Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snow Globe

Good morning.

Well, here we are again, living in the "snow Globe." The lake effect snow started late last night and continues to bless us with it's fine particulate matter. My outside deck table looks like it has a giant white muffin top on it. Or, it could be a big white cake.

Running outside yesterday was challenging because of the snow that fell Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was one of those runs where you feel like you are occassionally peeling out with your feet. Thank God traffic was light and I was able to run on the clear blacktop most of the way. The 8 miles passed quickly as the snowy winter wonderland amused me.

One thing I have realized after talking with other runners and also reading blogs is that: If you don't love doing this, "running," "training," etc. it's not worth doing. Find some other form of exercise you really enjoy. I get baffled when I see someone training and complaining. What's the point?

Myself, I love to run, swim, bike, ellip, lift weights, P90X, etc. I love to train and I do look forward to it every day. I really do. I enjoy trying to better myself through these activities.

That's why, come race day, I can be momentarily sad. The whole training process (main dish ) has come to an end for a little while and it's time for the race (dessert ).

So, the point? Enjoy your activities. Do what you like. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. The decision is yours.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:50 0:09:32 1 0 6 9:50 9:32 6:55 114 126 0 60
2 0:08:25 0:08:19 1 11 0 8:25 8:19 7:22 126 132 0 61
3 0:08:16 0:08:17 1 2 0 8:17 8:17 7:12 128 135 0 57
4 0:08:22 0:08:19 1 0 14 8:22 8:19 6:50 126 136 0 53
5 0:08:15 0:08:15 1 15 0 8:15 8:15 5:51 131 139 0 57
6 0:08:18 0:08:16 1 0 2 8:18 8:16 6:09 131 140 0 54
7 0:08:26 0:08:26 1 0 4 8:26 8:26 7:16 133 136 0 54
8 0:08:15 0:08:06 1 6 10 8:15 8:06 7:11 135 142 0 57
9 0:00:24 0:00:24 0.05 0 0 8:23 8:05 8:00 134 134 0 2
Summary 1:08:36 1:07:54 8.05 34 36 8:31 8:26 5:51 127 142 0 455

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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