Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis The Season...

Good afternoon.

Hi, my name is Randy and I'm an exerciseaholic. It's been approximately 250 miles since my last blog.

I've been reading but not posting or blogging much. Not sure why. Maybe I was in blog recovery mode.

Now, my fingers are fresh and able to move fluidly.

Training has been going well. I have not been swimming much at all. But, I've really focused on biking and some running.

The biking class I'm taking at Vision Quest has been amazing. It is tough and has taught me what a hard bike workout really is. My current 8 week class session ends this Sunday. I've already signed up for the next 8 week course which begins the first week in January.

My running is going fine. I've just been running enough miles to maintain my endurance base. Weekly mileage has been between 20-30 miles.

Between running, biking and ellipting, my average weekly miles usually adds up to approx 120 miles. Not bad.

I do add in various P90X workouts to supplement all these other workouts. I've really come to enjoy P90X with it's variety and muscle confusion. The two P90X workouts that still are a biatch is, ab ripper and legs & back. With the legs and back you do so many lunges that your hamstrings and glutes are always sore afterward. Got to love it.

It's just about time to really start thinking about Boston Marathon training. I am currently coming up with a training plan which will continue to blend triathlon training with marathon training. I feel the bike really helps keep the legs strong and also fresh.

Today's run went well.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:48 0:09:38 1 0 6 9:48 9:38 7:26 111 121 0 59
2 0:08:43 0:08:41 1 12 0 8:43 8:41 6:30 124 131 0 62
3 0:08:28 0:08:21 1 0 0 8:28 8:21 6:18 126 135 0 54
4 0:08:23 0:08:19 1 0 13 8:24 8:19 6:11 131 140 0 58
5 0:08:20 0:08:18 1 15 0 8:20 8:18 6:14 131 137 0 60
6 0:08:01 0:08:01 1 0 2 8:01 8:01 6:35 139 143 0 64
7 0:07:47 0:07:46 1 0 4 7:47 7:46 6:46 142 148 0 64
8 0:07:06 0:07:02 1 8 10 7:06 7:02 6:30 153 157 0 65
9 0:00:15 0:00:13 0.03 0 0 7:32 6:26 6:44 156 156 0 3
Summary 1:06:54 1:06:19 8.03 35 35 8:19 8:15 6:11 131 157 0 489

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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