Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Am I There Yet?

Good morning.

I am happy to report that I got in my first LSD, long slow distance run yesterday.

It was such a perfect day to run along the lake. The lakefront path was busy, even for a Monday.

I thought about my triathlon schedule and decided to fit in a long run yesterday. That way, I have plenty of time to let my running legs recover before the Chicago Triathlon.

My next long run will be a few days after the Chicago Tri which will allow me to recover before the Branson 1/2 Ironman, Sept 19.

So, as of now, it looks like only two long runs before the Chicago Marathon. Cardiovascular wise I should be fine. It's the endurance of the legs for 26.2 that I am concerned about.

I may or may not have a PR in Chicago. Only time will tell.

The 17 mile run along the lake was spectacular. It was so good to do a long run again. It's been a while since I've run over 13.1 miles. The sights and sounds helped get me through it. I have total respect for these long slow runs. They are hard. Sometimes as I am running them I wonder how it's possible to actually run a marathon at marathon pace. But the LSD run works to prepare you.

Today is a leg recovery day. An open water swim may be in the cards.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:16 0:09:00 1 0 6 9:16 9:00 3:29 113 124 0 82
2 0:08:57 0:08:38 1 13 0 8:57 8:38 6:12 114 121 0 74
3 0:08:51 0:08:37 1 0 0 8:51 8:37 6:02 119 124 0 77
4 0:08:54 0:08:46 1 0 10 8:54 8:46 4:14 120 126 0 77
5 0:09:06 0:09:07 1 0 9 9:06 9:07 5:13 123 134 0 83
6 0:09:06 0:09:06 1 4 0 9:06 9:06 8:29 125 130 0 83
7 0:09:08 0:09:03 1 0 5 9:08 9:03 8:30 123 137 0 70
8 0:09:07 0:09:07 1 5 0 9:07 9:07 2:41 123 132 0 67
9 0:09:06 0:09:06 1 0 6 9:06 9:06 7:54 124 137 0 68
10 0:09:11 0:09:03 1 3 0 9:11 9:03 8:16 124 130 0 71
11 0:09:08 0:09:09 1 0 0 9:08 9:09 8:17 126 129 0 77
12 0:09:09 0:09:09 1 0 2 9:09 9:09 8:36 127 131 0 72
13 0:09:08 0:09:09 1 5 0 9:08 9:09 8:28 131 134 0 87
14 0:09:19 0:09:11 1 15 0 9:19 9:11 4:07 126 145 0 74
15 0:09:17 0:09:15 1 0 0 9:17 9:15 7:23 132 136 0 88
16 0:09:16 0:09:16 1 0 7 9:16 9:16 7:32 135 140 0 95
17 0:09:13 0:09:13 1 7 6 9:13 9:13 8:00 139 142 0 101
Summary 2:35:18 2:33:55 17 52 51 9:08 9:03 2:41 124 145 0 1,346

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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