Friday, December 31, 2010

The Year That Was and The One To Come

Good morning.

Well, here we are, the end of another year. It seems the older one gets the faster the years go by.

First, I feel very fortunate to have lived and enjoyed 2010. The road was not completely smooth but I don't have any complaints. How can I complain when I have my health. Without that, not much else matters.

This past year was my maiden voyage into triathlon. I started swimming, biking and running just about a year ago. I can still remember those initial swim workouts. Boy have things changed.

I've come to LOVE the sport of triathlon and all the training that comes with it. To borrow a qoute from 70.3 World Champion Michael Raelert:

"Triathlon gives me a direction in this crazy world. It helps me create my personal goals and dreams and stay focused on things I really care about. I have learned to handle defeats and get out of personal holes. And it is so cool to see people who also get inspired like I did."

That statement above says a lot and is so true.

This year I was fortunate to participate in the Boston Marathon for the first time. That was fun. It also was a PR (3:32:00) and also qualified me again for 2011. I'm looking forward to returning to run on April 18, 2011.

Some other athletic accomplishments for 2010 were completing 4 triathlons. Two were the Intl Distance (Bigfoot and Chicago Tri) and two were 1/2 Ironman distance, 70.3's, (Steelhead and Branson).

After those it was time to run the Chicago Marathon which was another PR (3:29:29).

There was also the 13.1 half marathon in the spring which was my best in that distance with (1:36:59).

So, it was a year with lots of PR's.

It was an interesting year (learning experience) in blending triathlon training with marathon training. Looks like it worked. I had to cut down on the run mileage in order to fit in quality bike and swim efforts.

I also got to really enjoy open water swimming in Lake Michigan. It was always a treat to wake up on a Saturday morning and take that drive south on Lake Shore Drive to the triathlete swim area. Once there, the walk along the lake to the beach was surreal. There would be other swimmers and if it was a quiet morning all you would hear would be the "breaths." Sounded like a pod of whales.

This coming year should also be fun and interesting. Currently I am looking forward to the following:

Fn Freezing Frozen Lakefront 1/2 marathon late (January), Boston Marathon (April 18), Ironman Racine 70.3 (July), Ironman Wisconsin (Sept), New York Marathon (Nov).

I may throw in some other events, but these are the main ones so far.

There may be another 1/2 marathon. I'm not sure about the Chicago Marathon yet because that would be less than a month after my first full Ironman. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do: Ironman Wisconsin.. Chicago Marathon...New York City Marathon, in a span of 8 weeks. Probably not.

I would rather recover from the Ironman and put in a good effort in New York.

So, yes, it's been a very good year all around and I look forward to another healthy happy 2011.

My training continues to progress and go well. Wednesday was an morning 4 mile elliptical and an excellent late afternoon 8 miler.

Yesterday consisted of a swim, P90X legs and back and 20 mile bike.

So, the blend of workouts continues. For those of you that have not tried P90X I highly recommend it. The legs workout is very tough and will make your legs very strong.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:17 0:08:43 1 0 6 9:17 8:43 8:06 123 143 0 59
2 0:08:16 0:08:11 1 12 0 8:16 8:11 5:25 130 136 0 65
3 0:08:03 0:07:56 1 0 0 8:03 7:56 5:40 132 136 0 59
4 0:08:12 0:08:11 1 0 16 8:12 8:11 5:36 130 132 0 57
5 0:07:59 0:07:55 1 18 0 7:59 7:55 4:26 134 141 0 53
6 0:08:02 0:08:03 1 0 2 8:02 8:03 6:47 134 145 0 54
7 0:08:00 0:08:00 1 0 4 8:00 8:00 7:06 136 140 0 52
8 0:07:29 0:07:20 1 0 10 7:29 7:20 6:27 139 148 0 52
9 0:01:02 0:01:01 0.15 6 0 7:07 6:59 6:21 148 149 0 8
Summary 1:06:23 1:05:20 8.15 36 38 8:09 8:01 4:26 132 149 0 459


" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Watts Going On??

Good morning.

I just finished my first 8 week Taste of Vision Quest cycling class. What an experience. This class taught me what a tough bicycling workout is. Sunday was the last day and also evaluation day. The evaluation consists of a good warm up and then two 20 minute sessions where you go all out on the selected course.

You have to pace yourself "some" but you also don't want to sandbag because you want to see what you are made of. I was exhausted after 5 minutes but kept going and entering even greater and deeper levels of exhaustion. When it was over I literally layed down on my aero bars. I could not pedal anymore. My heart rate was through the roof. But, the all important "watts" reading of 263 watts was very good. A nice improvement from 8 weeks ago when the number was 241.

