Thursday, July 15, 2010

Seeking Shade

Good morning.

Sure is hot in Chicago these days. These are the days I dream about when I run along the frigid lakefront in sub zero temperatures looking at the frozen landscape.

Running in heat and humidity, for me, brings a new and interesting challenge. I enjoy the battle. One just needs to be smart about it. Yesterday, when I started out on my 8 miler it was around 4 pm with the temps around 90 degrees. It was sunny and humid as well, bringing the heat index close to 100 degrees.

After two days off for the legs, they were fresh and ready to roll. I love when my legs feel totally recovered from previous workouts. They feel stronger. My goal for this run was, one warm up mile then two or more faster, then some easy finishing miles. I would base how many fast mile on how the heat affected me.

The first mile was a fast starting mile and the next two were mid 7 minute miles. After that I had to slow down. The hottest part of the run was waiting at crosswalks in the sun. Just standing there in the sun was tough. I really felt the heat.

When I got home and downloaded the results from the Garmin I was shocked that my average heart rate never rose above 150 bpm. It sure felt like it was pounding out of my chest at those stop lights.

Miles 2 and 3, were some of the easiest mid 7 minute miles I've ever run. It did not take much effort to get there. Cool. I kept thinking how easy it would have been to go sub 7. But, that can wait.

Today is a swim and bike day.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:31 0:08:20 1 0 7 8:31 8:20 4:54 122 136 0 88
2 0:07:38 0:07:38 1 9 0 7:38 7:38 4:53 138 147 0 90
3 0:07:32 0:07:33 1 4 0 7:32 7:33 5:47 149 153 0 95
4 0:08:04 0:08:06 1 0 11 8:04 8:06 5:43 150 152 0 102
5 0:09:06 0:09:03 1 12 0 9:06 9:03 5:51 150 156 0 112
6 0:08:59 0:08:59 1 0 0 8:59 8:59 7:21 146 150 0 108
7 0:09:28 0:09:27 1 0 5 9:28 9:27 7:58 145 149 0 111
8 0:08:56 0:08:50 1 0 8 8:56 8:50 7:37 148 155 0 107
Summary 1:08:18 1:07:56 8 24 32 8:32 8:29 4:53 143 156 0 813

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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