Monday, July 26, 2010



Jeez, it's race week. My half Ironman journey that I started last December is almost here.

I am in tri-taper at this time. That does not mean that I just sit around and do nothing. I still must do shorter versions of swimming, biking and running. I feel like I need to extend one swim workout beyond the 1600 yards scheduled. I was not able to get in my long open water swim last weekend because of flooding around Chicago.

When we get torrential rains here the City decides to release polluted water into Lake Michigan. When they do this they impose a swimming ban because of potential ecoli. I've never seen one ecoli in the lake when I swim.

Besides the need to swim I have short bike sessions and one 6 mile run. All other work will be very short.

I will leave for Benton Harbor, MI, Friday morning and attend the Ironman Expo. The Expo is where you pick up you goody bag, shirt and get marked up. They will put your bib number on your arms and legs. I will also walk around and do some shopping.

I will also check out parts of the race venue.

I will also put my bike in transition. I'm not sure if I want a spot near the bike and run exit or not. Hmmm.

So, it's time to let my body glue itself back together and get stronger for the event.

Yesterday I had an awesome 40 mile bike ride in Buffalo Grove with the Chicago Tri Club. My legs feel really really good on the bike. My goal for the bike in the half Ironman is to maintain 20 mph+. During the ride yesterday 18 mph actually felt slow, so that was encouraging. Maybe I can raise my race mph goal. Only time will tell and that will be a race day decision. I will see how I feel on the bike during the event.

After my 40 mile ride I immediately ran a two mile transition run. No problem.

One must keep in mind that there is a 1/2 marathon after the 56 mile bike so you must save some energy.

I have some specific goals for this race. I will share those later in the week.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin


  1. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition - Victoria's mantra for your weekend - don't crash and burn half way through the run!!!
    Have a GREAT time, will be tracking you. GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. So, Victoria is Tribrit. Finally figured it out. I will definitely be eating and drinking on the bike. I'll try to have fun. Afterall, it's supposed to be fun isn't it? Thanks for looking out for me.
