Good morning.
I had the most awesome dream. I was in a very warm and beautiful place near the ocean. In the dream I would enjoy the sea and sun with my wife and I was also training on some tough hills for Boston. The days were wonderful and the food terrific. Then I woke up.
Now I am back in my favorite worn brown leather chair with my coffee and dogs looking out the window. The snow is still present and the cold remains. That was a great dream though.
Back to reality. But, reality is ok. Life is to be enjoyed no matter where you are. Even though winter tends to drag on a bit in Chicago I try to make the most of my days. Enjoy the day I have, not the day I want. There is something great about being with the comforts of home.
Boston is getting closer by the day. I hope the hills I've been training on the last 8 days will provide lots of stamina when it comes to the hills of Boston.
I am reading, Born To Run. One thought that crossed my mind, after reading some of the things the runners do in this book, the marathon is just a beginning, child's play. Yes it's a very tough event and one heck of an accomplishment. But, compared to some of the feats I've read in the book it pales in comparison. Absolutely amazing stuff.
I mentioned that I would insert some favorite quotes from the book:
"It reminded me of a proverb attributed to Roger Bannister, the first man to break the four minute mile:
Every morning in Africa, a gazalle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle-when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."
Hello again everyone.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
My Running Home
Good morning.
Yesterday was an LSD, (long slow distance) run. So relaxed was I, in the slow zone listening to song after song and watching various runners and the winter scenery. The run took me along my customary lakefront path.
Yesterday was an LSD, (long slow distance) run. So relaxed was I, in the slow zone listening to song after song and watching various runners and the winter scenery. The run took me along my customary lakefront path.

As you can see it was very sunny. Even though the temperature was only 20 it felt much warmer because of the sunshine. Even the icebergs in the Lake are gone. But, there are some interesting shore formations from crashing waves.

These are accumulations of ice from crashing waves. It seemed most runners were running a little slower today. Maybe they are going to Boston. My long run today was only 15 miles. I was considering 20 but decided that I have enough time left in my training program to run at least three more 20 + milers. Near my turn around at mile 8 is Oak Street Beach:

The beach is straight ahead in the above pic. In the summer this place is packed with sun lovers.
So, those are some of the things I see when I run along the Lake. My pace stayed slow and the splits:
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:21 1 0 95 9:21 8:09 117 125 0 84
2 0:08:58 1 43 20 8:58 7:00 124 128 0 89
3 0:08:47 1 10 66 8:47 6:36 124 130 0 83
4 0:09:06 1 207 121 9:06 4:07 127 132 0 87
5 0:08:51 1 30 52 8:51 8:07 128 131 0 83
6 0:08:54 1 26 39 8:54 8:17 129 133 0 81
7 0:08:47 1 26 30 8:47 8:10 129 133 0 76
8 0:08:55 1 23 30 8:55 8:20 128 132 0 72
9 0:08:52 1 69 66 8:52 8:09 130 133 0 77
10 0:08:52 1 10 23 8:52 8:24 131 135 0 79
11 0:08:47 1 16 46 8:47 7:37 133 136 0 80
12 0:08:55 1 95 43 8:55 6:27 133 138 0 73
13 0:09:05 1 62 102 9:05 7:39 132 136 0 75
14 0:09:18 1 374 358 9:18 7:01 133 137 0 77
15 0:09:04 1 79 69 9:04 7:56 135 139 0 80
16 0:00:02 0.01 -- 3 5:46 8:34 135 135 0 0
Summary 2:14:43 15.01 1,073 1,152 8:58 4:07 128 139 0 1,196
Have a great week.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Sunday, February 14, 2010
With All My Heart
Happy Valentines Day and good morning.
Another sunny day in Chicago. Remember all those times I would write my daily blog and mention clouds? Well, that sure has changed lately with sun almost every day this week. It is nice.
Yesterday's run was a 10.7 miler. I decided after I started that I would make it a marathon pace run. It went very well. Stats below:
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:53 1 23 568 8:53 6:27 113 122 0 72
2 0:08:04 1 39 26 8:04 6:46 127 132 0 85
3 0:07:49 1 26 23 7:49 6:36 135 138 0 87
4 0:07:47 1 10 72 7:47 4:03 139 144 0 88
5 0:07:32 1 36 10 7:32 6:32 144 152 0 89
6 0:07:48 1 36 20 7:48 7:06 145 152 0 90
7 0:07:48 1 66 43 7:48 6:06 143 148 0 87
8 0:07:46 1 102 115 7:46 5:49 141 146 0 84
9 0:07:32 1 56 52 7:32 5:56 144 148 0 81
10 0:07:52 1 20 49 7:52 7:08 144 150 0 87
11 0:06:21 0.76 30 13 8:25 7:16 142 150 0 63
Summary 1:25:17 10.76 446 991 7:55 4:03 137 152 0 913
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Another sunny day in Chicago. Remember all those times I would write my daily blog and mention clouds? Well, that sure has changed lately with sun almost every day this week. It is nice.
Yesterday's run was a 10.7 miler. I decided after I started that I would make it a marathon pace run. It went very well. Stats below:
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:53 1 23 568 8:53 6:27 113 122 0 72
2 0:08:04 1 39 26 8:04 6:46 127 132 0 85
3 0:07:49 1 26 23 7:49 6:36 135 138 0 87
4 0:07:47 1 10 72 7:47 4:03 139 144 0 88
5 0:07:32 1 36 10 7:32 6:32 144 152 0 89
6 0:07:48 1 36 20 7:48 7:06 145 152 0 90
7 0:07:48 1 66 43 7:48 6:06 143 148 0 87
8 0:07:46 1 102 115 7:46 5:49 141 146 0 84
9 0:07:32 1 56 52 7:32 5:56 144 148 0 81
10 0:07:52 1 20 49 7:52 7:08 144 150 0 87
11 0:06:21 0.76 30 13 8:25 7:16 142 150 0 63
Summary 1:25:17 10.76 446 991 7:55 4:03 137 152 0 913
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Niggles Be Gone!!!
Good morning.
Another sunset for a sunrise. As I look east from my favorite chair, coffee in hand I see roofs of snow. But, way out there is the sunrise with all the pinks and teals and purples and other fantastic colors you might see during a sunset. Another sunny day in Chicago.
I've had some niggles for a long time that I've been working on. These are not the kind that stop me from running. They certainly have not stopped me from making huge strides with my training. Niggles are a part of what we/I do with all of our running. There really is no escaping them. I do not talk about them either on this site. I figure why bother all of you with stuff like that.
It's funny how I figure the niggles out. Sometimes they are totally phantom. For example, I thought I was having an achilles tendon problem while running. Every now and then I would feel a tiny sharp stinging sensation in my left achilles when running. I finally figured out that it was the tip of my right shoe lace snapping the back of my leg. Problem solved.
My left hamstring area has bothered me since before the Chicago Marathon. Nothing to stop me from running but just a tedious little something. I had a deep tissue massage on Thursday and the massage therapist worked on various spots in the left leg. At one time he was morking very close to my crotch. He was hitting spots that hurt. At one point he said, take your right hand and move your scrotum over. OK!! Well, whatever he did it seemed to fix the problem. Amazing!
Recently my left ankle has been bothering me. It has done so for about a month. I thought of what I may have been doing differently during that month. Riding the bike?? The bike shoes?? Yep. The shoes would hit a spot right where I would feel the niggle. Yesterday I did not tighten the shoes as I rode the bike. Problem solved. Interesting, isn't it?
Right now my legs feel great. So, next time you have a niggle do a little detective work. It might be something simple.
Yesterday was Friday and Friday is Triday. I put a couple tri bricks in place with a swim and a bike session. The swim was a continuous 2500 yard endurance exercise that took 55 minutes. The bike was 15 miles in about the same amount of time. A good day.
Today, sunny, nice...Boston Bound calls for seven miles of whatever we want. I may do a 10 mile marathon pace run. What is the pace? I will let my body tell me as I go.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Another sunset for a sunrise. As I look east from my favorite chair, coffee in hand I see roofs of snow. But, way out there is the sunrise with all the pinks and teals and purples and other fantastic colors you might see during a sunset. Another sunny day in Chicago.
I've had some niggles for a long time that I've been working on. These are not the kind that stop me from running. They certainly have not stopped me from making huge strides with my training. Niggles are a part of what we/I do with all of our running. There really is no escaping them. I do not talk about them either on this site. I figure why bother all of you with stuff like that.
It's funny how I figure the niggles out. Sometimes they are totally phantom. For example, I thought I was having an achilles tendon problem while running. Every now and then I would feel a tiny sharp stinging sensation in my left achilles when running. I finally figured out that it was the tip of my right shoe lace snapping the back of my leg. Problem solved.
My left hamstring area has bothered me since before the Chicago Marathon. Nothing to stop me from running but just a tedious little something. I had a deep tissue massage on Thursday and the massage therapist worked on various spots in the left leg. At one time he was morking very close to my crotch. He was hitting spots that hurt. At one point he said, take your right hand and move your scrotum over. OK!! Well, whatever he did it seemed to fix the problem. Amazing!
Recently my left ankle has been bothering me. It has done so for about a month. I thought of what I may have been doing differently during that month. Riding the bike?? The bike shoes?? Yep. The shoes would hit a spot right where I would feel the niggle. Yesterday I did not tighten the shoes as I rode the bike. Problem solved. Interesting, isn't it?
Right now my legs feel great. So, next time you have a niggle do a little detective work. It might be something simple.
Yesterday was Friday and Friday is Triday. I put a couple tri bricks in place with a swim and a bike session. The swim was a continuous 2500 yard endurance exercise that took 55 minutes. The bike was 15 miles in about the same amount of time. A good day.
Today, sunny, nice...Boston Bound calls for seven miles of whatever we want. I may do a 10 mile marathon pace run. What is the pace? I will let my body tell me as I go.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Friday, February 12, 2010
I'm Getting Faster
Good morning.
Another sunny day in Chicago! What's going on? It sure puts me in a different frame of mind. Even though I choose to live one day at a time and make the most out of my days with enjoyment, it gets magnified to an even greater optimism when it's sunny. There is something happy about sunshine. This time of year, if it is sunny with no wind with temps around 25 dgrees, it actually feels warm out. Maybe it's just me.
I had one terrific run yesterday. The Boston Bound program called for a 7 mile tempo run. I decided to make it 8 on my regular 8 mile route which takes me east past Wrigley Field to Lake Shore Drive. I then head south on Lake Shore for about 3/4 of a mile and turn west on Belmont Avenue. Belmont always has interesting characters to watch as I run. Running entertainment. I run west for a while and then meander my way through Roscoe Village and before I know it I am home.
I started the tempo run with a goal to increase my pace slowly each mile and hitting approx 10K pace around mile 4. But, all of my runs are done by feel. I like to listen to my body and mind during the process. So, if all is going well and the pace feels really good I might stay there for a while. After I hit my max pace of 6:45 in mile four I backed off a little, like we are supposed to do in a tempo run. My first pull back mile was at 7:03. Then I slowed to 7:23 for mile six. I felt so good at this pace that I decided to run at this pace for mile 7 and then finish stronger in mile eight. All in all, this was my fastest 8 mile route ever. I wish I would have been paying more attention to the "total elapsed" time on the Garmin. I would have pushed it a little more to break through the one hour mark.
