Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Holiday Season

Good morning.

Wooosh, the year is almost over. We have been very fortunate in Chicago with the weather. I have yet to see a single snowflake.

The past Thanksgiving week was a nice break from the norm. I decided to rest the running and swimming muscles last week and instead focused on the elliptical, bike and P90X for my workouts.

One reason for the swim break was because I added a new triathlon related tattoo to my right ankle. The tattoo is a swimmer, biker and runner. Kind of cool and timely. I think everyone should get at least one tattoo just to experience the proceedure.

I really enjoy doing P90X. I'm not following the program but instead I will pick out one of the CD's and do the workout. Last night's chest and back workout was brutal. Can you say "pushups." I did not know there were so many varieties.

Also, the P90X ab ripper is awesome. It's been a long time since I focused on abs. This is a tough workout. You will see what I mean if you ever try it.

Since beginning my Sunday, "Taste of Vision Quest," class by biking has improved markedly. It is very intense with lots of hill interval work. I love it.

So yesterday I decided to run again and went for an easy 8 miler. It felt good to get back out there.

My next race is January 29, 2011. I thought this would be good to run in because I will be training for the Boston Marathon. I am sure that 13.1 miles will be required on that weekend. The name of the race:

The "2nd Annual F*cking Freezing Frozen Lake Half Marathon" on 1/29/2011. Go to RunningGuru.com and sign up and run with me! http://www.runningguru.com/Event/669

Sounds like fun doesn't it?

Well, fitness continues and I am sure I did not gain any weight last week. My 1000 calories burned daily with exercise is intact and going well.

Lastly, I won a trip to LA for the finale of the Biggest Loser. I follow Bob Harper, one of the Biggest Loser trainers, on Twitter. He was having a contest in which all you had to do is re-tweet his contest message. I had never re-tweeted anything ever before. I said, what the heck, and with one hour left in the contest I re-tweeted and a few hours after that I got the email that I won the trip. The trip pays for travel to and from the airport, the flights and hotel stay. The fancy hotel is, SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills.

So, I'll be in the audience on Tuesday, Dec. 14 for the finale. I also look forward to meeting Bob and personally thanking him for helping me lose 60 pounds. I want to give him a before and after picture and say, "this is what you helped me accomplish."

Yesterday's run:

Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Steps Calories
1 0:09:50 0:09:15 1 0 5 9:50 9:15 8:36 153 175 0 34
2 0:09:08 0:09:02 1 10 0 9:08 9:02 7:22 128 173 0 57
3 0:08:56 0:08:52 1 2 0 8:56 8:52 7:20 124 129 0 62
4 0:09:03 0:08:51 1 0 14 9:03 8:51 5:47 123 135 0 55
5 0:08:56 0:08:40 1 15 0 8:56 8:40 5:22 127 135 0 55
6 0:09:08 0:09:07 1 0 2 9:08 9:07 6:55 127 131 0 56
7 0:08:41 0:08:41 1 0 4 8:41 8:41 6:58 132 136 0 58
8 0:08:47 0:08:47 1 5 10 8:47 8:47 8:01 133 137 0 59
9 0:00:26 0:00:26 0.05 0 0 8:51 8:45 8:24 136 137 0 3
Summary 1:13:00 1:11:41 8.05 32 35 9:04 8:54 5:22 131 175 0 439

" Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction."

* It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

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