Thursday, July 29, 2010


Good morning.

As 1/2 Ironman training is quickly winding down, my excitement for the event grows by the day.

I only have a 1000 yard swim today with 500 at race pace and then it's rest until Saturday mornings starting horn.

Most of you know that I love to train. So, even though training for the 1/2 Ironman is basically over, I still look forward to continuing my tri-training for the Chicago Triathlon, Aug. 29 and the Chicago Marathon in October.

I am really looking forward to heading to the 1/2 IM venue tomorrow and taking it all in. I will check in and get my goody bag, shirt and whatever else they give me. I will walk around the expo and see if there is anything really cool to buy and also stock up with essentials for the event.

All I can say is, " I'm really freakin syched!"

Yesterday's workout was an easy 15 mile, one hour spin on the bike and trainer. No biggie.

My body continues to heal up during the taper. I always enjoy how the body has a great propensity to heal itself. The legs feel very springy and ready.

I do wish one thing. Even though I love my road bike, I wish I had a tri-bike for the event. I will have to add a tri-bike to my arsenal for next year. I will be shopping for one this fall and winter.

My Triathlon Goals

My Tri goals are high. I have been monitoring finishing times at various triathlons for a while now. One major goal of mine is to be extremely competitive in my, 50-54 age group.

1.) I want to be in the top 10 of my age group in any triathlon I enter.

Time Goals: For Saturday's First 1/2 Ironman, (My Ironman Career Start)

Swim, 1.2 miles: 40 minutes or less

Bike, 56 Miles: 2:45 or less

Run, 13.1 Miles, 1/2 Marathon: 1:50 or less

These are my minimum expectations. What I really am shooting for:

Swim: 35:00

Bike: 2:40

Run: 1:45

Total: 5:00 Hours.

I think this would be a great start for me. My ultimate goal for Saturday would be to break the 5 hour mark. That would be awesome. I will see how things are going Saturday and pace myself correctly. If it happens it happens. If not, then I have something to shoot for in another 1/2 IM.

I honestly feel that I can be pretty good at this. I want to qualify in my age group for the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Florida and some day qualify for the Ford Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. It all starts Saturday.

Nutrition will play a huge roll Saturday. Covering 70.3 miles in the event could burn up to or around 5000 calories. I will eat a good breakfast a couple hours before the swim. Then as I ride the bike I will take in more nourishment so I have enough energy for the run.


" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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