After a 7 minute break we did it all again. My goodness!! The watts on this second run was 236. Not bad considering I was pooped. After the second test, me and the bike were just shaking from exhaustion.

I can definitely tell how this class will help my cycling. My legs have never worked this hard. The next 8 week session starts Jan 3 and it will focus on strength. I'm signed up and ready to go.

Yesterday I decided to get in a sorta long run because I was not able to run one this past weekend. This was a day after that grueling bike class. Nevertheless I thought the legs could handle a 12 mile run at a nice easy pace. They did. No problems.

I also am training for my first race of 2011 which is at the end of January. The race is a 1/2 marathon. Let the games begin.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:22 0:08:55 1 0 6 9:22 8:55 6:39 119 136 0 53
2 0:08:50 0:08:44 1 11 0 8:50 8:44 7:10 124 131 0 61
3 0:08:47 0:08:31 1 3 7 8:47 8:31 6:58 125 134 0 54
4 0:08:52 0:08:40 1 0 3 8:52 8:40 6:31 126 144 0 50
5 0:08:48 0:08:43 1 0 8 8:48 8:43 6:19 126 134 0 52
6 0:08:49 0:08:48 1 11 14 8:49 8:48 6:57 128 133 0 54
7 0:09:05 0:08:57 1 17 0 9:05 8:57 5:53 131 139 0 55
8 0:08:56 0:08:50 1 6 4 8:56 8:50 4:59 131 136 0 49
9 0:09:01 0:08:58 1 0 2 9:01 8:58 6:32 128 132 0 44
10 0:09:19 0:09:04 1 0 0 9:19 9:04 7:20 126 137 0 39
11 0:08:51 0:08:39 1 0 10 8:51 8:39 6:32 133 143 0 51
12 0:08:56 0:08:51 1 5 0 8:56 8:51 7:48 133 140 0 48
13 0:00:03 0:00:03 0.01 0 0 10:43 9:26 9:49 133 133 0 0
Summary 1:47:45 1:45:43 12.01 53 53 8:58 8:48 4:59 127 144 0 610

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snow Globe

Good morning.

Well, here we are again, living in the "snow Globe." The lake effect snow started late last night and continues to bless us with it's fine particulate matter. My outside deck table looks like it has a giant white muffin top on it. Or, it could be a big white cake.

Running outside yesterday was challenging because of the snow that fell Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was one of those runs where you feel like you are occassionally peeling out with your feet. Thank God traffic was light and I was able to run on the clear blacktop most of the way. The 8 miles passed quickly as the snowy winter wonderland amused me.

One thing I have realized after talking with other runners and also reading blogs is that: If you don't love doing this, "running," "training," etc. it's not worth doing. Find some other form of exercise you really enjoy. I get baffled when I see someone training and complaining. What's the point?

Myself, I love to run, swim, bike, ellip, lift weights, P90X, etc. I love to train and I do look forward to it every day. I really do. I enjoy trying to better myself through these activities.

That's why, come race day, I can be momentarily sad. The whole training process (main dish ) has come to an end for a little while and it's time for the race (dessert ).

So, the point? Enjoy your activities. Do what you like. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. The decision is yours.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:50 0:09:32 1 0 6 9:50 9:32 6:55 114 126 0 60
2 0:08:25 0:08:19 1 11 0 8:25 8:19 7:22 126 132 0 61
3 0:08:16 0:08:17 1 2 0 8:17 8:17 7:12 128 135 0 57
4 0:08:22 0:08:19 1 0 14 8:22 8:19 6:50 126 136 0 53
5 0:08:15 0:08:15 1 15 0 8:15 8:15 5:51 131 139 0 57
6 0:08:18 0:08:16 1 0 2 8:18 8:16 6:09 131 140 0 54
7 0:08:26 0:08:26 1 0 4 8:26 8:26 7:16 133 136 0 54
8 0:08:15 0:08:06 1 6 10 8:15 8:06 7:11 135 142 0 57
9 0:00:24 0:00:24 0.05 0 0 8:23 8:05 8:00 134 134 0 2
Summary 1:08:36 1:07:54 8.05 34 36 8:31 8:26 5:51 127 142 0 455

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis The Season...

Good afternoon.

Hi, my name is Randy and I'm an exerciseaholic. It's been approximately 250 miles since my last blog.

I've been reading but not posting or blogging much. Not sure why. Maybe I was in blog recovery mode.

Now, my fingers are fresh and able to move fluidly.

Training has been going well. I have not been swimming much at all. But, I've really focused on biking and some running.

The biking class I'm taking at Vision Quest has been amazing. It is tough and has taught me what a hard bike workout really is. My current 8 week class session ends this Sunday. I've already signed up for the next 8 week course which begins the first week in January.

My running is going fine. I've just been running enough miles to maintain my endurance base. Weekly mileage has been between 20-30 miles.

Between running, biking and ellipting, my average weekly miles usually adds up to approx 120 miles. Not bad.

I do add in various P90X workouts to supplement all these other workouts. I've really come to enjoy P90X with it's variety and muscle confusion. The two P90X workouts that still are a biatch is, ab ripper and legs & back. With the legs and back you do so many lunges that your hamstrings and glutes are always sore afterward. Got to love it.

It's just about time to really start thinking about Boston Marathon training. I am currently coming up with a training plan which will continue to blend triathlon training with marathon training. I feel the bike really helps keep the legs strong and also fresh.

Today's run went well.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:48 0:09:38 1 0 6 9:48 9:38 7:26 111 121 0 59
2 0:08:43 0:08:41 1 12 0 8:43 8:41 6:30 124 131 0 62
3 0:08:28 0:08:21 1 0 0 8:28 8:21 6:18 126 135 0 54
4 0:08:23 0:08:19 1 0 13 8:24 8:19 6:11 131 140 0 58
5 0:08:20 0:08:18 1 15 0 8:20 8:18 6:14 131 137 0 60
6 0:08:01 0:08:01 1 0 2 8:01 8:01 6:35 139 143 0 64
7 0:07:47 0:07:46 1 0 4 7:47 7:46 6:46 142 148 0 64
8 0:07:06 0:07:02 1 8 10 7:06 7:02 6:30 153 157 0 65
9 0:00:15 0:00:13 0.03 0 0 7:32 6:26 6:44 156 156 0 3
Summary 1:06:54 1:06:19 8.03 35 35 8:19 8:15 6:11 131 157 0 489

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just Keep Moving!

Good morning.

I guess we are getting closer to official Boston Marathon training. It is hard to believe that it's already time to focus on Beantown. My approach for this race will consist of a mix of triathlon and marathon training.

I prepared for this past Boston and Chicago Marathons using this approach and had great success. I PR'ed in both races, Boston: 3:32:00 and Chicago: 3:29:29.

As I triathlon cross trained my way to marathon success it was difficult for me to trust this method. Some experienced triathlon friends encouraged me to believe that I did not need "TONS" of running miles to achieve marathon success. I did follow their advice and it worked.

I think tri-training, with it's mix of swimming, biking and running gives the various bodily muscles recovery time while you work on the different tri-dicsiplines.

So, I will do this again. I may make some adjustments to fit in slightly more mileage because I have bagged some serious triathlon fitness. Most of my miles will be running and biking with a couple swims per week.

Something else I've been doing, which I've actually never done, is focus on some ab and core work. I am using P90X Ab Ripper for this. I was surprised at how week my core was. I am slowly improving with this. Also, I am enjoying the other various P90X DVD's and mix in workouts throughout the week. The P90X legs and back is a real leg killer.

Today I already did ab ripper and will pick the chest back and arms DVD later for a great upper body workout to be followed by a bike session.

Yesterday I went for a 6 mile run outdoors. The temp was in the teens but it was not bothersome. With today's great running gear it seems like the elements are much less a factor. I was surprised at how high my heart rate was for this effort. Maybe I was over dressed.

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:53 0:09:32 1 0 4 9:53 9:32 4:25 111 127 0 63
2 0:08:15 0:08:14 1 9 0 8:15 8:14 5:12 130 138 0 63
3 0:08:17 0:08:14 1 3 0 8:17 8:14 6:18 132 138 0 61
4 0:08:23 0:08:22 1 0 4 8:23 8:22 6:25 136 141 0 65
5 0:08:20 0:08:20 1 0 4 8:20 8:20 6:32 139 146 0 65
6 0:08:21 0:08:04 1 6 8 8:21 8:04 7:06 137 144 0 60
7 0:00:26 0:00:25 0.05 0 0 8:16 7:54 7:37 143 144 0 3
Summary 0:51:59 0:51:11 6.05 18 20 8:35 8:27 4:25 130 146 0 380

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin