence in them for long runs. Maybe I will try Lunar Racers for some 10+ mile runs and see how they feel.

My stats from yesterday:

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:17 1 364 108 9:17 7:02 128 155 0 66
2 0:08:26 1 36 141 8:27 6:58 126 130 0 87
3 0:08:32 1 30 118 8:32 7:30 126 130 0 81
4 0:08:33 1 75 52 8:33 7:14 128 133 0 85
5 0:08:35 1 30 20 8:35 7:41 131 135 0 86
6 0:08:25 1 26 39 8:25 7:25 134 139 0 87
7 0:00:27 0.05 -- 3 8:37 8:26 135 135 0 4
Summary 0:52:19 6.05 558 482 8:38 6:58 128 155 0 496

Born To Run:

"But there had to be transferable skills, right? Basic Tarahumara principles that could survive and take root in American soil.

Because my God, imagine the payoff. What if you could run for decades and never get injured...and log hundreds of weekly miles and enjoy every one of them...and see your heart rate drop and your stress and anger fade while your energy soared? Imagine crime, cholestrol, and greed melting away as a nation of Running People finally rediscovered its stride. More than his Olympic runners, more than his triumphs and records, this could be Loe Vigil's Legacy.

He didn't have all the answers yet-but watching the Tarahumara whisk past in their wizard capes, he knew where he would find them."

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Welcome Seasonal Changes

Good day!

With the seasons changing from winter to spring the sun is rising ever so slightly to the left each day and no longer way to the southeast. This means the sun is shining directly at me at times as I sit in my favorite chair. What a problem to have. As I type this a red Cardinal has landed on my patio deck. A sure sign of change. This is an exciting time of year. Even wildlife celebrates and becomes more active and happy. It won't be long before we will be mowing the green lawn while watching the hopeful tulips bend from the weight of their own heads.

Yesterday's run was an 8 miler Yasso 800. I decided to run a first slow warmup mile. After that, the first 1/2 mile would be run at approx 8:00 mile pace and the second 1/2 would be run as fast as I felt possible or within reason. So, I am going to make some assumptions. If I run the first half mile at 8 pace and the entire mile is run in 7:03, like my 4th mile I must have run the second half @ approx just over 6 pace. Half at 8 and half at 6 should equal a whole at 7.

Looking at my heart rate data I probably could have pushed it more. Sometimes it is difficult doing this type of speedwork on the streets of Chicago. Cars will pull in front of you, lights turn red, etc. But, it does make it a bit more interesting.

Miles 7 and 8 were a little slower as I experienced gastrointestinal distress. Code brown as Jim would call it. Lots of alleys in Chicago to relieve yourself in case of emergency. This is only the second time in my running career that this has happened. It must have been the smoothy from Bloomingdales I ingested one hour before the run. It was a coffee frozen yogurt with a shot of espresso, skim milk and wheat germ.

Run info:

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:25 1 30 89 8:25 6:50 139 179 0 74
2 0:07:36 1 125 33 7:36 5:14 129 144 0 82
3 0:07:08 1 52 72 7:08 4:11 140 152 0 83
4 0:07:03 1 102 177 7:03 4:29 144 155 0 81
5 0:07:20 1 148 33 7:20 4:44 145 157 0 86
6 0:07:34 1 62 141 7:34 4:55 148 157 0 90
7 0:08:09 1 62 49 8:09 6:22 142 145 0 89
8 0:07:58 1 20 33 7:58 7:02 138 147 0 78
9 0:00:42 0.09 7 0 8:09 7:06 146 148 0 8
Summary 1:01:59 8.09 604 627 7:39 4:11 140 179 0 671

Born To Run:

" Distance running was revered because it was indispensable; it was the way we survived and thrived and spread across the planet. You ran to eat and to avoid being eaten; you ran to find a mate and impress her, and with her you ran off to start a new life together. You had to love running, or you wouldn't live to love anything else. And like everything else we love-everything we sentimentally call our "passions" and "desires"-it's really an encoded ancestral necessity. We were born to run; we were born because we run. We're all running people, as the Tarahumara have always known."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back In The Flow

Good morning.

Just getting back in the flow. Running continues to go well. Niggles come and go. Triathlon training also keeps me busy. I want to maintain a small triathlon base heading into Boston. Soon, I will be able to ride outside. I wonder how that will feel on the new bike. I've never really riden a fast road bike. Should be interesting. I have also begun shopping for a wet suit. My wife asked me what I would like for my 50th. The only sensible thing I could come up with was a wet suit. I am considering Blue Seventy, I see a lot of these suits in triathlon related magazines when they show triathletes before the beginning of a race.

Yesterday, was a 6 mile easy GA run. I am not considering easy by pace anymore. I am classifying easy based on effort and heart rate. Is this a mistake? I do not know but it makes sense to me.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:20 1 82 59 9:20 7:33 148 184 0 36
2 0:08:38 1 85 52 8:38 6:52 120 123 0 87
3 0:08:28 1 62 59 8:28 6:29 119 125 0 76
4 0:08:31 1 20 69 8:32 7:18 125 129 0 83
5 0:08:37 1 56 43 8:37 7:33 126 129 0 82
6 0:08:32 1 66 79 8:32 7:29 124 131 0 74
7 0:00:32 0.06 -- 7 8:15 7:55 127 128 0 5
Summary 0:52:42 6.06 371 364 8:41 6:29 127 184 0 443

One main question I have about Boston is pace. Common wisdom says to start slowly at Boston. Don't be teased into running fast on the beginning downhills. It is also very difficult to have a negative split at Boston if you are putting forth a good effort. The question is: If you want to average 8:00 min miles or less for the race, how fast should you start?

Born To Run:

" You can't muscle through a five-hour run, you have to relax into it, like easing your body into a hot bath, until it no longer resists the shock and begins to enjoy it.

Relax enough, and your body becomes so familiar with the cradle-rocking rhythm that you almost forget you're moving. And once you break through to that soft, half levitating flow, that's when the moonlight and champagne show up: You have to be in tune with your body, and know when you can push it and when to back off. You have to listen closely to the sound of your own breathing, be aware of how much sweat is beading on your back, make sure to treat yourself to cool water and a salty snack and ask yourself, honestly and often, exactly how you feel. What could be more sensual than paying exquisite attention to your own body?"

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello March

Good morning.

Welcome to March. We made it. We get to enjoy the transition from winter to spring and all the theatre that comes with it. We might even get to run outside this weekend in shorts. How about that!

Yesterday's Boston Bound program called for a 13 mile 3/1 run. My run took me past Wrigley to the lakefront path. Quite a few Boston runners out there. You can just tell. One I knew for sure as she ran with her Boston Marathon jacket. I ran past Oak Street Beach and then around Navy Pier and then back. Nice day to run. Heading north on my way home was into the wind which made it a little tougher to maintain pace.

I decided to make it 18 miles GA with the last four marathon pace or faster. I was plesantly surprised by how well my legs picked up the pace when called upon. All in all I was very happy with this run.

Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:26 1 7 125 9:26 7:29 119 150 0 75
2 0:08:48 1 85 30 8:48 7:07 123 127 0 88
3 0:08:41 1 66 75 8:41 6:59 120 127 0 77
4 0:08:45 1 105 115 8:45 3:54 123 129 0 81
5 0:08:33 1 56 56 8:33 7:26 126 129 0 80
6 0:08:29 1 16 39 8:29 7:46 127 133 0 80
7 0:08:40 1 10 20 8:40 8:07 124 129 0 69
8 0:08:41 1 16 23 8:41 8:09 126 130 0 74
9 0:08:47 1 16 16 8:47 7:52 127 133 0 72
10 0:08:41 1 95 82 8:42 5:30 130 136 0 79
11 0:08:43 1 23 52 8:43 6:55 131 138 0 77
12 0:08:48 1 16 30 8:48 7:58 131 136 0 76
13 0:08:51 1 26 23 8:51 7:55 132 136 0 75
14 0:08:42 1 72 49 8:42 5:07 134 138 0 79
15 0:07:54 1 43 30 7:55 6:51 144 148 0 89
16 0:07:50 1 30 151 7:50 6:43 147 152 0 93
17 0:07:38 1 223 95 7:38 6:19 152 156 0 92
18 0:07:48 1 72 92 7:48 6:43 154 156 0 96
19 0:00:03 0 -- -- 11:22 7:33 154 154 0 0
Summary 2:33:58 18 978 1,109 8:33 3:54 131 156 0 1,452

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin