Monday, July 12, 2010

Straight As An Aero

We had an excellent trip up to Glen Arbor, MI. It's always hard to come back to Chicago. So, the training venue changes back to the trainer, the road, the pool, etc. I still will do open water swims in Lake MI, and long rides on the road. Running, of course will be on the streets of Chicago.

Only three weeks til the 1/2 Ironman. Even though the event is nearing the training still may seem aggressive. Besides advice from my coach I am also incorporating workouts from Triathlete Mag. I their most recent digital issue they have a 16 week 1/2 Ironman training program. I am using the last four weeks of the plan for my purposes.

The workouts in Michigan were great. I really enjoyed all the open roads and the wonderful lake to utilize.

Last week, I am sure, had to be the most weekly miles I have covered with a total of 140. That is mainly due to the bike miles.

Saturday I had an excellent brick workout. The bike took me around Big and Little Glen Lakes, twice. Each trip was approx. 22.7 hilly miles. I did not go all out and paced myself so I could get in an effective 15 minute transition run. The bike took, 2:32:22. When the ride was over I pulled into the garage and immdeiately changed into my running shoes and took off.

My legs did feel heavy, this time. You feel like, so stiff and heavy. I just kept moving because I know this feeling dissapates as you continue on. I looked at my Garmin and saw a 9+ mile pace. Totally normal. As the first mile progressed I started noticing the mile pace going down. I have to stress that even though the pace is going down you still do not feel like you are running fast.

Well, I was really surprised that the first mile came in at 7:57. Then I turned around and the pace just kept on going down. The effort did not match the pace. I was like, "what the heck is going on." I just took it in stride and finished the second mile at 7:04. If there was a third mile it would have been in the 6's. Thought to save that for race day.

Yesterday we drove home from Michigan and after unpacking I went for a sorta long run of 12.25 miles. This all fits in with the training plan. I have not run over 10 miles in a while, June 21. I want to remind my legs what endurance feels like. The next couple weeks will reinforce this feeling.

Considering that I ran at 4:30 pm, the warmest part of the day, my heart rate was very subdued. I never climbed above 139.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:51 0:08:38 1 0 7 8:51 8:38 4:58 117 126 0 85
2 0:08:27 0:08:25 1 14 0 8:27 8:25 6:44 128 132 0 94
3 0:08:14 0:16:31 1 0 7 8:14 16:31 4:29 129 134 0 86
4 0:08:35 0:00:34 1 0 3 8:35 0:34 4:50 131 134 0 6
5 0:08:36 0:08:36 1 0 8 8:36 8:36 7:32 132 134 0 100
6 0:08:36 0:08:36 1 9 11 8:36 8:36 7:16 133 136 0 95
7 0:08:18 0:08:18 1 17 0 8:18 8:18 6:11 133 139 0 94
8 0:08:20 0:08:04 1 0 0 8:20 8:04 6:27 134 137 0 92
9 0:08:31 0:08:28 1 2 0 8:31 8:28 6:31 132 135 0 91
10 0:08:43 0:08:37 1 0 5 8:43 8:37 6:54 131 135 0 84
11 0:08:51 0:08:50 1 0 8 8:51 8:50 7:09 132 138 0 90
12 0:02:07 0:02:08 0.25 0 0 8:36 8:36 8:03 135 137 0 23
Summary 1:44:53 1:35:45 12.25 43 50 8:33 8:30 4:29 130 139 0 1,033

All in all, things are progressing nicely.

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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