I could not be more pleased with this effort. Even though I did not follow traditional tempo run format I felt like listening to where my body wanted to be. I figure the only way to reach new territory with my running is to break through current resistence levels and enter new found territory. The only way to know if you can do it is to try it. It is a journey and I am enjoying it. Stats below:
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:34 1 85 39 8:34 7:05 121 133 0 82
2 0:07:51 1 82 36 7:51 6:51 133 140 0 84
3 0:07:19 1 56 75 7:19 5:34 142 147 0 85
4 0:06:45 1 138 98 6:45 5:08 150 155 0 83
5 0:07:03 1 180 164 7:03 4:37 151 155 0 87
6 0:07:23 1 59 125 7:23 5:40 149 155 0 86
7 0:07:26 1 43 62 7:26 6:42 150 152 0 90
8 0:07:13 1 13 20 7:13 6:34 149 155 0 86
9 0:00:30 0.08 0 0 6:44 6:35 155 156 0 7
Summary 1:00:08 8.08 659 623 7:26 4:37 142 156
Another sunny day in Chicago! What's going on? It sure puts me in a different frame of mind. Even though I choose to live one day at a time and make the most out of my days with enjoyment, it gets magnified to an even greater optimism when it's sunny. There is something happy about sunshine. This time of year, if it is sunny with no wind with temps around 25 dgrees, it actually feels warm out. Maybe it's just me.
I had one terrific run yesterday. The Boston Bound program called for a 7 mile tempo run. I decided to make it 8 on my regular 8 mile route which takes me east past Wrigley Field to Lake Shore Drive. I then head south on Lake Shore for about 3/4 of a mile and turn west on Belmont Avenue. Belmont always has interesting characters to watch as I run. Running entertainment. I run west for a while and then meander my way through Roscoe Village and before I know it I am home.
I started the tempo run with a goal to increase my pace slowly each mile and hitting approx 10K pace around mile 4. But, all of my runs are done by feel. I like to listen to my body and mind during the process. So, if all is going well and the pace feels really good I might stay there for a while. After I hit my max pace of 6:45 in mile four I backed off a little, like we are supposed to do in a tempo run. My first pull back mile was at 7:03. Then I slowed to 7:23 for mile six. I felt so good at this pace that I decided to run at this pace for mile 7 and then finish stronger in mile eight. All in all, this was my fastest 8 mile route ever. I wish I would have been paying more attention to the "total elapsed" time on the Garmin. I would have pushed it a little more to break through the one hour mark.
I could not be more pleased with this effort. Even though I did not follow traditional tempo run format I felt like listening to where my body wanted to be. I figure the only way to reach new territory with my running is to break through current resistence levels and enter new found territory. The only way to know if you can do it is to try it. It is a journey and I am enjoying it. Stats below:
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:34 1 85 39 8:34 7:05 121 133 0 82
2 0:07:51 1 82 36 7:51 6:51 133 140 0 84
3 0:07:19 1 56 75 7:19 5:34 142 147 0 85
4 0:06:45 1 138 98 6:45 5:08 150 155 0 83
5 0:07:03 1 180 164 7:03 4:37 151 155 0 87
6 0:07:23 1 59 125 7:23 5:40 149 155 0 86
7 0:07:26 1 43 62 7:26 6:42 150 152 0 90
8 0:07:13 1 13 20 7:13 6:34 149 155 0 86
9 0:00:30 0.08 0 0 6:44 6:35 155 156 0 7
Summary 1:00:08 8.08 659 623 7:26 4:37 142 156
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Early Spring???
Good morning.
Another bright sunny day for Chicago. The sun is fighting to stay which is a welcome change. No wind chill to speak of. Even though it's only 19 degrees the sun feels so warm. It will be a good day to run outside. Most of the sidewalks are clear of the 12+ inches of snow we received Tuesday. So, hopefully footing will not be a problem. Thank you neighbors.
It's interesting. When I open the front door this time of year you can hear the chorus of birds chirping. It's a different sound, a happy tune, a different bird. The closer we get to spring the more of this conversation I will hear. More and more of these happy campers will gather, chatting, catching up as they await springs welcome warmth. Squirrels are becomming more active as they awake each day. Maybe Mother Nature knows something we don't. An early spring?
Yesterday's Boston Bound program called for 4 miles of running. I decided not to run. Instead, I did 5 miles on the elliptical in about 41 minutes. The elliptical is such an excellent, non-impact, smooth, quad burning workout. I have always enjoyed and respected the elliptical for it's toughness. I did this to change it up a bit and to create more muscle confusion. Also, wanted to be running fresh today for my 8 mile tempo run.
Later in the day I weight trained both upper and lower body. Lower body work was dedicated to walking lunges and leg extensions. After this I jumped on the bike on the cycleops trainer and trained for an easy 5 miles in 20 minutes. So, all in all a little different day.
Today: Eight mile tempo run.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Another bright sunny day for Chicago. The sun is fighting to stay which is a welcome change. No wind chill to speak of. Even though it's only 19 degrees the sun feels so warm. It will be a good day to run outside. Most of the sidewalks are clear of the 12+ inches of snow we received Tuesday. So, hopefully footing will not be a problem. Thank you neighbors.
It's interesting. When I open the front door this time of year you can hear the chorus of birds chirping. It's a different sound, a happy tune, a different bird. The closer we get to spring the more of this conversation I will hear. More and more of these happy campers will gather, chatting, catching up as they await springs welcome warmth. Squirrels are becomming more active as they awake each day. Maybe Mother Nature knows something we don't. An early spring?
Yesterday's Boston Bound program called for 4 miles of running. I decided not to run. Instead, I did 5 miles on the elliptical in about 41 minutes. The elliptical is such an excellent, non-impact, smooth, quad burning workout. I have always enjoyed and respected the elliptical for it's toughness. I did this to change it up a bit and to create more muscle confusion. Also, wanted to be running fresh today for my 8 mile tempo run.
Later in the day I weight trained both upper and lower body. Lower body work was dedicated to walking lunges and leg extensions. After this I jumped on the bike on the cycleops trainer and trained for an easy 5 miles in 20 minutes. So, all in all a little different day.
Today: Eight mile tempo run.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow Globe, Part Two
I am sitting in my favorite worn brown leather chair enjoying coffee and the bright sunshine. As I peer out the east facing sliding glass doors the landscape has been turned into a desert of smooth deep snow. The homes in the houserizon look like puffy white marshmellows with all the snow accumulated on and around them. Shoveling was part of my workout routine as the snow globe kept getting shaken again and again. For now the storm has past and moved on leaving 12 to 15 inches of fluff.
Chico is healing nicely and is really getting used to hobbling around on three legs. He has not yelped in a couple days from pain and can stand on all fours. My concern now is curtailing his running and jumping for the next 6 to 10 weeks. I went to Petsmart yesterday to see if there was something I could use that Chico might like. I ended up buying a big mettle cage/crate. My other dog, Barclay, has his own crate and enjoys spending time in it. His door is always open and he can come and go as he pleases. I thought Chico might like a place of his own.
After I set up his new abode I put in his pads and blankets, a couple toys and his food bowl. He went right in and I could tell he liked it. He started eating in it and laid down. I was relieved at the ease in which he accepted and wanted the new home. I will only put him in there and shut the door when I leave for a while. He will enjoy it. I don't want him getting overly confident and trying to jump on the couch or run to the front door if someone knocks or rings the door bell.
Yesterday my workouts consisted of swimming and running. Another brick. The swim was only 1100 yards. I was bored after that and decided to leave and go to Petsmart. Maybe my mind was more on Chico than swimming. Who knows. Then I went home and ran 6 miles of inclines and declines. I really have not done hill repeats which is what Hal's plan called for. I would rather run at inclines like you would encounter in a race at normal running speeds. I also am doing more declines than Hal's program calls for. It seems like the declines are the killers in Boston so I want to condition my legs to handle them and possibly capitalize off of them.
The inclines got up to +6 on the treadmill and declines -4. Speeds on the inclines were 6-7 miles an hour and declines 8.5 miles an hour.
Feel free to comment on my methods above if you think I am missing something with the hill training.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Chico is healing nicely and is really getting used to hobbling around on three legs. He has not yelped in a couple days from pain and can stand on all fours. My concern now is curtailing his running and jumping for the next 6 to 10 weeks. I went to Petsmart yesterday to see if there was something I could use that Chico might like. I ended up buying a big mettle cage/crate. My other dog, Barclay, has his own crate and enjoys spending time in it. His door is always open and he can come and go as he pleases. I thought Chico might like a place of his own.
After I set up his new abode I put in his pads and blankets, a couple toys and his food bowl. He went right in and I could tell he liked it. He started eating in it and laid down. I was relieved at the ease in which he accepted and wanted the new home. I will only put him in there and shut the door when I leave for a while. He will enjoy it. I don't want him getting overly confident and trying to jump on the couch or run to the front door if someone knocks or rings the door bell.
Yesterday my workouts consisted of swimming and running. Another brick. The swim was only 1100 yards. I was bored after that and decided to leave and go to Petsmart. Maybe my mind was more on Chico than swimming. Who knows. Then I went home and ran 6 miles of inclines and declines. I really have not done hill repeats which is what Hal's plan called for. I would rather run at inclines like you would encounter in a race at normal running speeds. I also am doing more declines than Hal's program calls for. It seems like the declines are the killers in Boston so I want to condition my legs to handle them and possibly capitalize off of them.
The inclines got up to +6 on the treadmill and declines -4. Speeds on the inclines were 6-7 miles an hour and declines 8.5 miles an hour.
Feel free to comment on my methods above if you think I am missing something with the hill training.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sun and Diamonds
Good morning.
An amazing thing happened yesterday. The sun was out all day. I honestly cannot remember the last time that happened this winter. It felt really good to run with the sun in my face and at my back as I meandered my way along the lakefront path.
The ice formations on Lake Michigan are spectacular. Part of the sculpture are big piles if ice that look like frozen waves. Nature is fascinating with all the formations that occur all on their own. Parts of the scene were huge bodies of ice clusters that looked like a sea of broken diamonds glistening in the sun.
There were lots of good runners on the path. Training groups, two's, three's and groups. You can just tell. They move with a purpose. They have a goal. Their strides today, not so fast but effortless. Their pace a little slower, on purpose, a "long slow distance run?" Are they getting ready for Boston? What about him, how about her? They look so good. What can I learn from their form? What do they think of me? I am excited to be in their company. I'm in Boston too!
My 16+ miler went well. It was warm for a change, sunny. I was a good boy and kept my pace 45-90 seconds slower than marathon pace. My Boston pace is not set in stone, but around 7:45-7:55. There were some aches along the way but so what. Have to get used to pushing through those obstructions. One quote stayed with me, "pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever." I like that quote because it is so true. My heart rate during the run stayed very low which is good. The stats:
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:21 1 69 164 9:21 7:20 116 139 0 70
2 0:08:59 1 69 43 8:59 6:46 118 122 0 80
3 0:08:52 1 128 72 8:52 6:16 120 139 0 68
4 0:08:44 1 98 141 8:44 6:09 120 130 0 70
5 0:08:50 1 7 52 8:50 7:40 123 126 0 77
6 0:08:50 1 16 23 8:50 7:35 121 136 0 67
7 0:08:56 1 7 13 8:56 8:05 120 139 0 60
8 0:08:53 1 16 16 8:53 8:19 121 124 0 71
9 0:08:42 1 66 36 8:42 7:33 123 128 0 71
10 0:08:51 1 13 13 8:51 8:12 123 126 0 71
11 0:08:45 1 43 39 8:45 8:03 125 128 0 72
12 0:08:43 1 52 36 8:43 7:54 123 128 0 64
13 0:08:44 1 115 59 8:44 7:01 125 131 0 68
14 0:08:46 1 82 121 8:46 6:19 126 130 0 68
15 0:08:42 1 49 85 8:42 7:34 123 130 0 53
16 0:08:39 1 10 36 8:39 7:55 129 134 0 72
17 0:03:09 0.37 7 10 8:27 7:16 132 134 0 27
Summary 2:24:32 16.37 846 958 8:49 6:09 122 139 0 1,129
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
An amazing thing happened yesterday. The sun was out all day. I honestly cannot remember the last time that happened this winter. It felt really good to run with the sun in my face and at my back as I meandered my way along the lakefront path.
The ice formations on Lake Michigan are spectacular. Part of the sculpture are big piles if ice that look like frozen waves. Nature is fascinating with all the formations that occur all on their own. Parts of the scene were huge bodies of ice clusters that looked like a sea of broken diamonds glistening in the sun.
There were lots of good runners on the path. Training groups, two's, three's and groups. You can just tell. They move with a purpose. They have a goal. Their strides today, not so fast but effortless. Their pace a little slower, on purpose, a "long slow distance run?" Are they getting ready for Boston? What about him, how about her? They look so good. What can I learn from their form? What do they think of me? I am excited to be in their company. I'm in Boston too!
My 16+ miler went well. It was warm for a change, sunny. I was a good boy and kept my pace 45-90 seconds slower than marathon pace. My Boston pace is not set in stone, but around 7:45-7:55. There were some aches along the way but so what. Have to get used to pushing through those obstructions. One quote stayed with me, "pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever." I like that quote because it is so true. My heart rate during the run stayed very low which is good. The stats:
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:21 1 69 164 9:21 7:20 116 139 0 70
2 0:08:59 1 69 43 8:59 6:46 118 122 0 80
3 0:08:52 1 128 72 8:52 6:16 120 139 0 68
4 0:08:44 1 98 141 8:44 6:09 120 130 0 70
5 0:08:50 1 7 52 8:50 7:40 123 126 0 77
6 0:08:50 1 16 23 8:50 7:35 121 136 0 67
7 0:08:56 1 7 13 8:56 8:05 120 139 0 60
8 0:08:53 1 16 16 8:53 8:19 121 124 0 71
9 0:08:42 1 66 36 8:42 7:33 123 128 0 71
10 0:08:51 1 13 13 8:51 8:12 123 126 0 71
11 0:08:45 1 43 39 8:45 8:03 125 128 0 72
12 0:08:43 1 52 36 8:43 7:54 123 128 0 64
13 0:08:44 1 115 59 8:44 7:01 125 131 0 68
14 0:08:46 1 82 121 8:46 6:19 126 130 0 68
15 0:08:42 1 49 85 8:42 7:34 123 130 0 53
16 0:08:39 1 10 36 8:39 7:55 129 134 0 72
17 0:03:09 0.37 7 10 8:27 7:16 132 134 0 27
Summary 2:24:32 16.37 846 958 8:49 6:09 122 139 0 1,129
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Keeping Pace
Good morning.
Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping into the futurrrre. The days are flying by. Before you know it March will be here and tulips will awake and poke their little heads through the thawing dirt. Bushes will start to bud. I've already noticed some buds on trees and bushes are getting bigger. Ready to welcome spring.
Yesterday's 11 mile run along frosty Lake Michigan was interesting. I was not sure what I wanted the objective of this run to be. Per Hal's Boston Bound program it was supposed to be a marathon pace run. I did one of those earlier in the week. So, I made up my mind to play it by ear as I ran.
Once I got going I decided to do a marathon pace run to solidify that pace in my body and mind. But, I also decided to do one fast mile in the middle of my run and one near the end. That extra fast mile would be on the lakefront path. So, I cruised along at MP until I hit mile 4 on the lakefront path and that is when I decided to run hard for one mile.
I took off. I monitored the Garmin. I love this Garmin and I will honor it with accolades as a key training partner. I ran fast but the footing was very iffy. The pathway was not ice free. Surprising because Chicago usually takes such good care of it. I also had some slight inclines to deal with as I steamed southbound. At times I had to slow down and run over broken icebergs. It was a tough mile. The pace for that fifth mile ended up being 6:37. I feel, with a flat track and no ice I could have done this in 6:20 or less. I was trying to get an idea of my max heart rate during this experiment. The results were not what I expected. Even though I felt spent my average HR was 148 and max 155 bpm. So, this experiment failed in regards to max heart rate data. On another positive note it means I have a lot of room to grow speed wise.
Other than that I kept my marathon pace the rest of the way. It was tough because of all of the ice on walkways. many strides were like peeling out, slippery. A good workout. Garmin data below.
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:54 1 20 72 8:54 7:08 152 172 0 16
2 0:07:54 1 23 26 7:55 6:10 134 139 0 89
3 0:07:50 1 56 30 7:50 6:09 133 142 0 78
4 0:07:46 1 10 56 7:46 4:09 136 145 0 86
5 0:06:37 1 16 20 6:37 5:48 148 155 0 78
6 0:07:55 1 16 16 7:55 6:47 135 154 0 81
7 0:07:56 1 98 69 7:56 6:17 139 146 0 75
8 0:07:55 1 108 89 7:55 6:20 139 145 0 84
9 0:07:53 1 39 52 7:53 7:00 135 142 0 70
10 0:07:31 1 26 26 7:31 6:34 142 148 0 78
11 0:07:52 1 33 36 7:52 6:45 143 148 0 86
12 0:00:03 0.01 -- 0 9:42 9:11 141 141 0 1
Summary 1:26:12 11.01 446 495 7:50 4:09 139 172 0 822
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping into the futurrrre. The days are flying by. Before you know it March will be here and tulips will awake and poke their little heads through the thawing dirt. Bushes will start to bud. I've already noticed some buds on trees and bushes are getting bigger. Ready to welcome spring.
Yesterday's 11 mile run along frosty Lake Michigan was interesting. I was not sure what I wanted the objective of this run to be. Per Hal's Boston Bound program it was supposed to be a marathon pace run. I did one of those earlier in the week. So, I made up my mind to play it by ear as I ran.
Once I got going I decided to do a marathon pace run to solidify that pace in my body and mind. But, I also decided to do one fast mile in the middle of my run and one near the end. That extra fast mile would be on the lakefront path. So, I cruised along at MP until I hit mile 4 on the lakefront path and that is when I decided to run hard for one mile.
I took off. I monitored the Garmin. I love this Garmin and I will honor it with accolades as a key training partner. I ran fast but the footing was very iffy. The pathway was not ice free. Surprising because Chicago usually takes such good care of it. I also had some slight inclines to deal with as I steamed southbound. At times I had to slow down and run over broken icebergs. It was a tough mile. The pace for that fifth mile ended up being 6:37. I feel, with a flat track and no ice I could have done this in 6:20 or less. I was trying to get an idea of my max heart rate during this experiment. The results were not what I expected. Even though I felt spent my average HR was 148 and max 155 bpm. So, this experiment failed in regards to max heart rate data. On another positive note it means I have a lot of room to grow speed wise.
Other than that I kept my marathon pace the rest of the way. It was tough because of all of the ice on walkways. many strides were like peeling out, slippery. A good workout. Garmin data below.
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:54 1 20 72 8:54 7:08 152 172 0 16
2 0:07:54 1 23 26 7:55 6:10 134 139 0 89
3 0:07:50 1 56 30 7:50 6:09 133 142 0 78
4 0:07:46 1 10 56 7:46 4:09 136 145 0 86
5 0:06:37 1 16 20 6:37 5:48 148 155 0 78
6 0:07:55 1 16 16 7:55 6:47 135 154 0 81
7 0:07:56 1 98 69 7:56 6:17 139 146 0 75
8 0:07:55 1 108 89 7:55 6:20 139 145 0 84
9 0:07:53 1 39 52 7:53 7:00 135 142 0 70
10 0:07:31 1 26 26 7:31 6:34 142 148 0 78
11 0:07:52 1 33 36 7:52 6:45 143 148 0 86
12 0:00:03 0.01 -- 0 9:42 9:11 141 141 0 1
Summary 1:26:12 11.01 446 495 7:50 4:09 139 172 0 822
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Chico, Boston Training & Pursuit of Happiness
Good blustery morning from Chicago.
It is interesting and satisfying to watch Chico heal. He is still very apprehensive with walking on three legs but he can now get up from laying down all on his own. When I saw that, it made me happy. Small steps are good. It sort of made me think that he is a survivor and not a quitter.
Yesterday was Friday and Fridays are Tridays. So, I put together a brick and swam 2000 yards and biked 10 miles. Also, weight trained in between those work outs.
Today calls for a 7 mile MP run which I may increase to 10 miles. I may change the purpose of this run altogether once I get going. I just did a 7 mile MP run Thursday. Perhaps, once I get to the lakefront path I will do a two mile repeat before resumming the run through Lincoln Park or do some intervals or some fartleking. Maybe I will run MP until the lakefront path, do 2 mile repeat fast and then resume MP run home. I'll let you all know soon. I am also looking forward to seeing how I feel after using my new orthotics again. See ya. -----
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."*
It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
It is interesting and satisfying to watch Chico heal. He is still very apprehensive with walking on three legs but he can now get up from laying down all on his own. When I saw that, it made me happy. Small steps are good. It sort of made me think that he is a survivor and not a quitter.
Yesterday was Friday and Fridays are Tridays. So, I put together a brick and swam 2000 yards and biked 10 miles. Also, weight trained in between those work outs.
Today calls for a 7 mile MP run which I may increase to 10 miles. I may change the purpose of this run altogether once I get going. I just did a 7 mile MP run Thursday. Perhaps, once I get to the lakefront path I will do a two mile repeat before resumming the run through Lincoln Park or do some intervals or some fartleking. Maybe I will run MP until the lakefront path, do 2 mile repeat fast and then resume MP run home. I'll let you all know soon. I am also looking forward to seeing how I feel after using my new orthotics again. See ya. -----
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."*
It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Running Nurse
Good morning.
I get to bring my youngest home today. Chico:
He will be coming home with a few permanent pins in his back right knee. But, he will be fine. The vet said not as much damage as feared. I will play nurse for 6 to 12 weeks.
Yesterday I went for an excellent 8 miler. I am still working on various paces. During the first several miles I kept thinking that this pace is very sustainable. Perhaps 8:00 - 7:50 pace is my new aerobic pace?? Perhaps MP is around 7:40 - 7:50. Perhaps LT pace is around 7:00 now. Only time will tell. I will say that the last mile was tough. I got that nauseous feeling when I stopped. That refreshing hard run feeling with endorphins rushing through my body. Love it.
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:44 1 13 417 8:44 6:59 130 167 0 76
2 0:07:48 1 66 20 7:48 5:22 141 163 0 89
3 0:07:36 1 30 39 7:36 5:14 144 149 0 90
4 0:07:46 1 43 52 7:46 5:53 143 148 0 92
5 0:07:41 1 203 299 7:41 6:04 144 151 0 90
6 0:07:39 1 210 72 7:39 6:24 150 156 0 93
7 0:07:28 1 85 102 7:28 5:42 154 157 0 92
8 0:07:18 1 7 66 7:18 6:52 154 161 0 87
9 0:00:37 0.08 -- 13 8:04 6:52 159 161 0 8
Summary 1:02:41 8.08 653 1,079 7:45 5:14 144 167 0 717
Later in the day I did a 4 mile easy run that took 35 minutes.
Onward and upward!!
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
I get to bring my youngest home today. Chico:
He will be coming home with a few permanent pins in his back right knee. But, he will be fine. The vet said not as much damage as feared. I will play nurse for 6 to 12 weeks.
Yesterday I went for an excellent 8 miler. I am still working on various paces. During the first several miles I kept thinking that this pace is very sustainable. Perhaps 8:00 - 7:50 pace is my new aerobic pace?? Perhaps MP is around 7:40 - 7:50. Perhaps LT pace is around 7:00 now. Only time will tell. I will say that the last mile was tough. I got that nauseous feeling when I stopped. That refreshing hard run feeling with endorphins rushing through my body. Love it.
Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:08:44 1 13 417 8:44 6:59 130 167 0 76
2 0:07:48 1 66 20 7:48 5:22 141 163 0 89
3 0:07:36 1 30 39 7:36 5:14 144 149 0 90
4 0:07:46 1 43 52 7:46 5:53 143 148 0 92
5 0:07:41 1 203 299 7:41 6:04 144 151 0 90
6 0:07:39 1 210 72 7:39 6:24 150 156 0 93
7 0:07:28 1 85 102 7:28 5:42 154 157 0 92
8 0:07:18 1 7 66 7:18 6:52 154 161 0 87
9 0:00:37 0.08 -- 13 8:04 6:52 159 161 0 8
Summary 1:02:41 8.08 653 1,079 7:45 5:14 144 167 0 717
Later in the day I did a 4 mile easy run that took 35 minutes.
Onward and upward!!
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Nurse Randy Reporting for Duty
Good morning.
My youngest who is 4 and weighs 7 pounds will have surgery today. He tore his ACL and this needs to be repaired. He wants to play so badly with his tennis ball. But, I can't do it. I think he knows he is injured. One minute he can be walking around and all is ok. Then all of a sudden I would hear a yelp and he would be standing there holding up his back right leg. I would pick him up and stretch his leg until the joint popped back in place. It is amazing how much that little leg moved.
Chico will be fine and I look forward to helping him recover. He is my smallest bestest friend.
Thank God, the political TV ads are over for a while. I think politicians and others who are in positions of authority and trust should pay triple penalties if found guilty of crimes, fraud, etc. Maybe that would bring back honesty and integrity. I do not trust or respect any politician. You must earn trust and respect. That comes with time. We have all seen our political system at work. It's not pretty. Actions speak louder than words.
Yesterday's workout was weights and biking. When I weight train I always mix upper body exercises with lower body. I want my blood rushing up and down my body. This helps to flush your system and also burns more calories. It goes like this, chest to lunge to lat pull down to leg extension to bent over rows. Three sets. Then I did some other weights.
After the weights I got on the bike and trained for 10 miles.
Today is a running day. I may do 8 this morning and 4 later. Playing this by ear. I would also like to fit in some swimming in between. Sounds like a busy day.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
My youngest who is 4 and weighs 7 pounds will have surgery today. He tore his ACL and this needs to be repaired. He wants to play so badly with his tennis ball. But, I can't do it. I think he knows he is injured. One minute he can be walking around and all is ok. Then all of a sudden I would hear a yelp and he would be standing there holding up his back right leg. I would pick him up and stretch his leg until the joint popped back in place. It is amazing how much that little leg moved.
Chico will be fine and I look forward to helping him recover. He is my smallest bestest friend.
Thank God, the political TV ads are over for a while. I think politicians and others who are in positions of authority and trust should pay triple penalties if found guilty of crimes, fraud, etc. Maybe that would bring back honesty and integrity. I do not trust or respect any politician. You must earn trust and respect. That comes with time. We have all seen our political system at work. It's not pretty. Actions speak louder than words.
Yesterday's workout was weights and biking. When I weight train I always mix upper body exercises with lower body. I want my blood rushing up and down my body. This helps to flush your system and also burns more calories. It goes like this, chest to lunge to lat pull down to leg extension to bent over rows. Three sets. Then I did some other weights.
After the weights I got on the bike and trained for 10 miles.
Today is a running day. I may do 8 this morning and 4 later. Playing this by ear. I would also like to fit in some swimming in between. Sounds like a busy day.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Price of Friendship
Good morning. Today is election day and also the last day of wasteful, childish TV political ads. What a bunch of phonies.
Had to take Chico our Chihuahua to the Vet today to have his back right knee looked at. I'm thinking torn ACL or something similar. I'm betting he will need, expensive, surgery. What is the value of the friendship of a best friend.
As I was driving to the Vet early this morning for Chico's dropoff appointment I was thinking of the value I/we place on our pets lives. The surgery could cost $1800-$2,000. That seems like a lot and it truely is. But, this is for one of your best friends who loves you unconditionally. A friend that lights up your life. A friend that every morning curls up on my lap as I write my blog. Right now I miss him. My lap is empty.
As we drove I would look over at him in the passenger seat and he would just be looking at me with this peaceful expression on his face. A look of contentment. He was just happy to be with me no matter where we were going.
