Saturday, August 28, 2010

Excitement For Tomorrow

Good morning.

I write/type as usual from my favorite worn brown leather chair, hot coffee in hand. The morning view is the same as it's been for many a day this summer. The sky is clear as the sun makes it's appearance, casting yellow hues all around. Another solid day of sunshine and 80 degree temps awaits.

The weather for tomorrow's Chicago Triathlon looks just as good. It will be nice to set up my transition area with no worries or planning for rain. It will surely simplify the whole process. I will go minimalist with gear.

Yesterday was the opening day for the Chicago Tri Expo. I went and picked up my athlete package and goody bag. I also went for another reason.

Running Away Multisport has the only Guru Dynamic Fitting Unit, a bike fitting computerized machine. They invited me to get a free bike fit on the machine at the expo. As I was going through the process people were walking by and checking out the system. I would guess I pedaled for one hour as Brian made minute adjustments Many viewers were interested. It will be interesting to receive the results.

My training leading up to the event has gone well.

Thursday was a 6 mile easy pace run in 50 minutes and yesterday an open water 1.4 mile swim at Ohio St Beach.

My swim times are really coming down. I do the same course so the distance remains mostly the same. The Garmin times do vary. Yesterday when I hit 1 mile I stopped to check the time. I have to say, this had to be some error. The Garmin showed, 20:18. No way! I was bummed because I really wanted an accurate result.

I pressed the start again and finished the swim. End result, 33:40. So, this was a 1.4 mile swim in 33 minutes. That is a PR. I still have a lot of energy when done. I am interested to see how fast I can get in the water.

When I swim tomorrow at the Chicago Tri I will swim as hard as possible but within reason. I will start at the front of my wave and take off at the start. I am not concerned with breathing or anxiety. My one concern is catching swimmers from previous waves. I hope I can just haul ass.

Hopefully the bike and run go well also. We will see.

I am heading back to the expo today and also checking out transition and start areas.

Until tomorrow......

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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