Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mixing It Up

Good morning.

Strong wind and rain storms rolling through Chicago today. Who doesn't love a good storm?

I am not really training for anything at this time. But, maintaining fitness is priority number one. I'll just mix things up a bit more with no set schedule.

If I want to run a fast 6, I will. If I want to run an easy 15, I will. Lifting weights? Sure. Bits of P90X? Sure. What about swimming and biking? Working on those also. Elliptical? Yep.

The off season for me means less, "training," and more maintainence. Also, perhaps more recovery time.

I did have an enjoyable and easy 9 mile run on Sunday. The pace was comfortable but it may be a tad fast for when I run with my wife in the Hot Chocolate 15K in November. Also, I was very pleased with the heart rate data.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:34 0:09:27 1 0 6 9:34 9:27 8:17 109 122 0 53
2 0:08:41 0:08:32 1 13 0 8:41 8:32 6:15 116 124 0 53
3 0:08:42 0:08:29 1 0 0 8:42 8:29 6:45 118 128 0 51
4 0:08:30 0:08:19 1 149 169 8:30 8:19 4:06 119 129 0 49
5 0:08:37 0:08:36 1 12 0 8:37 8:36 3:55 125 142 0 53
6 0:08:41 0:08:38 1 9 0 8:41 8:38 5:26 123 132 0 51
7 0:08:41 0:08:33 1 0 2 8:41 8:33 6:36 125 135 0 50
8 0:08:45 0:08:34 1 0 4 8:45 8:34 7:08 124 132 0 46
9 0:08:39 0:08:39 1 0 5 8:39 8:39 7:51 126 134 0 47
10 0:00:24 0:00:23 0.05 0 0 8:13 7:52 7:44 124 124 0 2
Summary 1:19:18 1:18:10 9.05 182 186 8:45 8:38 3:55 120 142 0 455

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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