I came to the conclusion that there really is no price to high to protect a loved one. Chico was granted a life and I want him to live it and enjoy it with us for his 14-15 years. He has 10 more years, hopefully, of a great life. That means I have 10 more years of loving companionship. That means a warm lap.
Yesterday was a 5 miler on the treadmill. I worked on running inclines and declines. I also swam 2000 yards before running. After my 500 yard warm up I worked on drills again. Mainly, bi-lateral breathing and kicking. I do kick when I swim but I want to be much better at it. It is more complicated than you think. It's like rubbing your stomach in circles with your right hand and at the same time patting your head with your left hand. Try that. But, swimming is progressing nicely. No complaints.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Had to take Chico our Chihuahua to the Vet today to have his back right knee looked at. I'm thinking torn ACL or something similar. I'm betting he will need, expensive, surgery. What is the value of the friendship of a best friend.
As I was driving to the Vet early this morning for Chico's dropoff appointment I was thinking of the value I/we place on our pets lives. The surgery could cost $1800-$2,000. That seems like a lot and it truely is. But, this is for one of your best friends who loves you unconditionally. A friend that lights up your life. A friend that every morning curls up on my lap as I write my blog. Right now I miss him. My lap is empty.
As we drove I would look over at him in the passenger seat and he would just be looking at me with this peaceful expression on his face. A look of contentment. He was just happy to be with me no matter where we were going.
I came to the conclusion that there really is no price to high to protect a loved one. Chico was granted a life and I want him to live it and enjoy it with us for his 14-15 years. He has 10 more years, hopefully, of a great life. That means I have 10 more years of loving companionship. That means a warm lap.
Yesterday was a 5 miler on the treadmill. I worked on running inclines and declines. I also swam 2000 yards before running. After my 500 yard warm up I worked on drills again. Mainly, bi-lateral breathing and kicking. I do kick when I swim but I want to be much better at it. It is more complicated than you think. It's like rubbing your stomach in circles with your right hand and at the same time patting your head with your left hand. Try that. But, swimming is progressing nicely. No complaints.
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Monday, February 1, 2010
Good afternoon. Welcome to February.
Well I signed up for the Chicago Marathon this morning. Doing so made me think back several years because one of the registration questions was, "how many Chicago Marathons have you run?" I answered 4 and then thought back to my first one. I remembered thinking about, should I register or not? I had already lost about 25 pounds of the 60 that I would eventually lose. I remember thinking, " you have been watching the Chicago Marathon for years on TV. You have seen a variety of runners complete the race. Why not you?"
I'm not sure why I was hesitant. Was I afraid of the commitment? What was it? I asked my wife if she wanted to run also. After much hemming and hawwing we bit the bullet and signed up.
What a great decision that ended up being. What a life changing event it turned out to be. I started training with my wife and we were content with 10 minute miles. This was our marathon pace. We never missed a run. I was already a runner. Running 3-4 miles was my routine. But, training for the marathon with all of the various training mileage gave me a whole new outlook. "I can run, 6, 8, 10, 15, even 20 miles." Wow!! Why didn't I do this sooner? I lost 35 more pounds in the process.
Since my first training cycle I can say I have improved tremendously. My life has changed immensely from training and running marathons. I have more confidence in anything I do. It all started with, 1.) The thought, 2.) The choice, 3.) The "act" of registration. Once I registered I felt committed.
Now, I so look forward to more racing events. I look forward to those events because I love training for them. Training is the life changer. The actual event is the culmination of all your efforts realized on one day. It's so cool!!! What a journey. Now triathlons are on my horizon.
Sign up. Change your life.
Yesterday was a 10.7 mile recovery run with my wife. We averaged 9 minute miles and my average heart rate was around 120 bpm. Pretty low.
Week In Review
Exercise Distance Time Calories
Swimming 5720 yds/3.25 Mi 2:55 1773
Biking 45 miles 2:51 2175
Running 40.65 Mi 5:00 4858
TOTALS 88.90 10:46 8806
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
Well I signed up for the Chicago Marathon this morning. Doing so made me think back several years because one of the registration questions was, "how many Chicago Marathons have you run?" I answered 4 and then thought back to my first one. I remembered thinking about, should I register or not? I had already lost about 25 pounds of the 60 that I would eventually lose. I remember thinking, " you have been watching the Chicago Marathon for years on TV. You have seen a variety of runners complete the race. Why not you?"
I'm not sure why I was hesitant. Was I afraid of the commitment? What was it? I asked my wife if she wanted to run also. After much hemming and hawwing we bit the bullet and signed up.
What a great decision that ended up being. What a life changing event it turned out to be. I started training with my wife and we were content with 10 minute miles. This was our marathon pace. We never missed a run. I was already a runner. Running 3-4 miles was my routine. But, training for the marathon with all of the various training mileage gave me a whole new outlook. "I can run, 6, 8, 10, 15, even 20 miles." Wow!! Why didn't I do this sooner? I lost 35 more pounds in the process.
Since my first training cycle I can say I have improved tremendously. My life has changed immensely from training and running marathons. I have more confidence in anything I do. It all started with, 1.) The thought, 2.) The choice, 3.) The "act" of registration. Once I registered I felt committed.
Now, I so look forward to more racing events. I look forward to those events because I love training for them. Training is the life changer. The actual event is the culmination of all your efforts realized on one day. It's so cool!!! What a journey. Now triathlons are on my horizon.
Sign up. Change your life.
Yesterday was a 10.7 mile recovery run with my wife. We averaged 9 minute miles and my average heart rate was around 120 bpm. Pretty low.
Week In Review
Exercise Distance Time Calories
Swimming 5720 yds/3.25 Mi 2:55 1773
Biking 45 miles 2:51 2175
Running 40.65 Mi 5:00 4858
TOTALS 88.90 10:46 8806
" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."
* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
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